6/24/24 Blog: It's Time To Vote, and a Film About Sasquatch

COULD SASQUATCH BE REAL? That is the question considered in a new film by filmmaker Joseph Granda who has a new film coming out about some recent Sasquatch encounters that defy previous descriptions. Watch the trailer below and Joseph joins me at 1 to talk about it. Find out more about the film here.

IT'S TIME TO GET YOUR BALLOTS IN! Y'all it is time to vote in this primary election. Ross did a voter guide here and after I started mine it's exactly the same as his so just use it. In DougCo the only race on the ballot that matters is the County Commission race with John Carson in it, so please vote for him. Deborah Flora joins me at 2:30 to discuss.

DON'T VOTE FOR RON HANKS, PLEASE Because if you do you are playing directly into the Democrats hands because they know he is extremely beatable in the general election. How do I know this? Because they've spend a crap ton of money on adds SUPPORTING Hanks and attacking his much more electable opponent. Honestly, if you don't know who to vote for, find out who the Colorado GOP endorsed and vote for whoever is running against them.

SEND JON CALDARA PRAYERS OF HEALING, PLEASE And since he wrote a column about his recent heart attack I'm not violating any privacy by asking. Read the column here and then maybe schedule a LifeScan to check those arteries. I'm doing it.

PRO HAMAS PROTESTERS STOP THE PRIDE PARADE And this is sort of what happens in Muslim nations when gay people show up, and sometimes it ends with them being thrown off buildings but I'm sure the folks participating in the interrupted parade will now feel more sympathetic to those who wish them dead. Right? Read about it here. You know where they have PRIDE parades in the Middle East? Israel. The one in Tel Aviv is one of the biggest in the world. You know where they don't? Gaza.

COLORADO MAKES SOCIAL MEDIA NAG KIDS And though well intentioned how well are pop ups telling people under 18 they are on social media too long really going to work? I guess it's a start. Colorado now makes social media apps send a mental health warning to anyone under 18 using it, and if they use it between 10pm and 6am it will send the warnings every half hour. We'll see what happens.

RUSSIA SAYS WE ARE AT WAR WITH THEM As they blame the US for the missiles that were fired in Crimea over the weekend, killing four and injuring many. The missiles were US missiles but as far as I know, we didn't fire them. Russia says they are blaming the US and this is not good news, although why would they try to pull us into the war? Unless they are confident that Joe Biden will bungle the response? I'd say that is a safe bet based on Biden's other foreign policy decisions.

GEN Z IS BLOWING UP THE GENDER DIVIDE The older I get the more I recognize how futile allowing politics to blow up a relationship really is. Whether its a family relationship, or romantic relationship or just a plain old friendship, allowing politics to put that asunder is a bad, bad idea. Now we find out that Gen Z is dividing itself along gender and political lines and none of these people will ever get married if they keep this up. Read more here.

CRIMINAL KIDS ARE GIVEN PRIORITY If a kid runs afoul of the law, I don't want their entire lives to be destroyed for a youthful mistake. BUT, and this is a big but, I have reservations about a new bill that forces school districts to get those kids BACK into schools as soon as they can. My questions include, what crime did they commit? Was it a violent crime or non-violent? Did they sexually assault someone or get caught with a gun they can't own legally? I don't want a sexual predator in school with my daughter. I don't want a kid arrested for a gun crime in school with my daughter. There is an online option available and that is where these kids should be directed.

SNOPE QUIETLY CHANGES THE NARRATIVE ON "VERY FINE PEOPLE" This lie has been circulating for YEARS and just now Snopes.com, which is an absolute trash left wing site, has corrected their record.

Don't worry, Snopes made sure to call Trump a racist later on in the fact check so all is well there. Why now? Who knows, but this is definitely too little, too late.

HERE COMES THE "WE'RE SO BROKE WE NEED TO RAISE TAXES NONSENSE I saw this over the weekend and when you read it, you already know what's coming. Tax revenues are DOWN they say! We need more money, they will say! Don't fall for it. The State budget has DOUBLED since 2008. They have enough of our money.

NAZIS COME TO LA And a massive clash broke out between Pro-Hamas supporters and Pro-Israel supporters outside a synagogue in Los Angeles. This is where we are now. This is beyond shameful.

I NEVER THOUGHT I'D MISS HEADPHONES But we've apparently entered a new age where people just listen to whatever they want without headphones so you have to hear it too. Rude. And annoying. This column asks why this is happening. The answer? People are only thinking about themselves. I hate this.

NEARLY HALF OF EV OWNERS REGRET THEIR CHOICE And we know that because they say they will be going back to a combustion engine asap. Read it here. Why? Charging hassles, lack of infrastructure, and needing more convenience are top of the list. This is a problem created by the EV makers who sold this cars as an even exchange with gas vehicles when it clearly is not the same.

DEMS WANT TO RAISE TAXES And of course they do, that's what they do. The Trump tax cuts will expire in 2025 and Democrats are already gearing up the "tax the rich" rhetoric in the hopes of paying for their massive spending. The funny part is that Dems will have to admit that the Trump tax cuts cut taxes for EVERYONE, not just the rich, to do this. Read it here.

INTERMITTENT FASTING CAN HELP TYPE 2 DIABETES A new study in China of the effect of the 5:2 method of intermittent fasting showed an improvement in the A1C of Type 2 diabetics. The 5:2 method is simply eating a drastically reduced number of calories on two non consecutive days. Like 500 calories on those days. This study showed a stronger impact on blood sugar than diabetes drugs!

WE STILL HAVEN'T RECOVERED SINCE COVID When it comes to excess deaths in Colorado. For us, drug overdoses and alcohol deaths are keeping our numbers up over historical norms. Deaths of despair, as they are called, have been up since the pandemic shut the world down.

TAKE YOUR VACATIONS, PEOPLE! One thing Americans truly suck at is taking vacations (I obviously don't suffer from this affliction) and we need to do better. Time off is good for you, it's good for your mental health, it's good for your work ethic and you need to take your vacation days. If you don't, you are giving yourself a pay cut! Read more here about how bad we are at taking our vacation days.

THE PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE OF YOUR PHONE Your phone has an expiration date. Not one you can easily find, but it has one. At that point the maker of your phone expects you to buy a new one because your old one won't work efficiently anymore. Here is how to find your phones date.

TIK TOK SAYS A BAN IS POSSIBLE Since they won't be selling and unless a judge blocks the ban. Read more here, but if you're a TikTok Creator you best be building your brand elsewhere.

THE SWEETEST WEDDING TOAST Watch below or click here.



TRUMP SAYS COLLEGE GRADUATES SHOULD GET A GREEN CARD This is a really good idea. Watch below or click here.

THIS IS CAR VOODOO Watch below or click here.

THE REALITY OF BEING 30 AND GOING OUT And it only gets worse the older you get, trust me. Watch below or click here.

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