Mandy's Mon Blog: Boy Did You Folks Miss a GREAT Weekend

THE STEAMBOAT INSTITUTE'S FREEDOM CONFERENCE SHOULD BE ON YOUR CALENDAR FOR NEXT YEAR Because it will make you smarter, give you access to extremely knowledgeable experts in a variety of subjects and introduce you to like minded people who love liberty. I am sharing below the panel discussions with Jared Polis and Art Laffer moderated by the absolutely fantastic Hadley Heath Manning. Watch it here, though I have some audio from the panel.

The highlight of the event for me was former Secretary State Mike Pompeo, who was simply outstanding on Afghanistan as you can imagine. I came away with the distinct feeling that he may be the dark horse candidate for the Presidency. As soon as his speech is available online, I will share it. When people ask me what they can do to fight the speedy creep of socialism and critical race theory and every other thing undermining our nation, now I'm going to tell them to donate to the Steamboat Institute because they are fighting the way I want to fight, which is with information. They are kicking off another series of debates that will tour college campuses to expose college students to the ideas of liberty and free markets while pushing back on the ideas of socialism. Donate to them. Give them your support. They aren't a think tank, they are a battle tank. Find out more and watch all the videos from the conference as they become available over the next few weeks. I'll share them all over the next couple of weeks.

HERE IS A LOVELY ARTICLE ABOUT THE PANEL ABOVE If you don't want to watch it, though you should. Read this instead.

WE'RE TALKING WITH DAVE'S FRIEND HERMENE IN NEW ORLEANS AT 1 She took a hard hit from Hurricane Ida but she's finding time to talk to us as they assess the damage in her neighborhood. Pray for all who were affected by this monster storm. Millions of people are without power and at least one is dead.

TRI COUNTY IS GOING TO FORCE EVERY KID INTO A MASK By having another meeting today at 4pm where they are going to "reconsider" the opt out option for mask wearing. Why? Because DougCo opted out and Adams is leaning that way to the bureaucrats mad with power are going to making it mandatory. Let me know when the Million Mask March is, I'm there.

I WAS ON WITH JON CALDARA LAST FRIDAY And it's super fun and I had a good time.

PARENTS OF COLLEGE GIRLS PLEASE LISTEN UP Because someone just sent me the first story of the year of a young woman allegedly being sexually assaulted at a fraternity house during a party. This story is awful and it will be repeated around the country unfortunately. I want to bring this up because of this line in this story:

The survivor told officers that she and an 18-year-old acquaintance had gone to the fraternity house, the newspaper reported.The alleged assault occurred after the acquaintance left, police told the newspaper. The university confirmed the details of the case reported by the campus newspaper but declined to otherwise comment.

I want to be clear that I am not blaming the victim here, I am using her story so you will tell your daughters who are off to college that they MUST adopt the following motto: Leave no woman behind. If they go to a party together, they leave together. If they go to a bar together, they leave together. If they go ANYWHERE at night together, they LEAVE together. It's unfortunately a necessary but extremely effective way to prevent sexual assaults at college. Please share the word.

ISRAEL IS PROVING WHAT LOGIC WOULD DICTATE: NATURAL IMMUNITY IS BETTER THAN VACCINES This observational study covers 700,000 people and it seems to show rather clearly that natural immunity is better than the vaccine.

TIK TOK'S LATEST TREND IS HURTING PEOPLE BADLY And if you kid is dumb enough to try the milk crate challenge you need to lock him or her in their room until it's over.


IF THE BIDEN ADMIN WILL LIE ABOUT THE SMALL STUFF... What makes anyone think we can believe anything they say at all? Great column on this.

CELEBRITIES WEIGH IN ON SHOWERING And apparently what Dax Shepherd does is supposed to excite or inform me when it comes to personal hygiene. Shower when you want as long as you don't stink. There, problem solved.

RIP LOU GRANT Ed Asner has died at the age of 91, and what a life that guy had. Read his obit here.

YOU BETTER SLOW DOWN IF YOU'RE DRIVING IN PARIS Because they are so tired of the crappy driving there (and it can be terrifying) that they have lowered the speed in Paris to the equivalent of 18 mph throughout the city. We'll see how long this lasts.



ABOUT THOSE BRAVE TEXAS SUPERSPREADER DEMOCRATS Who left the state so dramatically unmasked on a private plane to avoid voting on a voting bill that would have tightened up the laws for voting in Texas. They finally came whimpering back and the bill passed the House. Again, it did nothing but spread covid. NOTHING.


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