10/7/24 Blog: It's Time To Pick Up Some Weights, Plus a DCSD Bond Issue

ISRAEL IS FIGHTING TO SAVE WESTERN CIVILIZATION BEFORE WESTERN CIVILIZATION CAN STOP IT That was a post on social media about the war in Israel between all of Iran's proxies. And the Israelis are not going to stop until they have retrieved the 101 hostages from Hamas. They are going to fight until their children will not have to fight anymore. This is not the end by any stretch. Hamas thought it a good idea to fire rockets at Tel Aviv today, I guess to remind Israel, which has moved on to Lebanon's Hezbollah and Yemen's Houthis, that Hamas is still fighting until it's last gasp, a gasp I hope Israel provides them soon. And when will Democrat run states deal with the seething anti-Semitism flowing on their city streets and campuses? This column reminds us that anti-Semitic protests didn't happen in Republican run states. Those protests were immediately shut down by Republican Governors like Ron DeSantis. It's time to make sure these idiotic skulls full of mush understand whose side they are really on. They are on the side of evil.

EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ THIS TO KNOW WHAT REALLY HAPPENED This is a VERY DIFFICULT THING TO READ. It includes the experiences of those who rushed to help the victims of the massacre of October 7th and it is gut wrenching. But every clown protesting for the murderous Palestinian cause should be forced to read this to KNOW what it is they are really supporting. I'm sure there are "innocent" Palestinians are sure as I am that there are bad actors on the Israeli side, but there is no comparison right now. Here is another account of a young man still being held hostage. I can't imagine what it is like for his parents, wondering if he is alive or dead. Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran must be held accountable.

MICHELLE ZELLNER IS ON TO TALK STRENGTH TRAINING As she heard the conversation between me and Arod where he said he is not strength training and was texting us madly. I am with her, I think strength training is CRITICAL to health aging. This twitter thread did a good job of breaking down why:

Michelle joins us at 1pm to talk about why being strong is a critical part of overall health. Find Michelle and buy her book by clicking here.

DOUGLAS COUNTY SCHOOLS HAS A BOND ISSUE And I've got DougCo Schools Superintendent on to talk about that bond issue, how it will be spent, and the oversight board it creates. She joins me at 2.

AN ARGUMENT AGAINST RANKED CHOICE VOTING This column is specifically against ranked choice voting and open primaries in Montana and it is designed to make you want to keep the status quo. I'm going to use it to demonstrate exactly how it is the minority of voters who have registered for a political party who want to keep the current system that empowers the two main political parties even as they are losing membership in most states to the ranks of Unaffiliated. But it may convince you to vote against it. Read it here. The only people who benefit from this system are party bosses and party faithful, which are dwindling in number each year.

FORMER GOP CHAIR FEELS THE OPPOSITE WAY And though Dick Wadhams is being paid to advocate for Prop 131 that would bring Ranked Choice Voting to Colorado, you can't say he's some liberal hack, that's for sure. Read his argument here.

HAPPY CABRINI DAY Which I didn't even know was a thing until today, but now I know it's a day to replace Columbus Day which the Democrat Legislature decided was too mean. St. Frances Cabrini was the first American Saint to achieve such status and worked in Colorado with orphans so we chose her to replace Columbus Day. I'm not super bummed about not having Columbus Day because I've never noted the day in my life, so I have no beef with this. Do we even have an Italian community to get mad about this? Just curious. It does seem odd that they would choose a religious symbol to replace Columbus but the Catholics must have a better lobby than the Italians.

THE GREAT AMERICAN BEER FESTIVAL IS THIS WEEK And though the glory days of the festival seem to be behind it, they are offering a bunch of new stuff this year hoping to woo new attendees to the event. There are STILL tickets available after having them sell out in minutes just a few years ago. We've reached peak craft beer and are definitely on the other side of it, but I give them credit for trying to innovate to keep the festival going. Read about the cool events they've added here. Buy your tickets (still available) here.

THE MAYOR'S NOT BUYING GUARANTEED INCOME And he indicated as much by stripping the funding for the experimental program out of his budget. The program's managers say it's working but the Mayor's office says results aren't convincing. There is some money from the City Council but not from the Mayor's office.

