5/30/24 Blog: It's 1984 Book Club Day! Plus Adorable Fuzzy Friends

WHY 1984 MATTER TODAY I sure hope you read George Orwell's 1984 for today's 2pm hour. Not only am I going to be joined by Dr. Michael Shelden of Indiana State University but Dave the Intrepid is back too! We shall talk about why the book matters today and the how and why it was written in the first place. If you haven't read it you will be shocked at how much we are living through this today. Buy Dr. Shelden's book on George Orwell here and an audio book on 1984 here.

I GET TO SEE SOME PUPS TODAY! As the wonderful folks at MaxFund are coming in for a visit. I'll chat with Kathy Gaines, Executive Director, Sophia Guerriero, Marketing & Fundraising Coordinator, and Zoey Defario, Adoption Coordinator about Max Fund and how you can support their wonderful mission. Buy tickets to their gala by clicking here. Find a new furry friend or just make a donation by clicking here.

LAUREN BOEBERT MAY HAVE DEFANGED HERSELF When Lauren Boebert used to shoot snarky comments around there wasn't much to fire back with. UNTIL the unfortunate incident at the Buell Theater that is. Now when she fires, like this:

It's easy to fire back with this:

Yikes. I feel sorry for her because being shot with your own ammunition is especially painful, don't ask me how I know. But she did this to herself.

DO YOU THINK THEY TOTALED IT? This is another reason electric vehicles are not ready for prime time. It took multiple fire agencies HOURS to get an ev car fire under control after they finally decided they had to let the Tesla just burn out. See the pics here, it's pretty spectacular. No one was hurt, but the car is toast.

YES, THE JUSTICE SYSTEM IS ONE SIDED And we live in a world where Democrats can lie and cheat and get a slap on the wrist when they yell about victim status. This is what happened in the case of former Baltimore DA Marilyn Mosby. She was found guilty of two counts of perjury and one count of mortgage fraud and was given house arrest by a Biden appointee. But that's not the worst of it. She CONTINUES to say she is the victim of a race based justice system, even though the judge, the prosecutor and a majority of the jury were BLACK. Read about how many black people she got killed with her soft on crime policies here.

NEVER FORGET YOUR BEAR SPRAY, PEOPLE This man survived a grizzly bear attack in Montana and his explanation of what happened is pretty exciting. What prevented him from dying? He had a can of bear spray in his hands which were over his neck, and when the bear went for his neck she popped the can. Phew.

HOW TO RENDER YOUR DEFENSE MOOT This dude had a court date because he was caught driving with a suspended license. Watch what happens. Good grief, man. Good grief.

THERE WAS A DEBATE LAST NIGHT FOR CD-4 Here are some high points.

MORE ON THE TAKEOVER OF THE EGYPT BORDER BY ISRAEL This article does a good job of explaining how important this is for Israel, as it cuts off Hamas from friendly support coming over the Egyptian border, or under the border via tunnels built by Hamas. Read it here.

WILL ANOTHER TAPE POP UP TO HAUNT TRUMP? This one allegedly has the former President using the N-word to describe a contestant on The Apprentice, long before he ran for President. Rumors of the tape have long existed, and one of the producers of the show is speaking out now that a 20 year Non-Disclosure Agreement has expired. This is what he said transpired:

We lay out the virtues and deficiencies of each finalist to Trump in a fair and balanced way, but sensing the moment at hand, Kepcher sort of comes out of herself. She expresses how she observed Jackson at the casino overcoming more obstacles than Rancic, particularly with the way he managed the troublesome Omarosa. Jackson, Kepcher maintains, handled the calamity with grace.
“I think Kwame would be a great addition to the organization,” Kepcher says to Trump, who winces while his head bobs around in reaction to what he is hearing and clearly resisting.
“Why didn’t he just fire her?” Trump asks, referring to Omarosa. It’s a reasonable question. Given that this the first time we’ve ever been in this situation, none of this is something we expected.
“That’s not his job,” Bienstock says to Trump. “That’s yours.” Trump’s head continues to bob.
“I don’t think he knew he had the ability to do that,” Kepcher says. Trump winces again.
“Yeah,” he says to no one in particular, “but, I mean, would America buy a n— winning?”
Kepcher’s pale skin goes bright red. I turn my gaze toward Trump. He continues to wince. He is serious, and he is adamant about not hiring Jackson.

