6/3/24 Blog: Dave Williams Grifts Again, Deborah Flora Joins, & a KKK Book

DAVE WILLIAMS LIED ABOUT BEING IMPARTIAL And that he doesn't give a rat's ass about rules because he knows nothing will be done before the primary. He sent out a this mail piece with party funds:

This is a clear FU to any Republican who donates money to the party because they think it will help Republican candidates. It's only helping him. Please vote for Jeff Crank just so Williams doesn't win cheating and lying like he has been.

DICK WADHAMS WRITES ABOUT THE CORRUPT LEADERSHIP OF THE COLORADO GOP Again. In this column he points out that they only way to get an endorsement is to carpet bag into a district or sell tons of cheap imported Chinese goods. This is what the GOP has become.

DEBORAH FLORA ON TODAY As her race for the 4th Congressional District is heating up. At Saturday's Republican Women of Weld Rumble, which Lauren Boebert couldn't be bothered to attend, Deborah caught all the sharp questions from her opponents. She handled the questions well but it was clear she was viewed as the frontrunner there by her opponents. She won the straw poll at the event. She joins me at 1 to talk about why she deserves your vote. Find out more and give her money if you're so inclined by clicking here.

A HISTORY OF THE KKK IN MIDDLE AMERICA IS FASCINATING And I've got the author of A Fever In the Heartland: The Ku Klux Klan's Plot to Take Over America, and the Woman Who Stopped Them Timothy Egan on today at 12:30 to talk about his most excellent telling of how one man's cult of personality helped the KKK take over Indiana politics, law enforcement, and governance in the 1920s. It's a great book, I highly recommend it and you can buy it here. It makes a great companion to this book about the KKK in Colorado. Timothy is going to be at Tattered Cover in Aspen Grove this Sunday, click here for more!

GREG LOPEZ AT 2:30 TODAY And though I am generally a Greg fan I was not happy he backed out of the Republican Women of Weld's debates Saturday over a fit of pique about an endorsement. I will ask him about that and let him make the case for your vote in the CD-4 special election to fill Ken Buck's seat until the next Congress is seated.

OUR TABOR REFUNDS HAVE BEEN LOOTED And to make it worse, they are being looted to pay for a bunch of socialist crap in this state. This editorial has more.

HOW MUCH ARE ILLEGAL ALIENS REALLY COSTING US? Leave it to the Common Sense Institute to try and find out. We know that when asked directly about the cost of programs Mayor Mike's team has been unable to answer the City Council. Common Sense used some pretty basic calculations and the numbers are staggering. Read them here.

WHAT TO KNOW WHEN FILING A HAIL CLAIM This is a great story from CPR that walks you through what you can expect when making a hail claim. If you need a roofer, use mine, Golden Spike Rooking at 303-942-1386!

THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET LOWERS MORTALITY RISK A new study shows the fruit, veggie and fish based diet lowers the risk of mortality by 23%, which is a lot, and it comes down to heart health. Read more here.

OPEC ISN'T HELPING BIDEN As they are keeping production cuts in place to keep oil and gas prices higher than they have been. We'll see if this is enough for the Biden Admin to begin to encourage more US oil production, because we know he makes decisions based on politics all the time.

CANCER RATES ARE RISING WITH OBESITY RATES Cancer rates in young people have been climbing for years now, and the blame is falling on the fact we are all so much fatter than we used to be. Obesity is a precursor to a lot of diseases, this we already know, but the sharp uptick in cancer in young people is a new one. From the article:

“There are many preventable causes of cancer we know about including smoking, obesity, red meat, but they don’t in themselves explain the increase we’re seeing in the under-50s,” he added. “Bowel cancer is the one that’s the main concern. It speaks to the possibility of there being additional preventable factors that we’re not yet aware of or fully understand.
“There has been a major dietary change in the last 30-40 years. It could be something in the diet that alters the microbiome or something that alters the integrity of the epithelial of the gut. Some people have suggested high fructose corn syrup, other dietary factors that are associated with obesity, or even microplastics and pollutants. We just don’t know.”
He said CRUK had been “thinking about this very hard” and funded the “grand challenge” to research and answer this question.

It's time to take control of your weight and you can do that here.

KYLE ASKED LAUREN BOEBERT ABOUT HER THEATER INCIDENT And she should have just apologized again but she didn't.

Boebert also blew off the notion that she is trailing the likely Democrat candidate. She failed miserably with this answer.

Watch the whole debate here.


YOU KNOW HOW I CELEBRATE PRIDE MONTH? The same way I do the rest of the year, by loving the gay, lesbian and bisexual people in my life unconditionally and making sure they enjoy the same rights and privileges that straight people enjoy. That's it. No rainbow flag needed.

HOW ARE PEOPLE LIVING IN HOMELESS HOUSING SUPPOSED TO GET AHEAD? When things like reliable internet are anything but reliable? This opinion piece by a journalist living at Fusion Studios explains. Hopefully the Denver City Council will fund internet improvements. I've got David coming on the show to talk about what conditions in this Homeless Coalition run facility are really like.

WHAT'S IT LIKE WINNING THE LOTTERY? This is a great column by a guy who won $28 million in the lottery when he was 21. It's not all fun and games.

VOTING FOR TRUMP TO SAVE DEMOCRACY The Free Press tracked down a bunch of newly minted Trump voters who are voting to stop the Democrats lawfare and shady business. Read about them here.

OH YES, BIDEN WAS INVOLVED IN THE TRUMP PROSECUTION And if you don't know just how deeply embedded the Biden Admin was in this prosecution this column connects the dots, as they are very closely tied to the White House.

THE FAKE "SCIENCE" OF SOCIAL DISTANCING Now the Washington Post, which carried the water for the many edicts of Lord Anthony "Science" Fauci during the pandemic, is publishing articles about how social distancing was just a made up thing with literally no science behind it. Great, now do masks.

NOW GODZILLA LIVES IN FLORIDA We had Asian water monitors in the canal behind our house in Cape Coral so this is not the least bit surprising to me. That one of these monsters allowed itself to be photographed is a bit shocking, as they are dodgy as hell. See the creepy photos here.

OUR PRESIDENT, LADIES AND GENTLEMAN He can't even work a football helmet.

SHOULD WE AT LEAST FIND OUT IF HE'S GUILTY FIRST? Brandon McManus has been accused of some gross behavior by two flight attendants who worked a flight with the Jags to London. As a former flight attendant who was harassed for six hours by members of the Detroit Lions on the way to London this seems like it COULD be feasible. That being said, McManus has now been released by the Washington Commanders football team in light of the allegations. So dude lost his job without even being able to defend himself. That's wrong.

BUYING HOUSES IN 2024 I feel like this is pretty accurate, especially here. Watch below or click here.

DOES ANYONE REALLY WASH FRUIT LIKE THIS? This seems extreme, I'd rather take the risk of eating a bug parts. Extra protein! Watch below or click here.


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