7/25/24 BLOG: Biden Passed the Torch and a Bunch of Non Political Stuff

BIDEN PASSES THE TORCH And I listened to this last night on the radio and frankly he sounded horrible so I found this today to see if he looked as bad and you can judge for yourself.

So he dropped out because he knows he can't win. This is really unprecedented because for the first time, a political party has decided AFTER a primary to just replace a candidate because they were losing. This seems like a big deal but Democratic voters seem perfectly happy to let their party elite choose their candidate for them with no input. This will last as long as Kamala Harris doesn't lose. If she does, all hell should break loose. Already left leaning columnists are pointing out that he should have given this speech last year. Read this:

Biden, still recovering from Covid, spoke haltingly and at times seemed to slur his words — sometimes repeating sentences with the words rearranged a bit. Even when he was boasting of his administration’s accomplishments, there was a mournful tenor in his voice. He looked exposed. 
But his appeals for unity amid ongoing attacks on our democracy didn’t ring hollow. He came off like a patriotic American who saw his predecessor unforgivably botch the early days of a pandemic and then try to overturn the results of a free and fair election. Biden, for all his baggage, understands the dangers on the horizon. 

Expect more of that if Kamala falters on the campaign trail. I honestly believe that Biden will not be remembered kindly by history and that the Democratic party is headed for rough waters if they don't win this November. This feels a bit like the GOP choosing the candidates for years based on whose "turn" it was. That got us the losing candidacies of Bob Dole and John McCain. That is not a good place to be.

THE MINISTRY OF TRUTH WOULD BE SO PROUD The media, which we all know is in the bag for Democrats, have finally stopped trying to hide it, as they furiously rewrite history when it comes to Kamala Harris. This is a great feature on news organizations working double time to convince us that Joe Biden never put Kamala Harris in charge of the border, which is an absolute lie. I'll share some of it today, but you should read it here.

EUROPEAN LEADERS ARE NOT DAZZLED BY KAMALA But it's not all bad from Europe. Read more here.

THE DNC MAKES A SHOW OF LETTING SOMEONE ELSE IN But the absurdly short deadline and requirements make it almost impossible for another candidate to emerge. This feels like a CYA by the party more than an attempt at any sort of fair process.

TRUMP TRIES TO BLOCK THE TRANSFER OF CAMPAIGN FUNDS And I think he has a case, though I am not a campaign finance genius. I'll see if I can get someone on about it soon. Read more here.

LET'S CHECK IN ON COLORADO GROWERS FOR A MINUTE Agriculture is a HUGE part of our economy and I've got Marilyn Bay Drake at 1pm today, and she has served as executive director to the Colorado Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association since August 2015. She grew up on a family farm and continues to be involved in the operation. She's on today for a check in on how Ag is doing in Colorado.

HOW MUCH DOES TOURISM IMPACT OUR ECONOMY? I'm talking to Justin Bresler from Visit Denver about the economic impact of tourism in Denver. You can read the report on it here.

LESLIE LIAO IN STUDIO TODAY Because she's at Comedy Works this weekend. She's very funny and you should go see her this weekend by buying tickets here. Here she is on The Tonight Show.

SOUTHWEST IS BREAKING MY HEART Because they just announced they are doing away with their boarding policy and are going to join the fleece of selling good seat assignments. It's all about profitability, I get it, but this made me salty. I'm sure they are going to start charging for bags anytime and then my sworn allegiance to them will be over. I'm so sad right now. The last renegade airline is conforming. BOOOOOOOOOOO.

DID TRUMP GET HIT BY A BULLET OR NOT? Christopher Wray, the vile FBI director who should have been fired ages ago, says there is some question about whether or not Trump got hit by a bullet or shrapnel, which would have come from broken teleprompter glass. The problem is pictures have shown both teleprompters were intact after the shooting. Why Wray decided to do this is obvious, he wants to soften the narrative that someone tried to kill President Trump and almost succeeded.

TINA PETERS IS GOING TO TRIAL As the US Supreme Court denied her motion to dismiss the charges. Her trial starts July 31st and can not happen soon enough for me. We need to put this mess behind us.