If he did say it, and the tape comes out, will it even matter?

PEOPLE ARE ALREADY WORN OUT BY THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION And we haven't even gotten started in the meat of campaign season yet. This survey has me asking the question I want you to answer. What do you want from me on this? How much is enough, how much is too much? Help a talk show host out.

A LAWSUIT OVER ELEPHANTS AT CHEYENNE MOUNTAIN ZOO Is headed to the Colorado Supreme Court. It's filed by one of those animal are human organizations that are trying to ban any sort of captivity for animals (don't laugh, they will come for your pets someday). I hope they get laughed out of court.

GOLDEN SHUTS DOWN TUBERS I get that Golden wants to prevent destruction from overuse of Clear Creek. That being said, the ham handed way they are trying to limit business is not the way to do it. Read it here. If you want to stop litter and parking violations fine the people that are doing THOSE things. Create an organized way to get people into and out of the river. Put signs up about vegetation destruction along the river. Arrest people who are jerks. Those are better ideas but they require more of the city so they won't be done.

DOES DPS DESERVE YOUR MONEY? Denver Public Schools is asking for an almost BILLION dollar bond issue this November. This editorial from the Denver Gazette rightly asks: do they deserve it? Sure the needs are there and they are significant, but the current leadership has done nothing to inspire confidence that the money will be well spent in a transparent manner.

THE SUPREME COURT RULES IN FAVOR OF THE NRA And this case was one involving an insurance plan the NRA offered to cover legal fees for those who used a firearm in self defense. Regulators in New York didn't like the plan and one actively suggested insurance firms not do business with the NRA. That is why the NRA won. The government can give an opinion but this went well beyond that.


WHAT ARE THE STROKE SIGNS FOR YOUNGER PEOPLE? Did you know that 60% of stroke deaths are women? I had no clue, but perhaps that is because women don't always get the "typical" stroke symptoms. Now we're having a big uptick in strokes in younger people so know the signs. Read this story of a 39 year old woman who was training for a marathon when she had her stroke.

A DYING EMPIRE LED BY BAD PEOPLE That is the topline of this column on young people and their feelings about the United States and the political corruption that exists in DC on a daily basis. This actually gives me hope. A message of smaller, more efficient less corrupt government could be a winning message and maybe this generation can get it done. Read the column here to see how they really feel.

YOUR TABOR REFUNDS ARE GOING TO HOLLYWOOD And I'm not kidding, fake libertarian Jared Polis just signed a bill that will scalp money from your Taxpayer's Bill of Rights refund to give to Hollywood. Read it here.

COLORADO HOT SPRINGS THAT CATER TO FAMILIES And some of these are my favorites!

A MAJORITY OF AMERICANS SAY TRUMP WAS INDICTED TO KEEP HIM FROM WINNING And they are not wrong. There are some concerning bits about opinions about the justice system here. I think that locally the justice system operates fairly most of the time, but when it comes to high profile politicians there is an entirely different standard.

WHY DO PEOPLE ACT LIKE IDIOTS AROUND WEDDING STUFF We've made weddings and everything around them into contact sports in this country. They cost too much and it seems there is always someone who wants to create drama. Did you have someone act up before or during your wedding? I want to hear about it. One woman disinvited her sister to her wedding after she showed up the engagement party in a white dress. There was drama here well before the wedding I'm guessing.

GETTING ENGAGED IS DIFFERENT NOW Watch below or click here.

BIDEN VS THE TELEPROMPTER And Biden loses again. Watch below or click here.

CANDACE OWENS ON BLACK HISTORY AND PRIDE MONTH And she's not wrong. Watch below or click here.

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