TGIF Blogcast: Trump immunity; My alma mater sucks; FCC & Net Neutrality

THIS is at Columbia University

Just One Thing: A decent day in court(s)

On the one hand, it’s quite bad for Donald Trump that pretty much all the news about him lately is about lawsuits and prosecutions and days in court. On the other hand, some days are better than others and Trump’s day yesterday was pretty good. I don’t know if the Manhattan jury is smart or unbiased enough to figure it out but so far the prosecution is nowhere near proving that Trump committed a crime and yesterday didn’t help Alvin Bragg’s bogus case. And at the Supreme Court, while Trump will lose his claim of absolute immunity, the Court might determine that some immunity might exist and send the federal cases back to trial courts which would likely mean no trial before the election. Not a bad day for Trump, given the circumstances.

Jack Smith’s odds of putting Trump on trial this year are sinking - POLITICO1

Oral arguments suggest the Supreme Court's about to plunge into a constitutional abyss in Trump-immunity case (


Today's Guests

Josh Hammer is Newsweek editor-at-large and host of the Josh Hammer Show podcast.

Josh Hammer (

We'll talk about yesterday’s oral arguments in Trump immunity case

Amy Coney Barrett May Disappoint Donald Trump (

Oral arguments suggest the Supreme Court's about to plunge into a constitutional abyss in Trump-immunity case (

5 takeaways from historic Supreme Court arguments on Trump's immunity claim - ABC News (

And maybe a little about the NYC case.

Did Donald Trump Just Get Lucky With His NYC Criminal Trial Juror Pool? (


FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr joins the show to explain what it means that the FCC has voted to reinstate the utterly unnecessary government control over the internet that goes by the misleading name "Net Neutrality"

FCC net neutrality vote affects your internet speed: We explain

The FCC Restores Net Neutrality. What It Means for the Internet - WSJ


Other Stuff

It's insane and disgusting how hard some people in Oklahoma are trying to kill a guy who is likely innocent and certainly could not have been found guilty in a fair trial. Even the hardcore conservative Oklahoma Attorney General is now doing everything he can to stop this murder-by-government: Oklahoma AG files brief with SCOTUS to halt Glossip's execution (


New CO law: HOA's cannot foreclose to recover fees: Colorado law reins in metro districts on home foreclosures over fines (

They also can't bar someone from putting up a flag or from putting a non-commercial sign in the window.

The legislature's web page for the bill (now law): Metropolitan District Covenant Enforcement Policy | Colorado General Assembly


Clearly this pattern of brain complexity persists throughout life: Baby Girls Seem To Have More Complex Brain Activity Than Boys, Finds Study (


I didn't get around to having fun at Joe Biden's expense yesterday. I'll try to remedy that today, sharing three gaffes he made in one speech. The one that got the most attention was when he read the teleprompter instruction "pause" as if it was one of his lines. The White House's original transcript of the speech deleted the error: Remarks by President Biden at the North America's Building Trades Unions National Legislative Conference | The White House (

But people noticed that "pause" was missing so they were pressured to correcting the transcript: Remarks by President Biden at the North America's Building Trades Unions National Legislative Conference | The White House (just search for "pause")


Doesn't it seem like a half-competent university, operating in the world of 2024, would have checked the social media presence of a potential commencement speaker before proceeding? That's all it would have taken to avoid all of this: USC Cancels Graduation Ceremony over Anti-Israel Protests | National Review


This is sad. It's also a massive failure of parents, teachers, and school administrators: They Entered College in Isolation and Leave in Protest: The Class That Missed Out on Fun (


Didn't get to this yesterday:

Republicans pivot on abortion in key Senate races to align with Donald Trump - Washington Times

Arizona state House passes bill to repeal 1864 abortion ban (


Even the NYT is calling out Joe Biden for refusing to grant interviews (to places you assume would be friendly to him): A Statement From The New York Times on Presidential News Coverage | The New York Times Company (

More: The Petty Feud Between the NYT and the White House - POLITICO


Again, Biden picks a fight that seems to be to be against most of the country. Oklahoma, Florida officials tell state schools to ignore Biden Title IX changes | Fox News


Why we need immigration: U.S. Fertility Rate Hits Record Low | National Review


This problem will get worse, not better: Dazhon Darien: Ex-athletic director accused of framing principal with AI arrested at airport with gun - The Baltimore Banner


Sorry, but it's fine with me if every character in "Peanuts" meets a gruesome end: Charlotte Braun, the ‘Peanuts’ Character Who Met a Gruesome End (


Today's Videos

I didn't get to this story yesterday and it's so silly that I'm posting the video again. Watch: 9-year-old 'Seagull Boy' takes top spot in European screeching contest -

Noa Tishby on the situation for Jews on this Passover

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