IF YOU'VE EVER THOUGHT ABOUT OPENING A BUSINESS You need to hear today's interview with Steve Marriotti. Steve is a tireless advocate for entrepreneurship and education about becoming an entrepreneur not just in the US, but around the world as a solution to poverty. He joins me at 3pm to discuss An Entrepreneur's Manifesto which you can and should buy here.
IRMA COULD HAVE BEEN A WHOLE LOT WORSE Although it seems the Lower Keys are pretty devastated. I had the odd experience of watching Irma make it's way from my friends in Fort Myers, to my friends in Tampa and Orlando, and now my friends in North Florida via Facebook. Here are some pictures I asked them to post this morning from Fort Myers and Fort Lauderdale and Key Largo.
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WHAT IS IT WITH LOOTERS? I don't understand why someone would think it was okay to go out while everyone is trying to avoid a storm and think that is the perfect time to rob a store. We call it looting, which makes it seem like something other than what it is, which is STEALING. You are THIEF if you take things that aren't yours, storm or not. Good news though, these nine thieves won't be stealing anything else for some time. But I'm sure this is white people's fault.
CAN WE STOP CALLING ANTIFA "COUNTER PROTESTERS"? Because when you show up and attack the cops you are no better than the looters above. You are criminal, and one that deserves no respect. It happened again this weekend, when those masked idiots showed up ready to fight the Patriot Prayers crowd, who had moved to a different location to avoid them. So when they couldn't fight Patriot Prayer, they attacked the cops. At that point, you are no longer good, or moral, or righteous, you are thug who deserves to be treated like one. And they don't give a crap about whether or not the people they target are ACTUAL white supremacist.
WHERE SHOULD DENVER SEND THE CHECK, NEW YORK TIMES? Because they kicked off what should be a rather stiff competition to get the new Amazon HQ2 located in our fair city. This would definitely be a game changer in terms of high visibility tech coming to shore up what is already a robust tech sector in our area. Amazon is going to spend a crapload of money on the new HQ, and they say they will hire 40,000 people to work there. I strongly recommend we do what we can to help this along, save giving away everything in the entire city. The New York Times already did us a solid by declaring us the perfect fit.
WHAT A GREAT WEEKEND TO BE A ROCKIES FAN! As they not only swept the Dodgers in LA, but they played EXTREMELY well while doing it. If THIS team shows up for the rest of the year, we not only make the playoffs, but we could actually make a run. GO ROCKIES!!
DID YOU SEE HILLARY ON CBS SUNDAY MORNING? Good news, she is so clueless that were she to redo it today, she would lose today too. Spoiler alert: it's James Comey and Bernie's fault.
DID YOU SEE STEVE BANNON ON 60 MINUTES? I don't really care for Steve Bannon, but as my friend Ross Kaminsky said, he's not wrong about everything in this interview. I can't embed it, but here is the link and you probably should watch it.
COULD TROUBLE BE HEADED FRONTIER'S WAY? The pilots have voted unanimously to go on strike if they don't get raises and they point to Frontier's $200 million in profits as proof that they deserve more. You need to watch this, especially if you have tickets on Frontier any time soon.
TARGET SEEMS TO BE WILLING TO THROW DOWN AT AMAZON/WHOLE FOODS And now they are dropping their prices on popular items too. Maybe this will bring back some Target shoppers who got sick of paying more and being politically preached at too. I'll check it out and report back. Capitalism!
CONGRATS TO MISS NORTH DAKOTA FOR MAKING HISTORY! For becoming the first Miss America from that great state! She is a total girl-next-door type and I'm glad she won.
I REALIZE SEX ROBOTS ARE GOING TO BE A THING, BUT THEY COULD KILL YOU And not in the fun way, in a really horrible way if they are hacked by nefarious evil doers. Can you imagine that trial? Should we go ahead and pass laws now making hacking into a sex robot for the purpose of killing the owner a first degree murder charge?
AND NOW FOR A DEFENSE OF SO-CALLED PRICE GOUGING And before you get all mad at me and tell me I'm a horrible heartless person, read this. And then tell me which is better: paying through the nose to get something you really, really need or not getting it at all? I'm going with the former.
IS 3% ANNUAL GROWTH POSSIBLE? YES, IF THE GOVERNMENT GETS OUT OF THE WAY I am going to grab the high parts of this article because this is important and it's behind a paywall. Why has economic growth been so anemic since Obama? Obama apologists say this is the "new normal" but it doesn't have to be. First, some historical perspective:
America enjoyed 3% growth for so long it’s practically become our national birthright. Census data show that real economic growth averaged 3.7% from 1890-1948. British economist Angus Maddison estimates that the U.S. averaged 4.2% real growth from 1820-89. Based on all available data, America has enjoyed an average real growth rate of more than 3% since the founding of the nation, despite the Civil War, two world wars, the Great Depression and at least 32 recessions and financial panics. If 3% growth has now slipped from our grasp, we certainly had it for a long time before we lost it.
So poor was our economic performance during the Obama presidency, with its 1.47% economic growth, that now many Americans believe 3% growth is gone forever. The CBO has slashed its 10-year growth forecast to a measly 1.8% per year. If we never see 3% growth again, our grandchildren may point to 2009 and say, “That was when the American economy ran out of gas.”
So what's the problem? Government has made most aspects of doing business more expensive and is regulating businesses to death.
A tidal wave of new rules and regulations across health care, financial services, energy and manufacturing forced companies to spend billions on new capital and labor that served government and not consumers. Banks hired compliance officers rather than loan officers. Energy companies spent billions on environmental compliance costs, and none of it produced energy more cheaply or abundantly. Health-insurance premiums skyrocketed but with no additional benefit to the vast majority of covered workers.
Can we get back to where we should be? Yes. Tax and regulatory reform must happen. We must actually and permanently (I know no such thing as permanently exists in DC) shrink the size and tentacles of government. We are allowing ourselves to be killed by the parasite that is the US Government. Read the rest if you subscribe to the Wall Street Journal here.
WILL THERE BE A HUE AND CRY FOR DEMOCRATS TO DENOUNCE THESE HORRIBLE PEOPLE? That was a rhetorical question, as that is never directed at the Left. Eric Bolling (who in the interest of full disclosure, I've never watched before) got fired from Fox News in the midst of a sexual harassment investigation on Friday, and Friday night his son overdosed on drugs in Boulder. HE DIED. Which in my mind is the WORST THING IN THE WORLD THAT CAN HAPPEN TO A PARENT. And some on the left are taking the chance to revel in the death of his only child. If you rejoice when a political foe suffers the most devastating loss a human being can face, you are a soulless, horrible, disgusting excuse for a human. And I hate you.
DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE ST. LOUIS CLERGY THREATENING A JUDGE? And I'm not sure how this isn't some sort of extortion or something. The case of a former cop who killed a fleeing suspect is being tried in a bench trial (the judge is the final verdict, no jury) and the judge has had the case for a few days now. Members of the St. Louis black clergy delivered this message to the judge:
Stancil said the group doesn't condone violence, but it believes there will protests if Stockley, 36, isn't convicted of first-degree murder in the killing of 24-year-old Anthony Lamar Smith.
"Any decision rendered by you other than a guilty verdict will make you liable for any ensuing unrest or acts of aggression," the group wrote to Judge Timothy Wilson. "In biblical terms, 'the blood will be on your hands.'"
So to be clear, they are saying that the resulting protests from a not guilty verdict, or even acts of aggression, are the JUDGES fault. Not the people who didn't hear all the evidence and who loot and riot, the JUDGE. This is not good. Although I'm sure it's going to provide grounds for an appeal if this former cop is found guilty.