6/17/24 Blog: I'm Back, Baby! Let's Talk Stoicism and Dirty Politics

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND NORWAY Five stars, would recommend, would do again. We had a fantastic trip with fantastic people and I'll share some stuff I learned. You can see all the photos on my Facebook page here, or my Instagram page here.

STOICISM MAKES LIFE EASIER And my guest at 1 is Donald J. Robertson, who extends an invitation to traverse the annals of history and immerse oneself in the crucible of Roman power and philosophy in his new book "Marcus Aurelius: The Stoic Emperor". Jerry Seinfeld talked about Marcus Aurelius' impact and the takeaways his teachings had on his life recently and we shall chat about stoicism can release you from the worries and fears many of us harbor on a daily basis. Buy the book here.

DOUGCO COUNTY COMMISSIONER ON AT 2:30 I normally don't cover state House and Senate races because there are too many of them. However, the soap opera in DougCo continues as a cabal of people supporting a ridiculously unfeasible water plan have decided to relentlessly attack Lora Thomas during her time on the DougCo commission and are now doing the same to her in her HD 43 race. I'm bringing her on just to irritate the cabal if I'm honest. She joins me at 2:30.

ROSS KAMINSKY'S VOTER GUIDE IS OUT And his is EXACTLY what mine would be, save a few races in Douglas County that I will weigh in on and he doesn't for obvious reasons. Read his here, mine will be out tomorrow.

I'M HAPPY REPUBLICANS ARE FED UP WITH DAVE WILLIAMS And the obnoxious and hateful letter he sent out about PRIDE month seems to have been the final straw for many who have been talking quietly about what a disaster he has been for the party to finally come forward and demand changes. This article has all the drama and threats of retaliation from China Dave and his ilk. The Denver Republican Party along with many other local parties have signed petitions demanding Williams step down or be replaced. This one line is why Williams must go:

Responding to critics, Williams vowed to "publicize" the names of anyone who signed on to a petition to fire him and said he would "notify all convention delegates and their respective central committees of their support for Pride Month."

See what he did there? He doesn't respond to the hateful and divisive email HE SENT OUT AGAIN THIS YEAR, but he threatens to "out" anyone who is sick of his crap. My question is out them to WHO? His minions? He never answers the accusations, like the one that showed his only business in the private sector was importing cheap crap from China, he just yells FAKE NEWS and threatens anyway who tells the truth. He needs to go but he will never resign, his ego will not allow it. The GOP must do the right thing and oust this clown to save the party. Dick Wadhams writes about it here.

THE RISE OF THE INDEPENDENTS Just as Williams is trying to drive as many people OUT of the Republican party as he can, we see the rise of the Independents. In Colorado especially, they vastly outnumber Democrats and Republicans and with Ranked Choice Voting going to be on the ballot they must just take back primaries from the two parties who are alienating so many. Read a great column on it here.

LET'S CHECK OUT THE HOUSE RACES, SHALL WE? Brian Porter from Rocky Mountain Voice does a great job laying out the various House races, many of which are uncontested primaries. They are doing good coverage of a lot of races so check them out daily for the latest.

WHAT DO YOU WANT THE NEWS TO COVER? This is a column about a project designed to give viewers and voters a chance to guide what local media covers. You should take the survey here (I already did) to share your voice and see if we can move the needle to the center when it comes to local news.

WHEN ANTISEMITES TOOK ONE OF OUR OWN This column by Peter Boyles on the murder of Alan Berg is outstanding and disheartening at the same time. Anti Semites forty years ago murdered the Jewish talk show host after tangling with him repeatedly on the air. What's disheartening is the "here we go again" feeling we're living through right now.

COLORADO GOVERNMENTS ARE ROLLING IN OUR PROPERTY TAX DOUGH And the Common Sense Institute dug up the numbers. Some of these are staggering.

SOCIAL MEDIA SHOULD COME WITH A WARNING At least for kids according to the Surgeon General. I don't disagree with him but I still wonder why parents let their kids have social media in the first place. Read more here.

SIT AND HAVE SOME COFFEE As a new study shows that people who sit AND have coffee have a much lower risk of all cause mortality than those that just sit.

THE SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS IMMIGRATION LAW When it comes to illegal aliens who fail to appear when they have been given a Notice To Appear (NTA) in immigration court. I'm sure the Biden admin will ignore this ruling too. The court held that the law was being followed when three illegal immigrants did not appear at their hearings and were given a deportation order in absentia. This should not even be controversial but here we are.

