10/9/23 Blog: A Horrific Attack On Israel, and One State Rep Loves Murder

GAZA IS GOING TO BE COMPLETELY LEVELED And lots of civilians are going to be killed after the elected leadership of Gaza, Hamas, launched a surprise attack in which they murdered people attending a music festival, paraded dead bodies around on the back of pickup trucks while shouting Allah Akbar, and kidnapped woman who were grandmothers, babies, teenage girls, and randomly shot at Israelis on the street, leaving hundreds dead. Israel is responding with force that will destroy Gaza, which is sad, but what choice do they have? I've been to Israel, I've seen what the situation is and as long as Iran keeps giving Hamas money and guns and bombs, this will never end. Don't talk to me about apartheid when the only reason Israel has a blockade is BECAUSE Hamas won't stop lobbing rockets at them and attacking them every chance they get. Would YOU let people you know wanted to kill you move freely about society? Hamas brought this on themselves and even though idiot State Rep. Tim Hernandez showed his gnarly head at a pro-Palestinian rally in Denver this past weekend it will not stop Israel from destroying those who struck first. Check him out waving the Palestinian flag:

I haven't seen where the rest of his Democratic caucus has responded so until they I guess they agree with him and Iran. At least Congressman Jason Crow made a strong statement in support of Israel. This column rounds up those who are actively supporting the murderous Palestinians and it's the usual suspects in Congress. Make no mistake, Joe Biden's cuddling up the Iranian regime and handing over gobs of money financed this. The shaky state of the political scene in Israel gave an opportunity. Please pray for my nephew, who retired out of the IDF last year but will be called up tomorrow to fight while his wife and two children sleep in a bomb shelter. This is horrible but for me it feels very personal. This is a good article on what is going on and the recent history that has preceded it. Tim Hernandez should fly to Gaza and fight with his people instead of grandstanding in Denver. Thankfully, news of the attack didn't interrupt a bbq at the White House. It's believed by everyone but the White House that Iran gave the go-ahead for these attacks and there is no doubt that they supplied the weapons and bombs. The White House still doesn't believe it's good friends the Iranians could have done this. From the WSJ:

U.S. officials say they haven’t seen evidence of Tehran’s involvement. In an interview with CNN that aired Sunday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said: “We have not yet seen evidence that Iran directed or was behind this particular attack, but there is certainly a long relationship.” 
“We don’t have any information at this time to corroborate this account,” said a U.S. official of the meetings.

So we're to believe that Hamas, which has been under a devastating blockade according to left wing types, has the cash to do this? Mmkay, Blinken. You idiots.

SCHOOL BOARD CANDIDATES ON BUSING, SROs, AND SCHOOL CLOSURES Denverites, pay attention to the articles like this one about the various school board candidates. Ballots go out this week I think and you need to make good choices. I will NOT be doing a voters guide for this, so pay attention! Read more here.

A MOMENT ON BURIAL STUFF If you've listened to the show for any length of time you know I am fascinated by what happen after we die to our bodies. I am firmly in the natural burial camp, no preserving chemicals for me, just back to the earth as God intended. This is a good story on what a true green burial looks like after the horrible story about a mortician stacking up dead bodies.

DPS PRINCIPALS ARE NOT HAPPY WITH THE CURRENT DISCIPLINE STRUCTURE That is what I read from this story on a survey that the district initially kept from being released to CBS4. In it, they express concern over not being able to even get an expulsion hearing on dangerous students. Read it here, we shall discuss.

AURORA, PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR CITY COUNCIL RACE Because your City Council and Mayor have been very busy working to actually help Aurorans with real problems instead of virtue signaling garbage as they did before the board flipped. Now you have the chance to rid the board and county government of Alison Coombs and Juan Marcano and I hope you do it. Read about your candidates here and re elect Mayor Mike Coffman please and thank you.

WHY DIDN'T THEY BID OUT THE PALLET HOUSES? Under the Mayor's Emergency Declaration on Homelessness the money is flying and proper procurement procedure is flying out the window too. The company that was chosen to build the 200 so-called pallet tiny homes didn't go through a bid process, they were just chosen because they had already provided these services to other cities. I'm not saying they aren't the best choice, but I am saying we don't know because the project wasn't put out for bid. Read more here.

JOURNALISTS STILL DON'T GET IT In this column about a new book by the editor of the Washington Post during the Trump administration, columnist Vince Bzdek waxes poetic about how the paper was a bastion of accountability during the Trump years:

All sorts of people are making noise, especially young journalists, about how journalism needs to reinvent itself in the face of a force like Trump, that journalism should be as bellicose as its enemies, that journalism should endeavor to defend democracy when it is threatened. But in 549 pages, Marty makes the case that the Post did exactly that — defend democracy — by exposing Trump’s excesses, holding him to account for his false statements with a team of three fact-checkers, and investigating his administration’s ethical breaches on a wide array of fronts.
That experience has made Marty a stronger defender of “objectivity” than ever.

This is absurd on its face considering that the Washington Post and and the New York Times both won Pulitzers for the their coverage of the Russian collusion narrative that was completely false, and we know that the papers were both used by insiders to leak information that was NEVER confirmed by the papers in order to give credibility to the fake story. They were useful idiots, not democracy savers. And the fact that Bzdek, a longtime journalist, doesn't see that THIS is why no one has any faith in the media is indicative of the lack of navel gazing done in an industry that needs to take a good long stare at its own midsection. The former editor talks a good game about objectivity and its importance but isn't objective enough to realize Trump broke his own.

CHEESMAN PARK'S BODIES this is a very cool but also creepy history of Cheesman Park and what lies below it. Spoiler alert: a lot of dead people. Read it here.

IS ANYONE ELSE EXCITED ABOUT THE FRASIER REBOOT? Because I am. I loved Frasier and I loved Cheers and I hope I love this spinoff. Here's a review that gives me hope.

NO, FLORIDA ISN'T BANNING BOOKS Shannon Bream asks Ron DeSantis about book banning and he responded well.

PERHAPS TIM HERNANDEZ SHOULD WATCH THESE VIDEOS Of the carnage left behind in the streets of Israel. He probably already has and loved them all. These contain graphic scenes of death and destruction, view them with care.

THAT EAS TEST WAS A REAL PROBLEM FOR SOME CRIMINALS Because when that alarm went off last week it got some prisoners with illegal cell phones busted.

DEMOCRAT GOVERNOR WANTS THE PRESIDENT TO STOP BORDER STATE RELOCATIONS I can't stop laughing. Not one of these idiots say "we should control the border" which is obviously what needs to happen.

IF YOU WIN TONIGHT'S POWERBALL WHAT DO YOU GET IN COLORADO? How much will taxes eat into your winnings? Find out here.

HOW TO UNTIE A PLASTIC BAG KNOT I could have used this like fifteen years ago. Watch below or click here.

A BABY-DADDY DUET This is so cute. Watch below or click here.

CAN YOU IMAGINE HEARING YOUR SONS BEING KIDNAPPED? This mother lived through this. Listen.

DIA MUST FIX THE TRAIN SITUATION NOW Because it broken down again and people were just stuck.

IT'S HALLOWEEN DECORATION TIME And Arod is going to fill the blog with stuff like this until Halloween.

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