GOV. POLIS: Safer At Home To Last At Least Through May

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis speaks on Monday, April 27

Monday, Colorado Governor Jared Polis laid out the guidelines for the state's new Safer At Home phase, which will last at least through the month of May.

"We've met the criteria for success that we laid out over a month ago when we put the stay-at-home order in place," the governor said. "We've slowed the spread of the virus. Thanks to the stay-at-home order, we no longer have the alarming, exponential threat that we had a month ago. We bought time to build our healthcare capacity and we've also had time to buy masks, gloves, ventilators and other equipment."

Gov. Polis outlined the goals of Safer At Home:

1) Manage the spread of the virus

2) Ensure access to healthcare for all who get sick (COIVD-19 and non-COVID-19)

3) Have a more sustainable and fulfilling way of life than stay-at-home

4) Help Coloradoans earn a living and protect public health and safety

5) Minimize the secondary health effects of the virus

6) Protect vulnerable populations

"What's more important than the exact day that stay-at-home ends is what people's behavior is over May, over June, over July which is why we're laser-focused on providing a safer, sustainable environment where people can earn a living and still be reasonably safe in the presence of the deadly virus," Gov. Polis said.

The governor said while people did a good job staying at home, this is not the time to let up or think life has returned to pre-COVID.

The immediate steps of Safer At Home (for communities NOT under any stay-at-home order):

Monday, April 27

--Retailers can offer curbside pickup to the public

--Real estate showings resume

Friday, May 1

--The following businesses can open to the public if they implement safer guidelines: Retail, some personal services

Monday, May 4

--If implementing best practices, offices can work at up to 50% workforce density

Gov. Polis set forth the following guidelines for individual counties:

1) Match state guidelines

2) Offer more protective guidelines

3) Work with the state for approval to reopen segments earlier

Several counties including Denver, Arapahoe, Adams and Jefferson have chosen to extend the stay-at-home order.

Later this week, Gov. Polis said he would offer more details on the state's progress in and plan for widespread testing.

The governor's full remarks are below, with highlights in the photos below the audio/video.

4-27-20 Governor Jared Polis
Safer At Home - Guidelines
Safer At Home - Timetable
Safer At Home - L:ocal flexibility
Safer At Home - Business best practices

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