6/19/24 Blog: Gabe Evans Wants To Go To Congress

GET YOUR WEATHER QUESTIONS READY As we check in with Fox 31's Dave Fraser to find out what's coming next.

GABE EVANS IS RUNNING FOR CD-8 And he joins me today to discuss things. I think he is the clear choice in the GOP primary over carpetbagger Joshi. Find out more about Gabe and support him by clicking here.

TY SCHADE WROTE ME A SONG And he used AI to help and it's really good so I'm having him on to talk about how he put this thing together.

UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME HAS SOME POSITIVE OUTCOMES The Denver Basic Income Project is touting some results that show a good chunk of those who participated in the project had better housing stability than before the no-strings-attached money was given to them. This article says:

The project enrolled a total of 807 homeless people in Denver, more than 600 of whom agreed to participate in the research. By the 3rd milestone, called “timepoints” by DBIP, roughly 400 continued to participate in the research.
Participants were randomly split into three groups. The first group received $1,000 per month for 12 months. The second got a lump sum of $6,500 and then 12 monthly payments of $500. The third group only received $50 per month for 12 months. 
Early results shared by DBIP seem to indicate moderate success. When the program started, less than 10% of participants had some form of housing. By the end of 10 months, at the programs third check in, 45% of those who continued to respond owned or rented some kind of housing

Of course I want to know what happened to those who "dropped out" of the program after they got their money. How many died? How many moved away? How many spent it all and are still living on the streets? Milton Friedman was a big proponent of universal basic income as a means to address poverty, so this isn't some left wing fever dream. If we used this to replace all other programs I could get behind it, but not in addition to what we already have. But we need to know what people REALLY do with the money.

TWELVE THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT COLORADO BEFORE YOU COME HERE And I think they missed a few on this otherwise fine list and I bet you do too. Read them here, we shall discuss.

WHAT THE SALE OF TATTERED COVER MEANS I know many of you don't care about this story but I LOVE a bookstore. And Tattered Cover does a great job of serving the local community by bringing in big name authors and having events so I want to see them stick around and now we know they will be. This interview with the CEO of new owner Barnes and Nobles gives me comfort that the character of this local bookshop won't change much. The CEO's attitude about independent bookstores is refreshing.

PRIMARY BALLOTS ARE COMING IN And in the 4th Congressional race Douglas County is turning OUT. This, I hope, is good news for Deborah Flora. Read more here.

SHOULD WE STOP TAXING TIPS? That is the case made by this editorial in the Denver Gazette and I both agree and disagree with it. I don't think we should tax ANYONE's income so I like this for that, but why should we carve out an exemption for one class of employees and not others? My friend Thomas Massie is working on a similar bill in Congress right now that would exempt tips from federal income taxes too. I'll try to get him on to find out why.

CONGRESSMAN MATT GAETZ PAID A WOMAN FOR SEX At least according to the Congressional testimony of at least one woman. Other women testified that they attended parties where drugs and sex were the end game. Rep. Gaetz points out that every investigation into him so far has resulted in exoneration, which a fair point, and the Justice Department declined to press charges after their investigation. We'll have to see what the ethics committee decides, as they are being tight lipped about the entire process.


DISNEY HAS FINALLY KILLED THE STAR WARS FRANCHISE With their new idiotic series Acolytes which apparently stars a coven of lesbian space witches or something. As you can imagine, the fandom is very unhappy. When will Woke stop destroying Hollywood? This show upends The Force to make it about oppressors and the oppressed. Who didn't see that coming?

RUSSIA AND NORTH KOREA ARE BEST FRIENDS NOW As Putin and Kim Jung On met to sign a super duper new agreement vowing to team up against the US and anyone else who loves freedom. Read more here.

RIP WILLIE MAYS The Say Hey Kid has passed away at the age of 93. Read about his legacy here.

DPS CAN'T GET DISCIPLINE RIGHT As they unveiled some details about the new, extremely complicated new discipline matrix Jimmy Sengenberger says they haven't done enough and he's absolutely right.

CONDY RICE SHARES WHY JUNETEENTH MATTERS And this is a great column if you've been wondering about Juneteenth and its significance.