MORE DRAMA IN THE COLORADO GOP At what point do these people realize the damage they are doing? At what point does this party begin to get its act together to work to get Republicans elected? Not now, apparently, as new drama has emerged from the El Paso Republican party, where Chairperson Vicki Tonkins has now censured Vice Chair Todd Watkins for his role in scheduling the meeting taking place this Saturday to discuss unseating grifter Dave Williams as State Chair. I can't even talk about this absurdity anymore. Good grief, we deserve to lose everything.

NETANYAHU SAYS HE WILL WIN TOTAL VICTORY In his joint address to Congress. This as Biden says he will pressure Israel into a cease fire agreement. He will most certainly not, not before Israel says so. Why would they care what a lame duck thinks or does? Not everyone showed up at the speech, here is who skipped it.

DENVER'S CITY COUNCIL PUSHES BACK ON A SALES TAX INCREASE And in this conversation you begin to understand how much political capital the Mayor burned through by pushing through massive spending on homelessness. The City Council is asking pointed questions about HOW the money would be spend for affordable housing if the tax increase is approved by voters. They actually pushed the measure off for more discussion. We'll see if they end up putting this on the ballot. I wonder what internal polling is showing.

IT'S TIME TO TELL XCEL NO, RATEPAYERS And you can do so by joining the PUC meeting today at 4pm via Zoom. DO THIS if you're tired of your Xcel bills going up and up. DO THIS to tell the PUC to tell them no. If enough people show up it will be far more likely the answer is no. Find out how here.

THE MANY REASONS REPUBLICANS SHOULD NOT GET COMPLACENT Sean Trende, who is no left winger, writes here the numerous reasons Republicans should take Kamala Harris seriously and I think he's exactly right.

IT'S SHOCKINGLY EASY TO GET THE INGREDIENTS FOR FENTANYL As Reuters discovered when they went to Mexico and ordered the "precursors" from an online Chinese company. The chemicals were shipped directly to Mexico City in packaging labeled "adaptors" with no issue. This part helps you understand why drug dealers are making fentanyl to poison Americans:

The core precursors Reuters bought would have yielded enough fentanyl powder to make at least 3 million tablets, with a potential street value of $3 million – a conservative estimate based on prices cited by U.S. law enforcement agencies in published reports over the past six months.
The total cost of the chemicals and equipment Reuters purchased, paid mainly in Bitcoin: $3,607.18.

That's a hell of a profit margin, isn't it?

THE NUGGETS ARE IN HOT WATER not for any on court antics, but for what plays during the games. A group of musical artists have sued several NBA teams for using their music without compensation and I'm actually kind of shocked by this. I would assume the NBA would have explained how royalties work at some point. The Nuggets were one of the teams named in the copyright infringement suit.

CAN'T POMS ALL GET ALONG? Sometimes lawsuits make me roll my eyes, but boy howdy does this make me happy the Q never wanted to do Poms. A parent is suing over ridiculous paperwork that parents were forced to sign that made them promise to not talk to other parents about any issues that arise. It's a freedom of speech issue to be sure, but holy cow this is all so petty to begin with. And the worst part is you know they came up with this document because parents were jerks in the first place.

YOUR BEST CHANCE TO WIN THE LOTTERY Seems to be if you buy a ticket in Pueblo at a store called Winners Corner. Find out where else a lot of winners have been sold by clicking here.

FREE GONDOLA RIDES FOR THE SUMMER And much like Southwest is breaking my heart by selling seats you should probably enjoy the free gondola rides up the mountain before those resorts do what all the other resorts do and charge you to ride.

GDP WAS GOOD LAST QUARTER Better than expected as the economy grew at 2.8% last quarter which is great news. Read more here.

ARCHEOLOGY PROVES BIBLICAL ACCURACY We've been talking about the Bible as the history of the Jewish people and now an archeological find in Bahrain proves the existence of another Biblical city. Read more about it here.



80 YEAR OLD PEOPLE GIVE ADVICE Get your tissues out for this one. It got me today.


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