8/10/23 Blog: Y'all I Am About To Pop About Today's Guest!

LANDON TALKS AND EREBODY SHOULD LISTEN! Y'all know I love southern language and there is an Instagram account called LandonTalks where Landon Bryant shares the beauty of southern language and living in the South. He talks aggressive heat and disrespectful mosquitos and I love him to pieces so he's on at 2p to chat. Find his Instagram by clicking here.

COME TO THE STEAMBOAT INSTITUTE'S FREEDOM CONFERENCE THIS YEAR! It's gonna be a real humdinger, with a LOT of people you hear on this show speaking, including yours truly. You can see the entire lineup, which includes Dana Perino, our favorite Steve Moore, Governor Kristi Noem and so much more, by clicking here. Hope to see you cats there! Jennifer Schubert-Akin will be on at 1:30 to talk all about it but it is a GREAT and nerdy event.

WHY IS POLIS CHANGING HIS TUNE ON ABORTION FOR CNN? No one will ever accuse Jared Polis of being pro life, but he did an odd thing on CNN when asked about abortion. He said it was bad. That contrasts to all the bills he's signed that go so far as try and PREVENT doctors from trying to save an unborn baby if the mother changes her mind during a chemical abortion. Sherrie Peif writes about it here.

COMPLETECOLORADO.COM IS FIGHTING FOR TRANSPARENCY I am sick and tired of government telling us they can't share conversations about things that make our lives more burdensome and expensive or dangerous or whatever. They work for US and WE deserve and have a right to know what it is they are doing allegedly on our behalf. This story about CompleteColorado.com having to sue to get access to records improperly tagged as "deliberative process" is super annoying and I'm glad they are doing it.

THE CAUGHT THE SKEEVY JEFFCO TRAILS PERVERT And this story about how they did it is really cool. They devoted a lot of short term resources to get this guy before he graduated to sexual assault.

HOUSE DISTRICT FOUR, PLEASE DON'T ELECT THIS LUNATIC Tim Hernandez is a teacher known for bringing his communist, social justice teaching to the classroom. He's awful. Now he wants to represent House District 4 and I have mixed feelings because he should not be teaching children and I feel like his lunacy would be mitigated in the House, but I sure don't want him having ANY influence over any laws in Colorado so he must be stopped. Read about him and his awful brand of politics here. He's an admitted Marxist who says the teachers union is full of other Marxists.

IF YOU SEE JON CALDARA AND HIS SON OUT AND ABOUT Be part of the joy, not part of the coldness. Read this column for more. Why have we gotten so heartless and cold?

IT'S RATTLESNAKE SEASON So watch out and pay attention if you're hiking or biking. And make sure you can hear the warning rattle so take out your stupid earbuds already. One cyclist was not so lucky in his encounter with a rattlesnake.

THE VOTERS ARE SPEAKING IN PROXY ELECTIONS ABOUT ABORTION In Ohio this week there was a special election that would have made it harder to amend the Ohio Constitution by requiring a measure pass by 60% instead of the current 40%. Republicans in the red state put this together in an attempt to make it harder for pro-abortion folks to put ballot initiatives up to codify abortion. The measure lost 60-40. That's a pretty strong message that even though voters may SAY they are pro-life, they don't have much stomach for limiting abortion beyond a certain point. This article in the Wall Street Journal talks about it. It's paywalled you should be subscribing to this anyway. This is great news for Dems. From the article:

Abortion-rights groups have prevailed in six ballot measures since the overturning of Roe v. Wade last June. But a key question has been whether they can continue winning referendums in conservative and politically mixed states, as well as leverage voter passions about the issue in other political races. 
“It’s pretty clear what direction this stuff is going in. I do think it sends a pretty strong incentive for Democrats to get that on the ballot,” especially in the 2024 presidential election, said Susan Burgess, distinguished professor emerita of political science at Ohio University. 
Abortion-rights supporters are gathering signatures in Florida to put a measure on the ballot enshrining abortion rights in that state’s constitution in 2024, which would go before voters as GOP Sen. Rick Scott is seeking re-election. A similar effort is under way in Arizona, one of the most competitive presidential swing states and home to one of the year’s marquee Senate races. That measure could also appear on the November 2024 ballot.

Republicans need to figure out a strategy going forward and I think the only one is to promise to give the vote to the people when it comes to restrictions. Or they will be replaced in the Legislature by Dems who will protect abortion until the moment of birth like we have here in Colorado.

THESE WILDFIRES IN MAUI ARE DEVASTATING And I know many of you vacation in Maui and realize how bad this is. Lahaina Town is gone. Thirty six people are dead. There is a fundraiser started if you can donate, you can click here.