CHINA IS SHEDDING HIGH EARNERS TOO I had a story yesterday about how the UK is losing high net worth individuals who are fleeing high taxes and government interference. The very same thing is happening in China, where government decides to just take someone's stuff if they have too much.

GIRLS ARE SELF HARMING AT ALARMING RATES And Jean Twenge writes about the significant increase in girls between 10 and 14 showing up at ERs after harming themselves in some way. The numbers don't lie, and they aren't related to Covid lockdowns. They just HAPPEN to correspond with the rise of social media but I'm sure there is no connection.

ANOTHER WHISTLEBLOWER ABOUT CHILDREN'S GENDER AFFIRMING CARE Has come forward to accuse a major Texas Children's Hospital of fraud after they were providing gender affirming care to kids while billing Medicaid for it. Texas does not allow Medicaid to pay for gender affirming care. These stories point to a larger problem of doctors putting profits over evidence based medicine, which is severely lacking when it comes to kids with gender dysphoria. Read it here.

OUR SUMMER SOLSTICE WILL HAPPEN QUITE EARLY THIS YEAR At exactly 4:51pm on June 20th. Find out why here, this is nerdy and interesting. It's the earliest summer solstice since 1796!

IF FIREWORKS ARE YOUR JAM Here is a completely comprehensive list of all the fireworks displays this 4th of July.

SEATTLE IS MASKING AGAIN And they can have it. This column shows how Seattleites are still being scared into submission by their overlords who have chosen to ignore all the ACTUAL science on the uselessness of masking.

VOTE IN AURORA'S GLOBAL FOOD COMPETITION! We all know the best food from around the world is in Aurora and the city wants to showcase that so they've created a Global Flavors food competition in conjunction with Global Fest happening in August. Restaurants can nominate a dish, drink or dessert and finalists will be chosen by a city panel. Then people will be urged to visit those restaurants and vote on the winner. I will be participating in this. Have your favorite restaurant submit an entry by clicking here. I will let you know when the contest is up and running!

HE'S LYING OR A LIGHTWEIGHT Justin Timberlake got popped for DUI. He says he had one martini but check this out.


FAUCI ADMITS HE WAS WRONG ABOUT DESTROYING CHILDREN'S LIVES And I guess this is progress but it's still infuriating. He says shutting down schools for a year was wrong but STILL defends shutting them down in the first place, which was also wrong.

POOR PEOPLE DATING RICH PEOPLE SPILL THE BEANS And some of these are surprising but some are not. I've been around super rich people who've earned their money who act like normal people and super rich people who inherited their money and they are not the same.

AW, YOUNG LOVE. AND BILL BELICHICK. The first photo of the happy couple at their first meeting:

I USED ONE OF THESE SELF CLEANING TOILETS IN SWITZERLAND And the only knock is that the floor is ALWAYS wet. Clean, but wet. Watch below or click here.

USING AI FOR AN INTERVIEW This is genius. Watch below or click here.

PROTECT YOUR PUPS FROM THE HEAT There is a huge heatwave across the country this week so this is pertinent even though we're having a nice day today. Watch below or click here.

CAN I GET A DOCTOR'S NOTE FOR THIS? The WHO has declared "work burnout" a new disease. I think we've all got it. Watch below or click here.

GEN Z MEN ARE BUYING INTO PLASTIC SURGERY And this sort of goes along with the interview I did about stoicism as young men are searching for manliness with renewed vigor. For some, that means a perfectly square jaw and chiseled features and young men are plunking down big bucks to make it happen.

JUST STOP OIL NEEDS TO JUST STOP As they painted Stonehenge with orange powder paint to get the UK to stop using oil. These people are truly idiots.

ANOTHER FAKE HATE CRIME EXPOSED This one perpetrated by a Democrat Texas County Commissioner of Indian descent, who created a fake Facebook page to send himself vile messages. He then posted those messages on his real Facebook page saying they were sent by the supporters of his Republican opponent. Have Republicans ever perpetrated a fake hate crime? I'm genuinely curious. He's now been charged with various crimes related to this fake hate crime.

KRISPY KREME MAKES FRIENDS DONUTS To commemorate the iconic 90s TV show. The hitch? They are only being sold in the UK.

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