Mandy's Mon Blog: Jo Jorgensen Wants to Be President!

JO JORGENSEN IS THE LIBERTARIAN CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT And I'm pleased to have her on the show today at 1. From privatizing Social Security for those who want to bringing home our military from around the world, Jo certainly has a bold plan for America. Find out more about her by clicking here.

FACEBOOK AFTER DEATH...TO DELETE OR NOT TO DELETE You guys know I lost a friend to suicide two weeks ago. I went to look at his page last weekend and his wife had taken it down. I am crushed. Visiting a friends Facebook page is sort of my way of visiting his grave, I guess. I know it's challenging when those birthday reminders show up, but after a while, it is oddly comforting to me. What's the protocol here? I know my friend did NOT want his page taken down, as the last two months he documented his life in such a way that it felt meaningful. And important. And now it's gone. What do you do? What would you want others to do?

BEFORE YOU FREAK OUT OVER FLORIDA'S COVID NUMBERS You need to click here and check out some of the actual graphs of actual information. Like this one of WHO is getting Covid in Florida. Overwhelmingly it is people under the age of 65. By a long margin. And when you sift through the data even more, the older folks who have gotten it have been in nursing homes. Why can't we just report the numbers without making them more than they are? Don't answer that, I already know.

COUNTER PROTESTERS SHOW HOW TOTALITARIAN THEY ARE by showing up en masse to disrupt a Back the Blue protest in Downtown Denver. God forbid people show the police that they are supported by people who understand they go to work every day possibly facing death. They had to show up and disrupt the permitted and planned event so no one can show cops love because they are horrible people who are rapidly becoming far worse than anything they allegedly protest. They don't care about the 1st Amendment. They don't care about America. Scumbags. That's what they are. Oddly NO ONE showed up to protest a Back the Blue event at the Coffee Cabin in Parker. Perhaps because they know most people in Parker are armed. Just saying.

TRADER JOE'S CALLED OUT FOR BEING CLEVER WITH IT'S PACKAGING And now it's quickly moving to change it's cheekily named "Trader's Jose's", "Trader Ming's" and "Arabian Joe" products lest the humorless SJW's who shop there start breaking windows or something. The only thing I buy from Trader Joe's is the Everything but the Bagel Seasoning which is part of the "Trader Jews" line there. I made that last part up but you're welcome.

CRAYOLA IS GENIUS AND COMES UP WITH BACK TO SCHOOL MASKS And I have to give them mad props. There are five in a package, one for every day of the week and they are in fun, crayola colors. Don't fight it, just make it fun.

WILL A PETITION DO ANYTHING TO SHUT DOWN THE THIRD WORLD COUNTRY AROUND MOREY MIDDLE SCHOOL? I just got an email about a petition being circulated online. From the email:
Today, it is once again 98 degrees. The houseless remain in tents, without access to showers, fresh water, face coverings or bathrooms. Outside drug dealers continue to roam our streets, largely unchallenged and further victimizing those who struggle with addiction. Dozens of bicycle "chop shops" line our sidewalks, which are also impassable and covered with trash, human waste and used needles. We are experiencing a sharp rise in prostitution, violence, and crime. We cannot walk outside after dark. Outbreaks of Shigellosis, Hep A, and now "Trench Fever" have all been documented by the DDPHE among our houseless.
We ask any of you, in a position of power, to help get answers to the following three questions.They are straight forward, non-partisan questions that our District 10 Council Person, our Mayor, and our DDPHE have thus far been unable to provide.
#1. By what date,specifically, will the Morey encampment be closed? As we approach three months, neighbors have only been told that the houseless will be "invited to leave."
#2. By what means will the closure of the Morey encampment be enforced? Mandate? Invitation? Will each houseless neighbor be offered direct assistance in finding more sustainable options (including the available hotel rooms)? 
#3. By what date will Denver's first sanctioned "SOS" camp be operational, and what is the location of the camp?
Thank you in advance for any insights or help you can offer. And feel free to share or publish this petition:

Will it work? I have no idea but at least people are starting to organize against this anarchy and that is what it is. Anarchy. Sign it if you want.

WORK IN THE MOUNTAINS THEY SAID. IT WILL BE FUN THEY SAID And I'm sure it is to some, but this guy in this bulldozer is King of the Day for not crapping his pants while doing this.

WHO IS WEARING MASKS AND WHO ISN'T? This Gallup poll says if you're male and live in the Midwest, probably not you. But the question on this one is dumb, which is "How often do you wear a mask outside your home". That is too broad. I don't wear it walking my dog, but I wear it in public places. A better question would be if you wore it in public spaces. Here is a BETTER question and answer by the New York Times with a cool interactive map about who wears a mask when they expect to be within six feet of someone else, which is a MUCH better question. Colorado fares well in the urban areas.

WHEN YOUR MOM WANTS TO KEEP YOU UP WITH YOUR HOMETOWN PEEPS I love Fortune Feimster and this is so true and southern and amazing.

COULD JOE BIDEN WIN THE SUBURBS? The Burbs have long been a stronghold for Republicans but I am here to tell you, that may change. New polling data, which you can take with a grain of salt, says that Biden has a healthy lead in the burbs. Do I believe this entirely? No. But I do know a LOT of suburban moms who HATE Donald Trump with the fire of a thousand suns.

IS IT TIME TO RETHINK YOUR DAILY SHOWER? This young doctor-turned-journalist (don't get me started on that disastrous choice) gave up showering with soap years ago and now he says it's time to use less, rather than more, products on our skin so as not to disrupt the carefully balanced microbiome that is our skin. I'm not sure I'm down with this.

Y'ALL THIS IS EXACTLY HOW YOU'D THINK MARK ZUCKERBERG WOULD WEAR SUNSCREEN And now I'm wondering if we have to cancel him after his appearance in White Face while surfing. Check it here, it's magical.

WANT TO KNOW WHY PEOPLE DON'T TRUST ANYTHING RIGHT NOW? Maybe it's because a guy who died IN A MOTORCYCLE ACCIDENT in Florida was listed as a Covid-19 death. No need for further comment.

Y'ALL THIS WOMAN IS CALM AS IT GETS As she stands still while a black bear checks her out. Wow.

THE OXFORD COVID VACCINE DOES CREATE ANTIBODIES But we don't know if it's safe YET. However it is moving along quite nicely in current trials. Nice work, Oxford and all you smart eggheads there!

JACK NICKLAUS HAD THE RONA And he and his wife had a very mild case and recovered quickly. So there you have it.


THEY ARE FINALLY CLEANING UP THE CAPITOL And it's going to cost YOU AND ME over a MILLION bucks to take down the disgusting graffiti left by BLM protesters and others.

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