DON'T BE A DUMBASS WITH A FIRE PIT As these dumbasses in Centennial learned when the nearly burned their house down by leaving a fire pit in a deck unattended and still burning. Dumbasses.

MAN IS ATTACKED BY A BEAR IN HIS HOME It was a mama bear with three cubs that found their way into a man's house and then decided to stand their ground rather than be shooed out by the man. Mama bear attacked him and he was able to escape to a bedroom to call police. The man was injured but not critically but the bears had to be killed for the attack. I'm so sad about all this. Please don't leave food where bears can get it. It's a death sentence for them.

LORIE SMITH'S ATTORNEYS WOULD LIKE THEIR MONEY, COLORADO The case of a web designer being punished for not wanting to make websites celebrating gay marriage is over, with Lorie Smith winning the right to discriminate based on her religious views, but there is one more thing that needs to be done. The State of Colorado is now going to pay her attorneys fees, as they should. They come to about $1.5 million bucks. Great job, Colorado. Great job.

WHY ARE TAXPAYERS FUNDING LEFT WING CAUSES? And why did Jon Caldara need to be the one to figure this out? He writes about it here in his column and if you are pro oil and gas (meaning cheap energy) you may be shocked to know that hundreds of thousands of your tax dollars and mine have gone to a myriad of anti-oil and gas organizations who are actively working to drag us back into the dark ages with technology not ready for prime time.

YES, TINA PETERS DESERVED WHAT SHE GOT And Jimmy Sengenberger, who watched most of the trial and attended the sentencing hearing (which I also watched...hooboy) lays out here why Tina deserved the prison sentence she got. He's not wrong about any of it.

HOW DENVER GOT IMMIGRATION WRONG This is a really good column calling out the hypocrisy of Denver's leaders and progressives when it comes to immigration. This part is especially good:

But Aurora and Lakewood, much like other American cities, aren’t immune to the consequences of mass migration. Along with the innocent families seeking a better life came something far more sinister: Venezuela’s Tren de Aragua — a brutal prison gang that has reportedly infiltrated several apartment complexes in Aurora. This gang is not some minor street-level group but a violent syndicate known for murder, extortion, and drug trafficking.
Yet, as this gang took root, nearly all of the local media outlets in the area curiously fell silent, save for a few bold and forthright publications that dared to report on such a happening. There was no acknowledgment, no reporting, no alarm bells rung in defense of the citizens who had to live with this newly imported menace.
When the media finally began to whisper that perhaps there was something amiss, the narrative quickly pivoted — not to focus on the gang or the danger they posed, but to cast aspersions on anyone raising concerns. Those who feared for their safety or worried about the well-being of their children were swiftly branded as heartless, racist, or worse. It’s a reflexive charge in today’s climate: concern for one’s safety is recast as xenophobia; a desire for order is denounced as bigotry. Rather than face the uncomfortable truth about what the city’s policies had wrought, the problem was redefined as those who dared to object to it.

This is the most accurate indictment of our local news media I've seen to date. And to be clear, not ALL local news media, just those who chose to parrot the talking points from politicians eager to change the conversation from the unflattering to the finger pointing.

HURRICANE MILTON IS GONNA BE A BANGER And not in the good way. I'm currently trying to get my newly transplanted Sarasota friends to get the hell out of dodge right now as they have NO CLUE what is coming towards them. Milton is now a Category 4 storm, which put several friends into therapy when they decided to stay for Hurricane Andrew years ago. This is going to be VERY, VERY BAD.

KAMALA GIVES WORD SALAD ON ISRAEL CONFLICT And can you even tell me what the f*ck she says here?


FUN WHEN KAMALA'S TELEPROMPTER WENT OUT She has given this EXACT SAME SPEECH so many times I COULD DO IT NOW but when her teleprompter goes out, watch the train wreck in real time.

We are so screwed.

TOM COTTON IS A VERBAL NINJA And if you haven't seen him on Sunday shows you are missing it. Watch this:

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