Mandy's Fri Blog: Happy Birthing Person Day and Other Nonsense!

I HOPE YOU REMEMBER TO WISH YOUR BIRTHING PERSON A GOOD DAY SUNDAY! Not very many things make me so angry at their stupidity that I decide to make it the focus of the show, but here we are. Rep. Cori Bush, in an effort to share her touching birth story as a mom, decided to use the "gender inclusive" language "birthing person" along with Mother or woman. I can't even with this. Now it's okay to erase MY identity to make a tiny percentage of the population that may want to present as a man but still have a baby comfortable. NO. I WILL NOT. Make up a new word, I completely reject having my sex and gender erased to soothe someone else's feelings. If this is addition to the language by someone who wants to be called this, fine. But I will not every use this as a part of speech unless asked to specifically by a person who wants to be called this. By the way, here story is important and I'm glad she shared it, but the story is lost now because of this birthing person garbage. Watch it here.

DAVE AND I WILL HANDLE THE MOVIE SHOW TODAY And though I didn't get to the Michael B Jordan movie, I did watch The Mitchells vs The Machines so I shall review that one. The Mitchells can be seen on Netflix while Without Remorse can be seen on Amazon Prime.

GRANT'S NEWEST PODCAST IS OUT! And he's talking to Jared Black, a guy who did his time and is not trying to make the world a better place. Jerod is an ex con turned activist advocating for positivity and acceptance in a community that welcomed him with open arms. After nearly two decades in the prison system, he decided to turn his life around for the better and help others do the same. Whether it be through his artwork, his passion of disc golf, or just a friendly conversation, Jerod is creating the positive change he wants to see in the world. Listen to it here!

TAKE THIS SUPER HARD CIVICS TEST AND SEE HOW YOU DO On the Federal and Constitution questions, I aced it. On the Colorado questions, not so much. Take the test here and hope you did better than me at 82%!!

NOW PROGRESSIVES ARE TRYING TO CANCEL FAIRY TALES Meghan Markle aside, most grownups know that Fairy Tales are NOT real. They are for children and most of them have some sort of morality tale and a prince and a princess living happily ever after. Just like my daughter knows that the flying cars in Meet the Robinsons aren't real, she knows that an apple won't send you into a coma that can't be broken without a kiss from Your True Love. It's a fairy tale. Full stop. Now two women are calling out Disney for including the most important scene in Snow White in the Snow White ride at Disneyland. They are of course journalists, who apparently have to ruin everything. Read this claptrap:

The new ride includes a more comprehensive storyline — but that's also the problem. The new grand finale of Snow White's Enchanted Wish is the moment when the Prince finds Snow White asleep under the Evil Queen's spell and gives her "true love's kiss" to release her from the enchantment. A kiss he gives to her without her consent, while she's asleep, which cannot possibly be true love if only one person knows it's happening. 
Haven't we already agreed that consent in early Disney movies is a major issue? That teaching kids that kissing, when it hasn't been established if both parties are willing to engage, is not OK? It's hard to understand why the Disneyland of 2021 would choose to add a scene with such old fashioned ideas of what a man is allowed to do to a woman, especially given the company's current emphasis on removing problematic scenes from rides like Jungle Cruise and Splash Mountain. Why not re-imagine an ending in keeping with the spirit of the movie and Snow White's place in the Disney canon, but that avoids this problem? 

They stop short of proposing a new ending themselves, but The Babylon Bee did and it's magic. From The Bee article:

Sources say the new version will show Prince Charming walking up to the bed where Snow White lies cold and dead under the evil queen's spell. He will then try to get her to wake up so she can sign a consent form. After several unsuccessful attempts, he will walk away like the true feminist hero he is. The movie ends with a time-lapse of Snow White slowly wasting away until she's nothing but dust. 

I'm sure these dames think a dead Snow White is better than a Prince kissing her to break a spell. It must be miserable to be so feminist woke that you are incapable of enjoying a ride about a fairy tale.

YOU CAN TRY TO BARRICADE AN AURORA POLICE DEPARTMENT AND GET AWAY WITH IT That's the message I got when I heard the DA dropped the charges against the people who tried to do just that. The Democrat DA says he can't prove the charges, although every bit of it was videotaped. They tried to create a perimeter around the station and lock the cops INSIDE during a protest that turned violent over the Elijah McClain death. What's funny (not haha) is that I share their frustration over what happened to Elijah McClain. I still think what happened there is horrible and should have never occurred. But any sympathy I might have had for the folks out protesting evaporated as soon as they moved from protest to revenge. I'm done with revenge. No wonder they can't hire enough officers in Aurora. They've given up on making candidates take a polygraph to get on board. I'm sure this will bring out the best of the best to apply.

SO HOW DID MOTHER'S DAY BECOME A THING ANYWAY? This is a great article on how Mother's Day became a thing and you should read it before Mother's Day is officially replaced by Birthing Person Day.

TWITTER IS TRYING TO MAKE US NICER By telling us to reconsider before we send a mean tweet. A message will pop up asking if you want to rethink that tweet before you send it. In tests, a third of people decided to erase the mean tweet. This is going to consume a lot of extra time for Ben Allbright's followers. I sure hope Twitter gives credit to the high school student from this state who came up with this strategy years ago. And money, they should give her money.

SOME PEOPLE SAY THEY ARE HESITANT TO DITCH THE MASKS And I am not one of them. I will have no issue never wearing a mask again, and can't wait to burn all of them. And I will, dramatically. This story says some people say they may CONTINUE mask wearing into the foreseeable future out of fear. They don't say fear, but what other reasonable reason is there other than fear?

HEY BALDY, COVID COULD BE WAY WORSE FOR YOU Bald men seem to have a harder time with Covid because of their sensitivity to androgens, which leads to hair loss. Don't panic if you are bald, this sample size was relatively tiny.

WHO ARE THESE EGOMANIACS WHO BELIEVE THEY ARE BETTER THAN EVERYONE THEY KNOW? If you are among the almost 50% of Americans who think you are better than anyone you know, get better friends. This is a laughable question for me, as I am not even in the top 10 of people I know. This survey does have some interesting results though.


IN ORDER TO APPRECIATE HOW GOOD WE HAVE IT, LET'S REMEMBER HOW IT WAS Another great John Stossel video on how Liberty is winning.

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