11/15/23 Come See Me and Arod at the King Soopers at Colorado and Yale

AROD AND I WILL BE ON LOCATION TODAY And we're collecting food and donations for the Food Bank of the Rockies. Here is a list of things they need, and you if you can't swing by the King Soopers at Colorado and Yale you can always make a cash donation here. We're going to be collecting turkeys as our primary goal today. Hope to see you there!

FOX 31'S DAVE FRASER ON LOCATION WITH US! If you've ever wanted to meet your favorite tv meteorologist he's going to be with us at 12:30 today at King Soopers! Get your weather questions ready as well.

LET'S TALK GRATITUDE FOR A MINUTE My guest at 1 is Kristi Nelson, whose new book Waking Up Grateful: The Transformative Practice of Taking Nothing for Granted is a wonderful read if you're stuck in a rut where everything seems to be going wrong. Buy the book here and don't miss this interview! Find out more about Kristi at her website here.

I WAS INTERVIEWED FOR A PODCAST With my friend James, who talks about firearms and firearm training and you can listen by clicking here. It's fun to be the interviewee on occasion!

WE DON'T DESERVE DOGS This story of the little Irish Jack Russell Terrier who stayed with the dead body of his master for 72 days proves once again we don't deserve dogs. Hats off to little Finney and may we all experience this kind of loyalty in our lives.

WHAT NOT TO FEED YOUR DOG AT THANKSGIVING Face it, we pig out and most of give our pups a few "treats" on Thanksgiving. Here's a list of things they should NOT eat so they don't get sick and desert you on a hike when you die.

GETTING TAKEOUT IS GOING TO GET MORE EXPENSIVE As the Democrats who run this state banned styrofoam containers and plastic bags for takeout. The ban will take effect this January so expect plastic containers to be the norm. Oh, and bring your own bag to get it home. Read the new rules here. Just for comparison a styrofoam food container to go is about 15 cents per container, whereas hard plastic containers are almost 50 cents a container. The fully compostable one are 60 cents a container. This will get passed on to you.

THE SPECIAL SESSION IS COMING FOR YOUR TABOR REFUNDS Because Lord Polis of Boulder Manor doesn't give a crap about what the voters say, he knows best, amiright? After the Governor narrowed the session and added that the state should "backfill" so called lost revenue that they haven't even gotten yet with TABOR refunds one Democrat legislator is planning to do just that and more. They are planning on NOT lowering the tax rate and giving more of our TABOR refunds to other crap when we CLEARLY said we want our money back. But the Democrats know the voters will vote for them anyway because the Republicans suck here anyway so they don't have to pay attention to the voters. This is what happens in single party rule government with a non-functioning opposition party.

THE AIR FORCE ACADEMY HAS A RAPE PROBLEM This story is heartbreaking but I am glad this family has the fortitude to push forward to demand real change at the Air Force Academy. Their daughter took her own life several years after being raped at the Air Force Academy and having the rape be completely mishandled by the Academy. Sexual assault is a huge problem apparently, but no one is talking about it. Now her parents are suing and demanding real and systemic change at the Academy and I hope they win. People should not have to worry about being sexually assaulted when the sign up to serve their nation.

HOW A CU REGENT GOT POT TAX MONEY FOR HER OWN BUSINESS Jimmy Sengenberger did some serious digging about the sweetheart deal CU Regent Wanda James helped craft for her own pot business using tax dollars that were designed to go to education. It seems Ms. James was instrumental in getting the social equity loan program passed and signed by her friend the Governor, just so she could become one of the first recipients of it's largesse. To be clear, this is a loan program,but a loan program with a fixed interest rate below current market rates. Read about it here.

SPEAKER JOHNSON GOT SOMETHING DONE That seems to split the baby when it comes to appropriations bills. Instead of doing a giant omnibus spending bill, he did two continuing resolutions that divided spending into two categories. From RollCall.com:

The bill extends funding for agencies for different periods of time, in an uncommon maneuver. Agencies covered by the Agriculture; Energy-Water; Military Construction-VA and Transportation-HUD bills would have their funding extended to Jan. 19, while the eight other appropriations bills would be extended to Feb. 2. 

So we can get through the holidays without a kerfuffle and start the new year off with actual appropriations bills.

THIS DUDE IS A MORON For standing here taking video of a bull elk. The guy shouting to get inside is right. Dumbass. Watch below or click here.

THIS IS A DYI CHRISTMAS PROJECT EVEN I CAN HANDLE I am not crafty but even I could do this. Watch below or click here.

JAMESON WILLIAMS NEEDS HELP Not with his game on the field for the Lions, but for the way he eats his McDonalds burger. With McFlurry on it. I think he's crossed the rubicon on this one.

THE BLUES BROTHERS IN REAL LIFE Remember that scene in the Blues Brothers when they drove the car through a mall during a car chase? It happened in real life at a Pueblo mall.

TWO WOMEN USE PRAYER TO STEAL FROM A WOMAN IN CHURCH I hope these two women repent and take God into their hearts because I'm pretty sure this is a straight ticket to hell.

DID YOU KNOW THERE IS A HOUSEKEEPING OLYMPICS? I'm not kidding and if you're looking for a super clean hotel in Vegas you're gonna want to stay in the Bellagio. They took first place. Is there anything we can't make a competition in this country?

I HOPE HE'S OKAY BUT OMG I LAUGHED SO HARD Because I laugh at inappropriate things. Watch below or click here.

MOST AWKWARD PROPOSAL EVER And I feel really, really sorry for this guy but don't propose in a confined space, men. It's a recipe for disaster. Watch below or click here.

I'M GONNA MAKE AROD LEARN HOW TO DO THIS I've seen this video everywhere and one of us has to learn how to do this. Watch below or click here.

A DRAMATIC PARROT GETS THE COPS CALLED This is why I don't own a parrot. Watch below or click here.

BREAKFAST GAME CHANGER I am trying this as soon as I am done with the SOTA Weight Loss plan. Watch below or click here.

THE MOST FAMOUS INDIGENOUS CANADIAN IS A FRAUD This story is another case of someone lying about being an indian for their own personal enrichment, but this particular scam has been going on for decades in Canada by a woman who called herself Buffy Saint-Marie. An investigation by the CBC shows she was not born into a tribe and then adopted away, she was born in Massachusetts to parents of Italian and English ancestry. She is still claiming to be a native, and since she's been working this scam for sixty years I don't blame her as she probably believes it herself.

THE LEFT WING COUPLE FUNDING THE PRO HAMAS RALLIES This is a very interesting story about a bred from birth Marxist who made it big in tech and is now using his capitalism gotten gains to fund Marxist education and pro Hamas rallies. Read it here.

BIDEN GIVES MORE MONEY TO IRAN So now we're literally funding both sides of the conflict in Israel. Here's the tweet:

Here's a longer article on how this incompetent boob of a President is allowing a terror supporting nation access to a pantload of money. He must lose this next election. The world can't afford Joe Biden.

WHY HAMAS MUST BE STOPPED They are doing this to children. This is being taught to children in school.

HERE ARE ELEVEN THINGS THAT ARE GETTING CHEAPER Because we all need something to hang on to. Find them here.

THINGS PARENTS GOT WRONG This is an interesting thread about things your parents told you that turned out to be not true. Some of these are just victims of a changing economy or better medical knowledge but some of them are whack.

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