9/9/24 Blog: The Slumlords Give Up Control, and Politics in Relationships

DANIELLE JURINSKY AT 12:3O TODAY To get the latest on the Aurora apartment complex situation and more.

HOW TO NOT LET POLITICS GET IN THE WAY OF WHAT'S IMPORTANT And that is our personal relationships. As a result of vast so many societal changes, more couples than ever before have to navigate strong cultural and political differences. If that’s you, what can you do about it? Denver-based therapists/authors of the new self-help book, “Fighting For Your Marriage” have great tips to share that can help couples navigate being on opposing sides of the growing political divide in this country. Find the updated edition of this classic book here, and Scott Stanley joins me at 1 to talk about how to prevent relationship damage in a time of insane political polarization.

THE SLUMLORD OWNERS OF THE NOME STREET APARTMENTS CUT A DEAL As a means to end their prosecution for a ton of code violations at the apartment complex they say has been taken over by gangs. They have offered to sell or lease the building to someone else along with paying to secure the building with plywood and whatnot in exchange for the city dropping the charges against the landlord. First off, who is going to buy this place? Unless they are going to take a huge hit I can't see that happening. And what company in their right mind would read all the nonsense about this complex and how impossible it was for them to get real security for the building and lease it? I'll be shocked if this goes well, but is there a better solution? Probably not right now.

WHY IS AURORA HIDING THE DETAILS OF THAT DEAL? When the Denver Gazette filed an open records request about the dealings between Aurora and the attorney for the slumlord they were given documents, which they PAID for, that were almost entirely redacted. Probably not legally, so now we have to have a lawsuit to get a judge to order Aurora to give up the details. Stupid and smacks of some kind of cover up in my opinion. Read more here.

JASON CROW DOESN'T THINK THINGS ARE THAT BAD IN AURORA and he said as much during a roundtable put together by Rep. Lauren Boebert Friday. Most gaslighting of the people who have been working with actual residents to move them out of these hellholes. You can read it here, but it's utterly unsurprising. Don't be fooled, this is because the Democrats own this border and subsequent imported gang violence entirely. That's all Crow is trying to get you to forget. In case you forget why they are doing this remember Chuck Schumer back in 2022. Now there are just more illegal immigrants for him to give status to.

THE EXPERIMENT ON HOMELESSNESS IS PLAYING OUT IN REAL TIME When it comes to the ways homelessness is being handled in our three largest metro areas, that is. This story digs into the numbers and finds homelessness DECREASED in Colorado Springs while continuing to rise in Aurora and Denver. Aurora's new campus that will help people get back on their feet by requiring sobriety and work isn't open yet, but should be soon. The Springs has always used a hand up model and it seems to be working.

IT'S TIME TO BUY A GENERATOR, FOR REAL This news story is especially timely as a warning to ALL Coloradans that we are rapidly heading the land of brownouts and power outages. It's already happening in some places and Xcel Energy, the provider for all these communities, says "we're experiencing load growth in ways that we have not historically seen." That seems like an understandable reason, but our Governor and Democrats in this state want to force us to electrify EVERYTHING in this state, including the heating of our homes. Our grid can't handle that, and the Independence Institute has crunched the numbers here to find out how much it will cost to meet Jared Polis's green dream and it's not affordable or reliable.

A BOULDER CITY COUNCIL WOMAN IS ATTACKED And when I first read this I thought she was randomly attacked, but it seems she was attacked when she followed and took a picture of a man yelling mean things at Asian children performing at a restaurant opening. Those are the actions of someone insulated from actual crime. Please don't take this to mean she deserved it, which she didn't, but seriously, don't do that.

RANKED CHOICE VOTING EXAMINED We are going to be voting on Ranked Choice Voting this year in Colorado and you need to know what you're voting for. This column does a good job explaining it in an easy way. I'm trying to get someone on the show from Alaska, where they voted for Ranked Choice Voting a few years ago and are already trying to repeal it. I am intrigued by the promise of Ranked Choice Voting but not sure it can live up to that promise.

