WEATHER WEDNESDAY AT 12:30 And I'm going to make Fox 31's Dave Fraser use his Secret Weather Machine to blow the smoke out for this weekend. Or not.
THREE FIRES ARE BURNING NOW It's gonna be a LONG summer and fall at this rate. We've now got three fires burning locally, which is bad news because it stretches resources a LOT. The Alexander Mountain fire is over 5000 acres and growing, with wind changing its direction a bit. We also now have the Stone Canyon Fire, which is near Lyons and it is about 1500 acres now and has already burned some buildings and homes. And then there is the Quarry Fire in Jefferson County to worry about, though much smaller now it is much closer to neighborhoods. If you don't have an account and want to keep up with the breaking news on these fires you should get one. For all it's faults, is where a LOT of breaking news is found these days. Good hashtags to search are #cofire #quarryfire #stonecanyonfire and #alexandermountainfire for the latest details and lots of cool video of firefighters at work like this from @realjordanleedy
SOME VENEZUELANS AREN'T HERE IN PEACE If we are to believe a warning from a New Mexico law enforcement agency it could be very dangerous for Denver cops here. From Fox News:
"The Albuquerque New Mexico Police Department (APD) has released this officer safety bulletin to notify law enforcement of information regarding the Tren De Aragua criminal organization and reports that TDA members in Denver have been given a "green light" to fire on or attack law enforcement," it says.
I'm sure this is nothing because we've done such a good job vetting the people who have flowed over the southern border, heck we've given some of the free apartments, phones and computers!
WHAT'S NEXT FOR VENEZUELA? Today at 2:30 I've got Juan P. Villasmil is a reporter with The Spectator and a research fellow for the Latin America-focused Center for a Secure Free Society. Yesterday in Washington DC, Villasmil addressed an audience of Venezuelans gathered in the Simon Bolivar Plaza, and appeared on the NTN24 livecast viewed by thousands of Venezuelans around the world. He has first-hand stories to share, including having spoken at a smoke-filled 2016 protest — at the age of 14 — alongside opposition leader Maria Corina Machado. He knows the players, the observers, and the analysts. Over the weekend The Spectator World published a piece by Juan P. Villasmil titled, Things are about to get ugly in Venezuela, in which he writes:
Rumors are that Maduro will be announcing his win shortly, but the people aren’t having it. “Venezuela has lost its fear,” people are saying all over social media. What will happen? It remains uncertain, but conditions seem ripe for chaos. Unlike past leaders, Machado seems unlikely to accept fraud. Predictions are getting uglier. Those who pray, should be praying tonight, for the Venezuelan people.
I will chat with Juan about what we can expect next.
KIDS UNDER 19 CAN RIDE RTD FOR FREE Or rather on our dime rather than theirs. This program is designed to train kids to ride the bus because hooking them young is really important. Now the trial program is being made permanent.
THE SPRINGS DOESN'T WANT LEGAL POT But there will likely be another ballot initiative about it on November's ballot. This has been voted down multiple times but you know there is a crap ton of money in that market because the legal pot dealers keep paying to put it on the ballot. Read an editorial about it here.
EVEN WITH ALL THE FAWNING KAMALA PRESS, TRUMP IS STILL WINNING AT least according to Nate Silver, the pollster that all Dems love even though he's not always right. Read more here, but he says Trump is still solidly favored to win, though he said Hillary was going to win in 2016 so take it all with a grain of salt. The only poll that matters is in November.
ISRAEL TOOK OUT SOME TRASH With the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, who was in Iran for the inauguration of the latest puppet President. They also dispatched the leader of Hezbollah who sent the rocket that killed a bunch of Druze children on a soccer field. Iran is all "we'll get you for this" but I think it's clear that Israel sent a very strong message to Iran by killing a dude on their territory.
FBI: WE NEVER DOUBTED TRUMP WAS HIT BY A BULLET Well maybe the working members of the FBI did, as Christopher Wray testified before Congress that there was a question about whether or not Trump had been hit by a bullet or shrapnel. Now the FBI underlings beneath the corrupt Wray are saying the opposite. Watch this.
