9/3/24 Blog: Help for Rural Teachers, and a Buddy Bot For Us All

SIGN UP FOR THE ATF PARTY TO SUPPORT THE INDEPENDENCE INSTITUTE! It's coming September 14th and you can sign up here.

IF YOU TEACH IN RURAL AREA, LISTEN UP! There is a program that gives grant money to rural teachers to help them with supplies or anything else they want to bring to their classrooms. It's all courtesy of the Nathan Yip Foundation and applications need to be in by September 13th so share this with all your kids teachers! I'm talking to Nathan Yip Foundation Executive Director Jill Shenkel Henwood at 12:30 about the program. Find out more and apply by clicking here!

OUR FUTURIST THOMAS FREY IS TALKING ABOUT THE FUTURE OF COMPANIONSHIP And he uses the example of a Buddy Bot and an old cranky guy to get us started down the path to robot companionship. He joins me at 1 to discuss. Find Thomas to speak at your function by clicking here.

WHY ARE YOUNGER PEOPLE OBSESSED WITH STAYING FRIENDS WITH YOUR EX So I'm in Target the other morning and I hear two young women in line talking about how one of them just HAD to stay friends with her ex boyfriend even though she didn't really want to because "that's what we do". It was a conversation that caught my ear because it sounded so absurd to me, but maybe I'm just old? Out of touch? I've got to find out if it's just me or it's a thing now to keep people in your life that aren't good enough to DATE, but apparently good enough to spend time with? I don't get it, but I found a story about it here.

HAMAS MURDERED SIX HOSTAGES Right before they were going to be rescued. And apparently murdered them brutally. And now I've got Joe Biden calling out Israel for not doing enough to secure a cease fire? What the actual BLANK? Hamas just committed multiple war crimes including forcing these hostages to make videos right before they were brutally murdered, but ISRAEL isn't doing enough? And now our addled President says we are giving Israel and Hamas a "take it or leave it deal" what does that even mean? What is he really going to do if they don't take it? We already know he will do nothing. The only thing I can think he would do is to stop sending weapons to Israel, as the UK has. Where are the world leaders demanding that Hamas stop? Where are the world protesters demanding that Hamas be held accountable for ALL the war crimes they've committed? Oh, my bad, they are protesting ON THE SIDE OF THE MURDEROUS HAMAS. I hate everything about this.

KAMALA GOES ALL IN ON HER BLACKNESS And boy howdy do you need to see the difference between the EXACT same speech in Detroit and Pittsburgh. This is called "pandering" or "code switching" whichever you prefer.

AND ABOUT HER BEING A TOUGH PROSECUTOR ON THE BORDER Someone went back and found her long ago positions on the border.

WHOOPSIE, NBC NEWS FORCED TO CORRECT IT'S FACT CHECK I saw Tom Cotton on Meet the Press and he is SO GOOD at picking apart Kamala's many positions. Watch this.

Except Kamala Harris WASN'T there. Just Joe Biden checking his watch.

NBC News had to issue a correction, but they tried to give Welker cover by saying she "implied". She implied nothing, she outright stated a lie.

IT'S BECAUSE KAMALA IS SO FAKE That we're making hay of this. David Strom wrote a barnburner about it here, I'm trying to get him on the show today now.

GOVERNOR GASLIGHT MAKES THE NEWS And of course that is Jared Polis for saying that Venezuelan gangs are a figment of Danielle Jurinsky's "imagination" when they are clearly a problem in Aurora, as confirmed by Mayor Mike Coffman (though he let Jurinsky twist in the wind a bit too long for my taste on that). Now the NYPost has picked it up with this glorious editorial. And the Aurora PD just confirmed the arrest of a major player in the gangs the Governor says are a figment, so there's that. And fun story from New York, 75% of arrests in NYC are currently migrants. Cops there say sanctuary laws make it impossible to hold these people. Just like Denver and Aurora I'm guessing.

BUT NO, THE HELL'S ANGELS AREN'T COMING Gotta love the internet where rumors about the Hell's Angels coming to take on the Venezuelan gangs made the rounds. The Aurora PD says nope, though they also have been downplaying the gang presence so do we even believe them?

