07-31-24 Interview - Juan P. Villasmil - What's Next For Venezuela?

WHAT'S NEXT FOR VENEZUELA? Today at 2:30 I've got Juan P. Villasmil is a reporter with The Spectator and a research fellow for the Latin America-focused Center for a Secure Free Society. Yesterday in Washington DC, Villasmil addressed an audience of Venezuelans gathered in the Simon Bolivar Plaza, and appeared on the NTN24 livecast viewed by thousands of Venezuelans around the world. He has first-hand stories to share, including having spoken at a smoke-filled 2016 protest — at the age of 14 — alongside opposition leader Maria Corina Machado. He knows the players, the observers, and the analysts. Over the weekend The Spectator World published a piece by Juan P. Villasmil titled, Things are about to get ugly in Venezuela, in which he writes: Rumors are that Maduro will be announcing his win shortly, but the people aren’t having it. “Venezuela has lost its fear,” people are saying all over social media. What will happen? It remains uncertain, but conditions seem ripe for chaos. Unlike past leaders, Machado seems unlikely to accept fraud. Predictions are getting uglier. Those who pray, should be praying tonight, for the Venezuelan people. 

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