WAS THE SECRET SERVICE SET UP TO FAIL? A fiery Ted Cruz says they were and it was leadership's fault.
Senator Mike Lee went scorched earth.
This is one of those times where we need to scrape off all the leadership and promote agents who are out in the field just doing their jobs.
A POLICE RECRUIT WHO LOST HIS LEGS IS NOW SUING This is a very complex story that has me asking some questions about medical issues that are accepted by the police academy. I'm supposed to be upset that police recruits have to spend a day actually fighting, but I'm not. I want cops to be able to defend themselves when a bad actor attacks them. But the man in question has sickle cell anemia, which he says "puts him at an increased risk of medical complications from high-intensity exercise." That seems to be an exclusionary condition for a job that would require short bursts of high-intensity exercise on a regular basis. The story is tragic, as this man eventually lost both his legs after complications he says he suffered after Fight Day, but should he have been in the class at all? I'm genuinely curious and want to hear from cops about this. Oh, and he's suing now.
STUBHUB IS FACING A LAWSUIT And after what I went through last night I'm glad. It has to do with transparent pricing, which the law requires (unless it's medical in which case you get to know nothing) and buying tickets from StubHub last night was RIDICULOUS especially because the tickets I bought never came. More on that today, but you have to go through like ten screens BEFORE you find out how much the tickets will cost. It's absurd. Now they are being sued by Washington DC. It's time to get these ticket companies to be decent to the people who use them.
TATTERED COVER IS OFFICIALLY SOLD And the new owner is Barnes and Nobles, who have promised not to change the local bookstore's flavor but will give them them the buying power of a larger corporation. Read more here.
DON'T EAT THAT BOAR'S HEAD DELI STUFF As they are in the midst of a MASSIVE recall because of a Listeria out break connected to one of their procession facilities in Jarratt, Virginia. Take those items back to the store where you bought them for a refund.
ULTRAPROCESSED FOODS MAY HURT YOUR BRAIN According to a new study, though the study's authors are quick to point out that correlation doesn't equal causation. The study showed that people who consume a lot of ultraprocessed meats and foods have higher rates of dementia and Alzheimer's disease than those who don't. I am thinking it's tied to nutrition that you DON'T get when you eat ultraprocessed foods. Just eat real food most of the time, people. It's not that hard. If you can't find the ingredients listed on the package at the grocery store, consider that food item ultra processed.
TRAINING TO FAILURE IS NOT BEST FOR STRENGTH This is interesting. There are a lot of trainers who want you to work your muscle groups to failure as it has long been thought that was the way to build strength. Now a new study shows that if you want to build STRENGTH, that isn't necessary, but if you want to build BULK it is. So if you just want to get stronger and healthier, you don't have to kill yourself in the gym. This will hopefully inspire some of you to pick up some weights!
SLOAN'S LAKE IS GROSS RIGHT NOW Because the hot weather has caused an algae bloom that is killing all the fish because they are running out of oxygen. There is a group trying to get Sloan's Lake dredged and cleaned up so this doesn't happen, but why not get a big fountain in the water now to aerate the lake? Just a thought. If you head down to Sloan's Lake, expect a bunch of dead, smelly fish.
DON'T TOSS OR TAKE YOUR CUP FROM RED ROCKS Because they are now using re usable cups. They have bins at the exits where you drop your cup so they can be cleaned and reused. I'm here for this. Read more here.
GET YOUR PANCAKE EATING PANTS ON Because IHOP is bringing back All You Can Eat Pancakes for a limited time. Of all the things you can eat a lot of are pancakes in the top ten? For me, no. I'm good with one, maybe two if I'm starving but that's it. They just make a giant dough ball in my stomach.
NO ONE LIKES A HOT TUB HOG Or in this case a hot tub moose. Congrats to these kids for not freaking out.
WHAT SONG IS THAT MR. PRESIDENT Watch below or click here.
WELL DONE, MOM AND DAD Watch below or click here, this is a good one!