Colorado Takes On Stigma of Mental Health and Drug Addiction Issues

One in five Coloradans live with a behavioral health or substance abuse disorder and many are say the stigma associated with their conditions prevents them from seeking the help they need.

The Colorado Department of Human Services hopes to remove the stigma with a campaign called SEE ME. At, you can take a pledge to challenge the stigma while learning more about how to seek help and how to help others. .

Stigma is a huge problem. 47 percent of people with mental health issues that didn't seek assistance in Colorado say stigma was the main factor. For people hooked on drugs the number was 86 percent.

The SEE ME campaign attempts to show that many of us are unaware of who is suffering. It may be a member of your family, friends or co-workers. And, it may be you.

Governor Polis says we need to see the people around us who need help and remove the stigma stops them from getting it.

See Me

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