THE SOMETIMES NIGHTMARE OF FAMILY REUNIFICATION There are circumstances when a parent alienates a child from the other parent, often as part of a nasty divorce. I know people to whom this has been done. But there are times when one parent is abusive and the child needs to be protected from that parent, and it's not happening in Colorado the way it should. Read this for more.

AURORA MOVES TOWARDS NOT SHUTTING DOWN THE RESERVOIR And I think this is a good move, as the Aurora Reservoir is a major draw for people looking to get outside and in the water here. I wish it wasn't a Pride celebration that inspired the change, but as long as the Council is consistent for EVERY organization going forward I think that becomes a no big deal thing. Read more here.

JON CALDARA CALLS OUT THE COLORADO PRESS ASSOCIATION FOR AN IDIOTIC MOVE And they deserve the scorn after giving a Defender of the Press award to the very people who shut the press out and exempted themselves from open meeting rules. Stupid. Read it here.

IT'S LIKE THEY CAN'T EVEN PREDICT THE WEATHER SO FAR OUT This year's "historic" hurricane season, at least as predicted, has turned into a giant flop. From the article:

Now, the Atlantic is making history for an unexpected and confounding distinction: It’s the longest stretch in more than half a century without a single late-summer cyclone, a time of year when several often churn at once. Though two months of storm risks still lie ahead, the astonishing lull has meteorologists wrestling with confusion and criticism, while striving to protect delicate public trust.
“Everyone was going big,” Klotzbach said, citing predictions of a flurry of more than two dozen storms. “It wasn’t like there were two or three models that said something else.”

Whoopsie doodle. It's almost like warming at the poles has created LESS turbulence that creates hurricanes or something. Oh wait, that I learned from a meteorologist who says global warming will lead to FEWER hurricanes. He doesn't get on the news much.

YOU NEED HUMAN CONTACT FOR HEALTH And this is a great story about the connection between loneliness and physical issues you might face. From the article:

The latest research from The Lancet states, “Loneliness was associated with increased dementia risk in three reviews comprising eight studies. An increased dementia risk of 34–91 per cent was reported in subsequent studies, in the United States over 10 years, in the Netherlands and Sweden over 14 years, and in Japan over five years.” 
Tara Spires-Jones is a neuroscientist and president of the British Neuroscience Association. She says, “Research reveals that the more you are socially and mentally active, the more the brain builds up a strong network of synaptic connections where the neurons talk to each other, thus enhancing brain function. In my lab experiments, mice have been used to analyse environment enrichment. The studies show that when the mice are given toys, exist in groups and experience stimulation, their brains respond better.”
Scientists are also beginning to consider the fact that lonely people tend to be less able to handle stress. Not only does the stress response increase heart rate and blood pressure, but it can also activate the immune system, elevating levels of some inflammatory chemicals which, over time, can be damaging for brain health.

It's time to get out and be among your kind.

MY ROBOT ASSISTANT IS COMING ALONG NICELY As a new robot model with "muscles" is now being developed specifically to work around humans. Swiss researchers have created robot "muscles" that mimic the way our muscles work while also providing padding the otherwise cold robot skeleton. I like this quote:

A future robot helper needs to be able to not just carry heavy things but "also give someone a hug or shake hands", he added.

See the story above on how this could be helpful.


AURORA GETS SOME NICE PRESS For the best reason ever: their food scene. Food and Wine did a great write up about the wonderful diversity of Aurora restaurant scene here.

HOW TO GET RICH IN TEN STEPS This is really interesting and has some good advice from a guy who has done really well.

CHEFS ARE COMING OUT AGAINST THE SLAUGHTERHOUSE BAN And good. They know this is a disaster that is ultimately designed to force people not to eat meat which is the end game for the activists running this initiative. Read it here.

SO IS SOCIAL MEDIA BAD FOR KIDS OR NOT? I'd love to tell you that after reading this the answer is clear but it's really not. Find out more here.


WHY WE DON'T WANT A GEN X PRESIDENT There is super salty language in this but it's so worth it. Again, BAD LANGUAGE ALERT. You've been warned.

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