09/27/23 Blog: A Possible Pilot Strike, And The Real Impact of Porn on Kids

JOIN ME AND ROSS TONIGHT ON KOA'S FACEBOOK PAGE! We will be going Facebook Live at about 6:45 to pre game before the debate starts at 7, and then we will be doing a running commentary about the debate as it plays on Fox Business. Lots to lose in this debate but we're hoping to make this Show for Second Place fun and entertaining. Find the Facebook page here.

IF YOU'VE GOT TRAVEL PLANS FOR THE HOLIDAYS That involve Southwest Airlines you're gonna want to listen to this interview with the President of the Southwest Pilots Association today at 12:30. We're going to get the lastest from the President of the union as they try to negotiate with Southwest after three years (flight attendants are without one for five years) without a contract. Capt Casey Murray joins us today to talk about where talks are and the prospects for a strike anytime soon.

DR. GAIL DINES IS DOING GOD'S WORK Gail Dines has been researching and writing about the porn industry and sexual violence for over three decades. I recently shared her Ted Talk which shocked me to my core, especially as the mom of a 14 year old girl. She joins me at 1pm to talk about what our hypersexualized society and easy access to porn is doing to kids and adult relationships both. Find her website with all sorts of resources by clicking here. Find culturereframed.org by clicking here. You can find resources on how to talk to your kids about porn there.

DWAYNE PETERSON KNOWS ABOUT TINY HOME VILLAGES FROM THE INSIDE Dwayne is a man who I believe is what you'd call chronically homeless and is a former resident of one of the sanctioned safe camping sites in Denver. He has a much different view about what these new tiny home villages are really like and it's not pretty. He's also been part of various committees for the Mayor until they apparently didn't need his services anymore. I'll find out the details today at 2pm. This article paints a mixed result of what these communities actually accomplish. One part jumped out at me as a perfect example of cognitive dissonance:

Charles Homer has lived in the Salvation Army’s Crossroads shelter, off Brighton Boulevard, for six years. He’d jump at a place of his own, if he could get one, but the right offer has eluded him. “The only thing they’ve offered me is sober living. I don’t even drink,” he said, rolling his eyes from a lawn chair across the street from the shelter. “I want a regular place. It don’t even have to be big. One room, that’s all that has to be.”
Beyond housing stock, Chandler said the city is gearing up to hire an army of case workers who will help people in micro-communities get into – and stay — in their own units. He added Denver is also pooling money for a “rapid rehousing” fund, which would give some people the cash they need to lock down an apartment without a regular voucher. For now, Chandler told us, these new resources won’t help people like Homer and Thompson. Denver’s regular shelter system already has money for rapid rehousing, so these new dollars will be focused on micro-community residents.

Dude has been in a shelter for SIX YEARS and according to the head of Johnston's Homeless Initiative the shelter already HAS money for rapid rehousing? Does anyone else see an issue here?

THE METRICS FOR SUCCESS IN THE JOHNSTON ADMIN ARE ABSURD I shared this yesterday on the blog when you weren't here, but check out this part of a story from Denverite:

If they stay in shelter for at least 14 days, Johnston’s administration will deem them successfully housed. If they’re back on the streets in a tent on day 15, they will still be counted as part of his goal to house 1,000.

This is the most ridiculously low bar I've ever seen a politician set for themselves. And I've seen a lot of ridiculously low bars. Does this sound like success to you? Expect a victory lap soon but know it's nonsense. This can't be right and I hope to ask the Mayor about it at some point.

WELP, THE ROCKIES SET A RECORD YESTERDAY And after playing like contenders behind strong pitching in the afternoon they lost their 100th game of the season, a new low for the perpetually struggling franchise. So what does Dick Monfort do now?

NOTHING SAYS WE WANT TO LOSE IN COLORADO MORE THAN THIS The Colorado GOP has invited a woman who still thinks she won the Arizona Governor's race after multiple investigations have shown she didn't. Kari Lake will be the keynote speaker for the Colorado GOP's Centennial Dinner this year. Lake is allegedly on the short list of VP candidates for Trump and is a notable Trump sycophant. She also endorses closing the Republican primary in Colorado so she's a perfect fit for this clown show of a fundraiser. I'd urge you all who want Republicans to win in this state to stay home and send a message with your wallet.

