Mandy's Wed Blog: I Love a Good Challenge, But Should I?

HAVE YOU DONE A FITNESS OR NUTRITION CHALLENGE? I have and a LOVE them because I am goal oriented for stuff like this. Michelle Zellner joins me today to talk about those challenges, the good, the bad and not so good and she's got a challenge for you if you want to join. I'm in. Click here for more on that and use the promo code to get 50% off the tiny fee to participate. Find out more and join with the promo code MANDY to get the deal!

A PERSPECTIVE ON POLITICS IN ISRAEL David Rubin is a native New Yorker and former mayor of Shiloh, Israel and author of the brand-new book, Confronting Radicals: What America Can Learn from Israel. He joins me today at 12:30 to talk Israeli politics and the how and why Netanyahu may be coming to the end of his reign as Prime Minister. Buy his book by clicking here.

THE QUESTION OF THE WEEK IS ON AT 2P TODAY So get ready for some deep thinking about a deep philosophical question.

WE ARE BACK TO FULL CAPACITY IN OUR STADIUMS AND RED ROCKS! This is the BEST NEWS EVER and feels like it's really important, although totally unsurprising as the All-Star Game was always going to be full capacity. Now we can get back to some sense of normal and do fun things and see bands and concerts and baseball games and all kinds of stuff. YAY!!

NEED FURNITURE? YOU MAY BE WAITING A WHILE you've heard the stories about lumber prices going through the roof because of the building boom, but have you heard about furniture? It's been hit REALLY hard by shipping delays, with some customers waiting nine MONTHS to get their furniture delivered. This is why I represent Woodley's, who still makes a lot of their furniture in Colorado. Just saying.

A SMALL NUMBER OF CASES OF MYOCARDITIS HAVE BEEN ASSOCIATED WITH THE PFIZER VACCINE And what makes this very interesting is that they are occurring in young men between the ages of 18-24. As of right now, no direct link has been made, and covid itself can also cause myocarditis after the infection clears, at higher rates than have been seen in Israel after a vaccine shot. The numbers are very, very small and 95% of these cases clear with no serious issue.

HOW BAD IS THE DEMOCRATS TRANSPORTATION BILL? WAY WORSE THAN YOU THINK Two State Senators broke it down nicely in this column explaining how bad it is. From blatantly ignoring TABOR and Prop 117, to not fixing the roads and bridges at all, it's a disaster that needs to be stopped and I sure hope someone sues. NOW.

AMAZON IS GETTING READY TO SHARE YOUR WIFI At least according to an article in Ars Technica, which is usually pretty reliable. I am linking to a Newsweek article because it's easier to understand, but Amazon Sidewalk aims to make the web more accessible by sharing yours with your neighbor who has crappy service. Hard pass for me. I pay extra for speed and bandwidth and they can do the same. The directions on how to opt out are in this article.

THE CRAZY, XENOPHOBIC LAB LEAK THEORY IS NOW "FEASIBLE" This according to the Times of London's article quoting intelligence sources. Hmmm. Before you know it we may have real answers not controlled by the Chinese government. That will be refreshing.

ALL SORTS OF THINGS ARE BLOWING UP IN IRAN And it very well could be with help from the Israelis. First a ship patrolling the Gulf blew up or caught fire or something and now a refinery has blown up too. Coincidence? I doubt it.

THE KENTUCKY DERBY WINNER FAILED A SECOND DRUG TEST So now Medina Spirit may be stripped of his Derby win. More testing is expected to take placed as trainer Bob Baffert says the horse was given a topical treatment that contained the substance his horse tested positive for, rather than an injection. The drama continues like the 2020 election....


DANCE DAD WITH THE COPS! I love this guy and he throws down with the Franktown FD!


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