06-25-24 Interview - Brandy Maranian - Sign Up For The Freedom Four Miler

SIGN UP FOR THE FREEDOM FOUR MILER! This run benefits the Colorado Veterans Project and I've got CVP Board President, Brandy Maranian, a U.S. Army Officer veteran, today at 1 to talk about it. This year’s run will be held on Saturday, June 29, which means it won’t interfere with traditional Fourth of July celebrations. The Freedom 4-Miler is a great opportunity for participants to showcase their American pride while raising funds for local veterans and veteran organizations across the state. Civilians, veterans and uniformed military will run the 1-mile “fun run” or 4-mile run, and to add to the fun, there will be a costume contest where participants will dress in their most ridiculously patriotic attire. In the past we’ve seen the Statue of Liberty, various Founding Fathers and those in head to toe red, white and blue – we have some fantastic photos, too.Join the race by clicking here.

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