AN EU OFFICIAL PICKED A FIGHT WITH ELON MUSK And he responded on Xster. The official said:

that the social network X, formerly known as Twitter, is the biggest source of fake news and urged owner Elon Musk to comply with the bloc's laws aimed at combating disinformation. Musk responded with this:

I'd say that's a pretty clear rebuke. What's misinformation today simply turns out to the truth tomorrow.

OUR PAROLE BOARD NEEDS UPENDING The man who just randomly stabbed and murdered two people on an RTD bus and at a stop violated the terms of his parole recently, but the parole board set him free anyway. The most egregious part of this story is that the Parole Board head ignored the wishes of his actual parole case manager, who recommended he go back to prison. Read it here.

A JUDGE FINDS DONALD TRUMP GUILTY OF FRAUD This is the resolution of the case filed in civil court by New York Attorney General Leticia James which alleged Trump defrauded banks and investors by inflating his assets on official paperwork to get loans. The judge found Trump guilty of Fraud, and unless he wins on appeal, his companies could be busted up. At a minimum his licenses to do business in New York have been pulled making the Trump Org unable to do anything there. Does this hurt his image as being supremely qualified because of his incredible business success? The New York Times thinks so. Trump responded thusly on Truth Social:

Obviously this is not the end of this case, and as there really were no victims (the banks all got their money and none of them were the plaintiffs to be clear) here it will be interesting to see what happens on appeal.

THE CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT AGAINST ARAPAHOE COUNTY SOCIAL SERVICES HAS BEEN TOSSED This was the suit that came out of the Robin Niceta case when more parents started popping up with similar stories of abuse of the system. It looks like if those parents want relief they are going to have to sue individually as the class action has been tossed by a judge.

WHY DO LEAVES CHANGE COLOR ANYWAY? This is a cool article on why certain trees turn certain colors if you're a leaf peeper.

DOUGCO CREATES A NEW BOARD TO GIVE DUMB WATER SCHEME COVER Two DougCo Commissioners are hellbent on moving forward with a cockamamie plan to bring water from the always parched San Luis Valley to Douglas County. Because the plan is unpopular they are going to create a new water commission to be potentially staffed with *checks notes* TWO members of the business working on the boondoggle who have already applied, among others. Of course they will have to sign a document saying they don't any conflicts of interest. Of course.

LARGE GROUP OF AFRICAN AMERICAN YOUTHS LOOT PHILADELPHIA Can we just call things as they are? I've been watching these looting videos, looking at the racial demographic and frankly, most of the people looting, and this includes across the country, are black. If this is racist to point out then so be it, but watch this and point out where I'm wrong?

Here is a video of multiple thefts, and yes, there are a couple of white dudes but look at the rest.

From Milwaukee

From Beverly Hills and Santa Monica, again there are a handful of white folks but

A convenience store in LA with black and Hispanic looters gone wild.

And more video from last night in Philadelphia.

Be sure and watch all the people filming it. How many do you think are cooperating with police to bring anyone to justice? What is to be done about this? I'm just naming the problem so we can begin to solve it. This is a cultural issue that needs to be addressed. I'm not saying white people don't loot. I did a search on YouTube for WHITE PEOPLE LOOTING and it did turn this up.

But beyond that video the pickings were slim.


I will be doing a dramatic reading today so you can soak in the lessons being taught to TEN YEAR OLDS in a Denver Public school.

WHAT EMBRACING GREEN ENERGY REALLY LOOKS LIKE And we need to make sure those folks at Xcel who keep telling us green energy will lower bills after they skyrocket are paying attention. This is a great article on the economic malaise that Germany is in as it's industrial production falls off a cliff because of green energy mandates like the ones our Governor loves here. Check the graphs to really get a feel for the damage this green boondoggle does.

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