Bill Scebbi of Colo Egg Producers' New Law Enforcing Cage-Free Only Eggs

Coloradans will soon only be allowed to buy so-called cage-free eggs. I believe, even though the law isn’t in effect yet, that egg producers preparing to comply is the cause of what appears to be a shortage of eggs in supermarkets and higher egg prices. The government is eliminating the possibility of purchasing less expensive eggs meaning that cage-free eggs are likely to increase in price as compared to what you were used to. And of course folks who might like the idea of cage-free but really can’t afford to spend an extra $1.50 every time they buy a dozen eggs will now be out of luck. I like to talk about ideas rather than political parties but the bottom line is that there is only one party that constantly increases your cost of living. And now your cost of eggs.

Here's more info from the state: Cage free eggs | Department of Agriculture (

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