WHY IS COLLEGE SO EXPENSIVE? Probably because they know that students have little choice but to keep paying the rising costs they keep passing on to students. Check out this graph from the Wall Street Journal of spending versus enrollment.

THAT is why college is so expensive. There is no incentive to save any money because they know students will just take on more and more debt so they are the endless piggy bank for these universities. And guess who runs universities? It isn't Republicans.

A GROUP OF NATIVE AMERICANS ARE DEMANDING THE REDSKIN BE THE REDSKINS I did NOT see this coming. After being told for years that Redskins is offensive, lo and behold a group of Native Americans is demanding the Washington Commanders re adopt the name Redskins. They say changing the name is just another example of "cancel culture" of Native people and they are right. Read the story here.

THE MEDIA IS STRUGGLING TO FIND WAYS TO COVER FOR THE BIDENS And this column from HotAir.com lays out the shifting narratives they've been using that are getting knocked down one by one. After James Comer released new info about the $20 MILLION that Biden, Inc raked in from shady ass sources Politico resorted to "we don't see a deposit slip for Joe Biden's account" or something. Even they realized how dumb it was and deleted the tweet. Read this for more.

THE MEMO THAT OUTLINES THE BIDEN GRIFT You really need to read this memo release by Rep. James Comer's Oversight Committee about just how much money the Bidens made off phone calls about the weather. The media, as mentioned above, is doing backflips to try to paint this as a nothingburger, but read it for yourself. Read this article for more.

THE WASHINGTON POST IS QUIETLY SCRUBBING IT'S MISTAKES When a newspaper in the past has gotten something wrong, they have done what's called "running a retraction" where they admit they got things wrong and either pull the incorrect story entirely or amend it properly. Not so anymore at the Washington Post, where they are quietly just changing things and not making a comment on the changes. And guess what they are changing? Their coverage of the Hunter Biden laptop story and Joe Biden's dinner with Ukrainian oligarchs. Read this for more.

NEW YORK MAYOR ACCUSES BORDER STATES OF FUNNELING ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS TO HIS SANCTUARY CITY Cry me a river, Democrat. Your party is blocking border security. The wall would cost less than the migrant mess the Democrats have created.

MASSIVE CORRECTION BY ME! IT IS IRAQ THAT HAS OUTLAWED SAYING HOMOSEXUAL Now you must say "sexual deviance". And this is so much worse then when I thought it was Iran because we spent billions in treasure and thousands in American lives to gift these people the "freedom" to do this. Good grief.

POTATOES ARE BACK, BABY! Potatoes get a bad rap because they are high in carbs but a new study says there doesn't seem to be an evidence that eating them increases your chance of Type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular issues. Read it here and pass the spuds!

DISNEY+ IS PRICING ME OUT OF THE MARKET As they are jacking up the monthly subscription rate for ad-free streaming to $13.99. Read more here.

WANT TO LIVE LONGER? GRAB A SAUNA More on the way our bodies respond to extremes, this time about heat. I'm up to two minutes of cold at the end of every shower, do I seem smarter yet?

USING A PAPER STRAW EXPLAINED PERFECTLY Paper straws are a scourge that needs to be eradicated and this is perfect. Watch below or click here.

BOBBY FLAY IS BRINGING HIS BURGERS TO COLORADO As we will be getting a Bobby's Burgers franchise here somewhere sometime soon. I'm not a super fan of his but I'll try his burgers with an open mind.

THE ANSWER IS LE TOOT A french teacher has an embarrassing situation. Watch below or click here.

SHE HAS A POINT ABOUT THE TWO WEEK NOTICE BUT This woman says she doesn't believe in the two week notice when she leaves a job and she has a point that they don't give you two weeks notice when they are going to fire you. However, if you are being laid off without cause, they DO give you that notice. I have mixed feelings about this. If you're leaving a job that won't be on your resume then go for it, but if you need a good reference or want one later, don't do it. Watch below or click here.

THE NEW COMING TENNESSEE TITANS STADIUM LOOKS BADASS But it only holds 60,000 people, which isn't a lot for an NFL stadium. But it will be the new benchmark for sure, it's pretty fancy.

THIS ZUCK-MUSK FIGHT IS GETTING ABSURD Do we really want to see two billionaires fight? Apparently yes, and now it may be at the Coliseum in Rome?

THINGS YOU CAN'T LOOK TOUGH WHILE YOU'RE DOING And number 1 made me burst out laughing. Watch below or click here.

I NEED THE WINE YOGI TO WEIGH IN ON THIS Red wine and coke. Watch below or click here. I bet it tastes a million times better than anything with diet Red Bull.

DUDE. This is hilarious.

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