3/13/24 Blog: Weather Wednesday For the Storm, And Comedian TJ Miller

EXACTLY HOW MUCH SNOW ARE WE GONNA GET? That's my question for Fox 31's Dave Fraser who will join me at 12:30 for Weather Wednesday! Get your weather questions ready.

COMEDIAN TJ MILLER IS A FUNNY LOCAL DUDE And you may know him best from his voice work in Deadpool and How To Train Your Dragon but he's also a very funny comedian who has a new comedy album out that you can stream on pretty much every platform you consume media. His latest comedy special is below. Here is his new special Smooth Peanut Butter on Apple you can find here.

RABBI KEN SPIRO JOINS ME AT 2:30 Rabbi Spiro is flying in from his home in Jerusalem to discuss the latest on what's happening there. Rabbi Spiro is a well-known historian and author, and a senior lecturer at Aish HaTorah in Jerusalem.

He has appeared on numerous radio and television programs such as B.B.C. Radio and TV., The National Geographic Channel, The Discovery Channel, The History Channel, Channel 4 England and Arutz Sheva-Israel National Radio.

 He is the author of WorldPerfect – The Jewish Impact on Civilization published by HCI books, Crash Course in Jewish History published by Targum Press and Destiny – Why a tiny nation plays such a huge role in history published by Geffen Publishing House.

He is a father of five and served in a combat unit of the Israeli Defense Force.

WHAT ARE COLORADO DEMOCRATS HIDING NOW? That's my takeaway from a brand new bill that Governor Jared Polis just signed that says lawmakers can discuss the people's business via text or email without being subject to Open Meetings Laws. In the most ironic twist of all, they passed this during National Sunshine Week. This bill would allow people to submit a Colorado Open Records Act for the text messages, but they have to know who was in the text exchange and when it took place. That's not going to be difficult at all. This bill is trash and the Governor signed it by saying it was a Separation of Powers issue which we all know is a lie. The Democrats should be ashamed of themselves but they aren't. To be clear, this behavior is what a Democrat sued the Douglas County School Board over and won. But now the Legislature doesn't have to play by those rules. The Denver Gazette calls it the Smoke Filled Room Act and they aren't wrong.

THE HOUSE LOOKS POISED TO FORCE THE SALE OF TIKTOK But that doesn't mean China will sell. It would be a bad look for the CCP if they let the US push them around and frankly, I would trust the code being written right now to not have some sort of poison pill or back door the CCP could exploit going forward. Rep. Thomas Massie has done some digging into what is IN this bill and I'm concerned. He tweeted this out yesterday:

I don't want any President to have the ability to ban an app or website, do you? And a response to the above points out that the Patriot Act was only going to be used to spy on foreign entities and we all know how that has worked out. But will China sell? Ross made the point yesterday that it would be a tremendous blow to China's image if they let a sale be forced and may be willing to give up the US market instead. If the US was able to force a sale what would stop any other country from doing the same? I'm not sure this is over by a long shot.

SPEAKING OF FENTANYL As we did with Steffan Tubbs yesterday about his new documentary, the DEA just announced a HUGE bust in Denver. From the Denver Gazette:

Agents from U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration's Rocky Mountain Field Division on Thursday seized more than 50,000 pills of fentanyl and more than 50 pounds of methamphetamine in metro Denver, one of the biggest drug busts this year so far.  

The DEA says two Mexican cartels are responsible for most of the drugs found in Colorado and that this affects people in every walk of life. Read more here.

AURORA IS GETTING TOUGH ON CRIME By lowering the amount of goods you shoplift to get jail time from $300 to $100 and making a dine and dash for a meal costing $15 bucks or more punishable by a minimum of three days in jail. Of course anti-law and order types say it won't do anything, but maybe stores will now get serious about stopping these crooks because they know they will have a pay a price? I'm tired of retail establishments just giving up. I was in a Marshalls this weekend and was thrilled to see a security guard by the front door. I'm sick of paying higher prices because theft is so rampant.

TAY TAY ANDERSON IS EITHER CORRUPT OR INCOMPETENT Or maybe even a smidge of both as laid out in this column by Jimmy Sengenberger. In it he tells the tale of Tay's new "consultancy" and old lingering issues from Tay's lack of transparency and inability to follow simple election law when it comes to filing required disclosure forms during political campaigns. My guess is he skimmed a bunch of money and doesn't know how to cover it up properly so he's claiming "extenuating circumstances" as the reason for breaking the law. My other guess is that if he were a prominent Republican who was once thought to be the future of the party we'd be hearing a lot more about his. Read the column here.

IF YOU'RE OVER 60 WHY NOT WORK OFF YOUR PROPERTY BILL? This is something that is super cool that I had no idea existed. In Colorado there is a statute that allows someone over 60 or with a disability to actually work off their property tax bill through essentially volunteer work that you get paid for. You can even have them pay the County Treasurer directly. Read about it here.

LAUREN BOEBERT MAKES THE BALLOT FOR THE 4TH And this is for the General Election, not the Special Election which will happen first. She petitioned onto the ballot with more than enough signatures.

DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP BLOWS OFF THE PUBLIC WORKERS UNION And this makes me laugh because guess what unions? They don't need you right now because there is no real opposition party in Colorado so they don't have to shore up your votes. The union says the Democratic leadership is not engaging with them as they demand an insane raise for their workers. Read more here.

TEN GUN CONTROL BILLS HAVE COME TO THE LEGISLATURE You read that right, TEN. They range from liability insurance for gun owners to increased requirements for conceal carry to a ban on teachers carrying weapons at school, even if they are trained and volunteer to do so. You know what's not in here? Increased penalties for criminals who illegally possess firearms. Consecutive jail time added for crimes committed with an illegally obtained firearm. Stiffer penalties for juveniles that possess a gun or use it. No bills to actually address a bulk of the crimes committed with firearms. Not a single one. These people don't care about safety, they care about control.

CRIMINALS ARE SELLING FAKE IDS TO ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS So they can work. I have compassion for these people but committing another crime on top of the crime of breaking into the country doesn't help my compassion. It doesn't matter how any of the migrants in this story spin it, they know these documents are fake but they feel like it's the only way to work. And if the CBS reporter can easily go undercover and contact the seller,why hasn't law enforcement done the same? For real.

YOUNG WOMEN ARE GOING GAY And young men, I think you have some culpability here. Gen Z women identify as LGBTQ+ at the rate of 30%, which is insanely higher than previous generations. This is the first generation to live through the gender and sexuality indoctrination so this isn't surprising. Though gay acceptance was preached to Millennials, the celebration of gayness hit it's stride for these kids. Now young women who are faced with a generation of men who have been told their masculinity is toxic, which has a paralyzing effect on their ability to interact with women, have decided to just stick with their own instead or just keep their options open by saying they are bisexual. Bisexuality was the largest category for women on this spectrum, and I personally think most of these young women are saying that because men think it is hot. I've known a lot of allegedly bisexual young women who happily settled down with a dude to get married and left their so-called bisexuality behind. It's why many lesbians look down on bisexual women. Trust me, they do. It's far more acceptable for a young woman to say they are bi than a man, because most young men who say they are bi are really just gay but aren't ready to commit yet. This has been my life's experience anyway.

DID LUCY AND RICKY HAVE IT RIGHT? Could separate beds be making a comeback? For about a third of couples it already has, with 36% saying they sleep better when they don't sleep with their partner. From snoring to cover hogging to flopping around to starfishing there are tons of reasons why separate beds might make sense. I get it, I truly do.

THE SHINE IS OFF THE EV MARKET And car makers who were all in on EVs are now scaling back their All Electric plans. Car makers are now saying things about letting consumers choose and being guided by that choice. Sounds like they just discovered the free market or something.

THE LATEST TOP TEN TOUR VIDEO IS OUT! And this one is the top ten reasons to get married abroad it features lots of video from Arod's own wedding!


THE PLAGUE ENTERS THE CHAT As a man in New Mexico has now died from bubonic plague. No word yet on how he got it, but a recent case in Oregon where the sufferer survived was shown to have been caught from the patient's cat, proving that cats are trying to figure out ways to kill us.

DRY CLEAN ONLY IS A LIE And this story has lots of ways to just wash your dry clean only items instead. A LIE I tell you, a LIE!

RFK JR. IS MAKING SOME INTERESTING CHOICES FOR HIS VEEP And I honestly don't know if Jessie Ventura or Aaron Rodgers is more confusing to me here. It's clear Robert F Kennedy, Jr knows he has no shot of winning with either pick though. Read more here if you want.

WE SPOIL OUR PUPS IN COLORADO And I am guilty as charged. Only three states spoiled their dogs more but I'm sure we do a better job than those people in Alaska where they make their dogs pull sleds. Check it out here.

THE IRON LUNG MAN HAS DIED This is a crazy story. A man who was paralyzed at the age of 6 and spent 72 YEARS confined to an iron lung has died. He caught Covid and that did him in, but not before he fought to go to law school and become an attorney, all while spending the majority of his life living in an iron lung. What a crazy story. RIP Polio Paul.

CANDACE OWENS HAS LOST HER MIND By diving into a story that means nothing to a vast majority of people in the world, including France. She is now saying she is staking her career on the "fact" that French President Emmanuel Macron's wife Brigitte was born a man. Why? This is a dumb thing to be invested in and frankly I'm worried about her. Not Brigitte, Candace.

A MAN IN MONTANA IS GUILTY OF MAKING FRANKENSHEEP And I'm not going to be the only one to see this story. The man imported parts from sheep around the world to clone them and create a herd of giant sheep that he was going to let hunters come to his ranch to hunt. This story is insane and you should read it here.


YES, A TESLA TRUCK CAN TAKE OFF A FINGER Watch below or click here.

WHAT'S HAPPENED TO KATE? The mystery is growing in the UK after a photoshop disaster this week. The royal family is tight lipped and it's just making things worse. Watch below or click here.

I WOULD MURDER CHUCK And I'm guessing this guy had to grovel for forgiveness. Watch below or click here.


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