A LOT OF BEER IS WASTED IN THIS VIDEO But it's oddly soothing for some reason.

THE BUMP STOCK RULING WAS THE RIGHT ONE And I say that not because I'm a fan of bump stocks but because we can't have a country where bureaucrats get to make laws that abridge a constitutionally protected right. This column explains why Congressional action is required to deal with the issue, not Executive Order or bureaucratic maneuvers.

A GERMAN STUDY SHOWS MOST TRANS KIDS ARE JUST IN PHASE And I sure wish we were doing robust studies on things like this before we continue to allow children to mutilate themselves. The study used insurance date from Germany to follow young people who had been diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder. From the article:

The study examined insurance data over five years, revealing that more than half of young people aged 5-24 across every age subgroup diagnosed with "gender identity disorder" no longer had the diagnosis after five years. Specifically, the desistance rate was 72.7% in 15- to 19-year-old females and 50.3% in 20- to 24-year-old males. Among the whole group of 5- to 24-year-olds, only about 36.4% of those diagnosed in 2017 still had the diagnosis five years later, indicating that more than 63% desisted. 

Other studies have also shown that affirming care almost ALWAYS leads to medical interventions which are irreversible. It's time to start with therapy before we go around affirming these temporary feelings.

HOW OPIOIDS HAVE CHANGED FAMILIES FOREVER This story about West Virginia and the disaster of addiction is shocking. Over HALF the kids in West Virginia are being raised by their grandparents. Why? Their parents have been taken over by addiction. This is what the intersection of hopelessness and the shutdown of coal mines looks like.

WHEN PROTESTERS DON'T KNOW WHY THEY ARE THERE I love it when protesters refuse to answer questions and refer this interviewer to "the media and outreach department". There is some bad language but this is worth it;

THE STUPID BAG TAX HAS COST US 5 MILLION BUCKS With 60% of that going to Denver if you're in the city limits. Read more about this extortion here.

DOES ANYONE CARE IF THERE IS ANOTHER COVID "SURGE"? I saw this article and eye rolled hard. Covid will be here forever. Some people are still gonna die from it. However most of us won't and need to go about our business.

IT'S TIME TO DONATE BLOOD! As we are seeing a massive shortage since the covid lockdowns. Every pint of blood can save up to three lives. Read more about the shortage here and then roll up your sleeve!

THE BLOOD OF CENTEGENERIANS MAY TELL US HOW TO LIVE LONGER And a new study examined the blood of people who made it to 100 and beyond and those who didn't, and I'm a bit surprised here. The results say that people whose blood work was pretty much in the middle had the greatest chance of living to 100, whereas I thought it would be the people with the lowest of the bad and the most of the best. Read it here.

IS IT WEIRD BILL BELICHICK IS DATING A 24 YEAR OLD? And I'd love to hear what they talk about when they are at dinner. Does he love the Sabrina Carpenter song as much as she does? Has she bought long term care insurance like he has? Don't get me wrong, she is beautiful but seriously.

WHAT PROGRESSIVES HAVE DONE TO THE WEST COAST This is a really good column asking why progressive governance has failed so badly in California, Oregon and Washington. The author actually used a phrase that I use a lot to describe the fundamental difference between liberals and conservatives:

So my take is that the West Coast’s central problem is not so much that it’s unserious as that it’s infected with an ideological purity that is focused more on intentions than on oversight and outcomes.

He's 100% right and this is what I fear is happening to Colorado.

IS THAT A PISTOL IN YOUR POCKET OR ARE YOU JUST HAPPY TO SEE ME? A new study has found that men who are satisfied with their "endowment" are MORE likely to own guns, putting to rest of the old "their overcompensating" myth.

TRUMP CALLS OUT BIDEN'S AGE In a commercial that is pretty devastating.


HOW ABOUT THE STORMIN' MORMONS? Utah is naming it's new hockey team and they've settled on a few choices, none of them as good at the Stormin' Mormons. Just saying.

JUST COMPARE THE TERMS, PEOPLE Watch below or click here.

THE BEST HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONG YET I wish I were a conductor. Watch below or click here.

HOW OFTEN SHOULD YOU POOP? Once a day, people. Watch below or click here.

THE CRICKET WORLD CUP IS HAPPENING! And if you don't understand cricket, here is a helpful video to explain it.

HOT DOGS WITH...MAYO???? My goodness, this is a thing???

NO THANK YOU Watch below or click here.

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