THE COLORADO GOP MEETING SATURDAY WAS BEYOND STUPID And hateful and ugly and if you watched the live stream you'd wonder why ANYONE would want to be associated with this group of clowns. They blocked the media from attending, even though the media was welcomed at the meeting held the week before, they basically kept anyone not in the cabal OUT and Dave Williams lead the vote to see if any of his minions voted him out. This is such a mess. I want the lawsuit to move quickly so we can all move on from this group of self absorbed narcissists masquerading as competent politicos.

VEGANS WANT TO KILL JOBS IN DENVER IN LOW INCOME AREAS There is a huge push to shut down Denver's only slaughterhouse by an animal rights group who says that there are plenty of "meat alternatives" to make up for the loss of the meat harvested and processes at the slaughterhouse. First off, no. They don't get to choose for me. Second off, there are a LOT of people in the Elyria-Swanson neighborhood who rely on these jobs, which are good jobs, with good benefits at a company that promotes from within and keeps employees for a LONG time. Do NOT fall for this and vote NO, please. Newsflash, this meat will be processed somewhere. This part especially ticked me off:

"There’s a budget set aside for transitioning folks to greener jobs, which also provide better job security,” said Hammond, the group's spokesperson. “I don’t think they’re going to be totally without wages if they’re able to file for unemployment.”
The group said it is also working closely with a group that offers support to help workers "transition out of the animal agriculture industry and into careers that are more empowering, sustainable and prosperous."

Ask the people in coal country how those fancy new jobs are going. Spoiler alert: they aren't.

CASA BONITA IS DONE WITH INVITES And now they are going to let people make reservations to come to their joint the old fashioned way, online. Read more here and I want to know if you've been, is it worth it? Just for the experience?

SPROUTS ROCK IS THE NEWEST CASTLE ROCK TOURIST DESTINATION And it's a really easy climb, unless you're in a car because they keep getting stuck on the rock in the Castle Rock Sprouts parking lot. Now someone has made a Facebook page.

ANTIDEPRESSANTS, COCAINE AND THC, OH MY Those are just a few of things we deposit into Clear Creek during tubing season. That sounds like a party to me.

DENVER BANS FOOD TRUCKS IN LODO But only on the weekends when they probably make all their money. Police are trying to break up areas where people congregate after pouring out of the clubs and people often congregate around food trucks so they've been put on notice that they need to go.

IT'S THE SECOND HOTTEST SUMMER SINCE 1872 IN DENVER But you won't see that context in ANY of the news stories I saw this morning about our hot summer. They all trumpet ON RECORD without mentioning that we only have about 150 years of records to compare. That's not very much.

VOTE FOR THE BEST FOOD AT EMPOWER FIELD If you're headed to some Broncos games you may want to try out some of their food items and vote on what's great. USATODAY is asking fans to vote on who has the best food, which is going to be determined by whose fans show up. Read more here. You can also vote for Ralphie's Run for being the Best College Sports Tradition while you're there. Read more here about the contest.

HOW ABOUT A ROAD TRIP TO SEE SOME ASPENS? Here are more than a few you can enjoy along with hikes to enjoy the colors.

DEMOCRAT LAWMAKERS ARE UNHAPPY THEY HAVE TO LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE And they are SPITTING mad they were forced into a compromise on property taxes they didn't want. Read this to see just HOW mad and it's so worth it because their tears are delicious.

CHINA IS SUPPRESSING FREE SPEECH ON US SOIL And nothing about this story about Xi Jinping's visit to San Francisco is the least bit surprising. There were protests that were met by counter protests funded and staffed by the CCP and they weren't afraid to get violent. Read it here.

GETTING SHOT IN THE MOVIES Is nothing like getting shot in real life. Watch below or click here.


HOW DIFFERENT PEOPLE TAKE A PICTURE Watch below or click here.

JUST A GUY AND HIS DRUMS With apparently no place to practice. Watch below or click here.

IT'S PUMPKIN PATCH TIME! And you can find all the best local patches in this video. Watch below or click here.

WE LIE TO KIDS ALL THE TIME, DON'T WE? And people took to Buzzfeed to share the lies their parents told them that they believed far too long.

HEY WHATEVER GET YOU MOVING, AMIRIGHT? I don't even know what to say about this. Watch below or click here.

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