5/22/24 Blog: Just How Is RTD Doing? Plus Weather Wednesday and More

WEATHER WEDNESDAY WITH FOX 31'S DAVE FRASER So get your weather questions ready for the most accurate forecaster in the metro at 12:30!

SO HOW IS RTD DOING ANYWAY? That's the question the Common Sense Institute set out to answer with their new report and the results are not good. Ridership is down, budgets are way up, and we're about to build ANOTHER rail line no one will use. Read the report here and Common Sense Institute Fellow Kelly Brough (she should have been Denver Mayor, just saying) will join me at 1 to talk about it. Read the report here.

IT'S MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS MONTH And I've got Aurora Mental Health and Recovery CEO Dr. Kelly Phillips-Henry joining me at 1:30 to discuss some things happening in Aurora when it comes to the community's mental health needs. Find out more about Aurora Mental Health and Recovery by clicking here.

ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES: DENVER EDITION New polling shows the bloom is off the rose for Mayor Mike Johnston, whose office has been spending money hand over fist to warehouse homeless people while giving illegal immigrants six months of free rent, phones and computers. Johnston is down to 43% approval and a majority of Denverites say Denver is headed in the wrong direction. You can read the results here, but note what I said above. Denver chose poorly because Mayor Mike is doing EXACTLY what he campaigned on and now they don't like it. The good news is this could lead to shorter term limits for Denver government.

COORS FIELD WILL BE SURROUNDED BY COPS TODAY But there is nothing to worry about, it's just a large scale training exercise you can read about here.

DU SAYS THEY ARE DONE WITH THE ENCAMPMENT And gave pro-Hamas protesters until 9pm last night to get it cleaned up and moved out. How did that go? A bunch of new protesters showed up last night to defy the order. We'll see what happens today.

EUROPEAN COUNTRIES RECOGNIZE NON-EXISTENT PALESTINIAN STATE And they are doing so to try to force a two state solution. A two state solution that Hamas and the PLO have declined over and over again, by the way. Needless to say Israel is not happy about this. It would be ironic if an attack that used vicious rapes and beheadings and baby killing that went on during October 7th lead to a two state solution. I sure hope it encourages upset Middle Eastern immigrants to use the same tactics in the countries recognizing Palestine now. I can't wait for the next Peace Talks, where we get to see Israel capitulate to almost everything (they will never agree to a divided Jerusalem) only to see Hamas say no. I can't wait.

EGYPT SCREWED UP THE CEASE FIRE DEAL By changing the terms that Israel had agreed on before presenting it to Hamas. Egypt is run by idiots, many of whom are corrupt, and this doesn't surprise me at all. Read it here.

IT COSTS A LOT MORE TO MIDDLE CLASS IN COLORADO NOW Back in 2012, residents of Colorado were considered middle class if they made anywhere between $38,829 and $116,488. Just 10 years later in 2022, that range was $58,399 to $175,196. What's happened in that ten years? Democrats took over. Bidenomics took over. That was the third highest jump IN THE COUNTRY and we even beat California and New York in terms of our increase. This should be a GOP campaign ad but they are wasting money trying to close the primaries again instead of trying to win races.

HOMEOWNERS INSURANCE IS GETTING TOUGH FOR THOSE IN THE MOUNTAINS And this is exactly what is happening in Florida, where insurers are leaving the state rather than insure homes in high risk areas. Now mountain dwellers are finding the same issue, and if the state of Colorado doesn't get cracking on some serious re insurance work it's going to get dire quickly. We don't need a state run insurance scheme, we need a state that is active in making sure property insurance companies can buy re insurance to cover huge losses. This is going to be a huge problem very soon.

JOE BIDEN STILL ILLEGALLY CANCELLING STUDENT DEBT I love it when people talk about Trump being a dictator while ignoring the fact that Joe Biden is continuing to "cancel" (there is no cancellation, the cost is just shoved onto the taxpayers, many of whom don't get a college diploma) student debt even after being told by the US Supreme Court he can't do that. He is doing this to try and shore up the support among young people that he's losing, and he's being sued by a two different groups of states about it but he keeps doing it. He's the dictator.

THE HOMELESS HOTELS AND MIGRANT CENTERS ARE COSTING A FORTUNE IN SECURITY COSTS And the Denver City Council is weighing dramatically increasing the city's security budget because of it. Does it seem like this administration is just spending money hand over fist or is it just me?

THE UPCOMING PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IS THE BATTLE OF WHO IS HATED LEAST This is an interesting survey question that shows just how much Democrats hate Donald Trump and how indifferent they are to Biden. The question is:

“Thinking about each of the following public figures, please rate on a scale of ‘1’ to ‘10’ how much you love or hate each of the following, or if you do not think much about them.” 

The results aren't great for either candidate. Read them here.

AMERICANS STILL SUPPORT ISRAEL AND HAVE LOST FAITH IN JOE BIDEN And not just a little bit. A new Harvard Harris Poll shows very strong support.

I am heartened by these results and it's good to know these idiot protesters who are sucking up all the news oxygen are largely being ignored. This poll is super interesting, we will dive in a bit here. Wait until you get to the page that asks about the Approval ratings of politicians or potential politicians.



YOU ARE TWICE AS LIKELY TO BE RUN OVER BY AN EV A new study showed that you are far more likely to be hit by an electric vehicle rather than a gas or diesel. Why? Some speculate that pedestrians don't hear them, while others say it's because EV drivers tend to be younger and not as experienced at driving. Regardless, watch out for EVs!

YES, JEOPARDY CONTESTANTS ARE ALLOWED TO SIT If you've been watching Jeopardy Masters you many have noticed some of the contestants have been sitting during the show. Why? We don't always know because Jeopardy doesn't ask why someone needs a chair, they just give them one. I will say Amy Schneider use a chair and kept swiveling back and forth which was super annoying. I was not sad to see Amy go.

NEWSMAX IS BEING ACCUSED OF DESTROYING EVIDENCE Smartmatic is making a fortune suing anyone in media that ran with the stolen election narrative that they knew to be false, or at least greatly exaggerated. Fox News settled with another voting company for $787.5 million before they went to trial, and other media organizations are facing similar suits without the same deep pockets. One of them is Newsmax, which is now being accused of destroying evidence in the form of text messages and emails that they allege shows Newsmax knew they were driving a false narrative but did it anyway for money. This entire thing was entirely avoidable simply by expressing some skepticism in the face of no evidence.

DID YOU KNOW BREAKDANCING IS NOW AN OLYMPIC SPORT? Though shocked by this it's no less crazy than figure skating or gymnastics when you think about it. Now a 40 year old former kindergarten teacher from Japan is poised to live her Olympic dream this summer in Paris and I think that's cool.

WANT TO DINE OUTSIDE IN THE METRO? Here is a list of places to check out this summer during the outside dining season.

A BASIN WILL BE OPEN INTO JUNE As they keep getting snow so they keep extending the season.

I LOVE THIS GUY He was told to move his boat behind his fence so he painted a boat on his fence and I love him.

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