03/30/23 Blog: Full Show Today Because of Rain in San Diego!

NO ROCKIES BASEBALL UNTIL TONIGHT! The rain in San Diego, which NEVER happens, has pushed the game to tonight so we've got a full show!

WE'RE GONNA CHAT WITH JACK CORRIGAN TODAY AT 2 Now that he doesn't have a game to call until tonight, we'll check in with our man in the booth at 2.

DENVER'S GETTING CRAP FOR CLEANING UP AROUND COORS FIELD Of course there would be homeless sweeps that bust up encampments around Coors Field before Opening Day. OF COURSE THERE WOULD BE. We can't have the giant party that is Opening Day (and it super fun to be clear) interrupted by giant piles of human feces and needles, now could we? Activists are SUPER mad that this is happening and Fox News picked it up. I'm okay with it, as people who are going to spend a lot of money deserve the illusion that Denver is the clean and vibrant city it once was.

A MAN SETS A WOMEN'S POWERLIFTING RECORD IN CANADA I love this story so much I could marry it. A powerlifting coach in Canada was so disgusted by Canada's decision to allow anyone to enter the women's division based on their "declared" gender, he "declared" himself a woman and set a record for women's bench press. But wait, there's more! The "record" he broke was set by a transwoman who used to be a man, who actually took to social media to run smack and ask why women were "so bad" at the powerlifting bench competition. If this doesn't demonstrate the absurdity of this practice nothing will. Ari Silverberg, the coach who did this stunt, is a hero to women's sports. Read more here.

THE LEFT IS HELLA MAD ABOUT LOSING THEIR STATUS BLUE CHECKS How do I know? Because tomorrow is the day that if you don't pay, your "legacy" blue check goes away and there are MULTIPLE columns like this one and this one declaring Twitter "dead" and ruined by Elon Musk. Except it's not. I'm on it every day and have seen (aside from some bugginess occasionally that is quickly resolved) NO difference in how it operates. Why do they say it's dead? Because now any schmo with eight bucks a month can get their precious blue checks and they don't like their club being ruined by hoi polloi. It's elitist snobbery at its finest and I LOVE IT. Don't let the Twitter door hit you where the good Lord split you. My prediction is that these Twitter Quitters will all be back with fake names and accounts so they can have access without admitting they are wrong.

COLORADO DEMS THINK PEOPLE WHO PAY MORE TAXES DON'T DESERVE BIGGER REFUNDS I love it when people use the word "equity" while completely bastardizing its meaning. If we had an "equitable" tax system, everyone would pay the same amount regardless of income. But we don't. We have a system where people who make more money pay more in taxes. So it is "fair" that those who pay more in taxes get more back in a Taxpayer Bill of Rights refund, right? Not to Colorado Democrats, who want to use TABOR refunds to redistribute income. I may sue over this. Anyone got a good pro bono pot stirring attorney?

RUSSIA JUST UPPED THE ANTE By arresting a Wall Street Journal reporter for espionage. Evan Gershkovich was arrested by the Russians who say he was trying to obtain classified information. The Wall Street Journal strenuously denies this and says he is completely innocent. Why would Russia do this now? Perhaps we have someone in jail here that they want, which is what they did in 1986. Read more here. So what does Biden do about this? Maybe someone should tell him there is chocolate chip ice cream so he'll show up for the briefing. If you missed the beginning of his press conference on child murder, here is our Leader:

ABOUT THOSE "IMMINENT" CHARGES AGAINST TRUMP They don't appear so "imminent" now, as the Grand Jury hearing the politically motivated case is off for a month now. It seems DA Alvin Bragg doesn't have the case the left is salivating for, at least not yet.

IF YOU CAN DONATE BLOOD, PLEASE DO SO NOW As Vitalant says supplies are critically low as donations have never recovered from the pandemic slump. They are offering a big prize of $10k in gift cards to someone, so find the nearest Vitalant and go give blood. I'm going tomorrow.

RENTERS ARE TIRED OF DRUGGIES USING THEIR BUILDINGS This is in the Cap Hill neighborhood but we've had the same issues at the condo complex we own a unit in the Denver Tech Center. Homeless druggies are breaking into buildings to smoke drugs and pass out and now it's hit the bougie parts of the city, but it's everywhere.

ANOTHER YOUNG LIFE IS SNUFFED OUT This time a 13 year old boy in Aurora. He was part of a group of kids that got into with some other kids and I bet you $100 someone in that group knows who killed him. If they don't help police catch the killer, who I also bet is another teen, they are spitting on this man's grave. What a horrible story.

THIS KID WILL PROBABLY BE BACK IN CLASS IN DPS TODAY Because all the fifteen year old did was try to shoot a cop with a handgun with a fully auto switch all of which is already illegal. But he didn't do it on campus so he will probably make it to homeroom in a DPS school.

DO YOU REALLY NEED 10,000 STEPS? Short answer: no. The number was just pulled out of thin air by a marketing company and we all glommed onto it. Now a study shows that walking 8,000 steps a couple of times a WEEK reduced your risk of death, and the results plateaued after that so those 2,000 extra steps don't make much of a difference in the grand scheme of things. Read about it here.

SO NEKKID DINNER PARTIES ARE A THING NOW This is one of those things that people do to feel edgy and special even though it's just weird to me. But I'm not super cool hanging out with people naked so there's that. Read about it here.

DENVER VOTERS, THE SOCIALISTS ARE TRYING TO TAKE OVER CITY COUNCIL And you need to read this voter guide and then this story to understand why NONE OF THESE PEOPLE should be elected. Turnout is very low so far, so it won't take much to get them into office and if they get into office we will continue to slide into craphole status at an even faster clip.

NO SLEEP MAY BE COUNTERACTED BY EXERCISE If you are a bad sleeper you need to get off your butt and exercise. That is the message of this study which showed that even people who sleep less than six hours a night were greatly helped by exercise. Lack of sleep has been connected to an increase in the potential for early death, but exercise regularly and you seem to stave off that effect. Good news for me.

WANT TO KNOW WHY YOUR PROPERTY TAX BILL IS GOING TO BE SO HIGH? Watch this video and see how we brought in on ourselves. Ben Murrey with the Independence Institute explains.

TAY TAY IS FACING ANOTHER CENSURE And we have Kyle Clark to thank for this one, and I'm being serious. Watch below.

KETO CAN HELP AUTOIMMUNE DISORDERS! Many people don't know that a keto diet low in carbs and high in healthy fats can have a huge positive impact on drug resistant epilepsy. I have a family member with epilepsy and he controls his seizures with this diet and medication, while the medication alone did not work. No there is a growing body of work showing that following a keto diet can help other autoimmune disorders as well. Read about it here.

HOLLYWOOD IS GETTING HIP TO FAITH BASED FILMS This is a really interesting story about how the success of independently produced and sometimes even crowdfunded films and shows from and for a Christian perspective have gotten Hollywood's attention. Though they aren't seen awards shows, many of these films are far outgrossing Oscar nominated movies and it isn't even close. If you're looking for wholesome family entertainment that will portray God as the "good guy" check this out.

THIS AMAZON DRIVER IS DRIVER OF THE YEAR Because nothing was going to stop him from delivering his package.

CON MAN SAM BANKMAN FRIED IS GOING TO LOSE HIS FAVORITE VIDEO GAME It's like they have sent him to his room with no screens as part of his latest bail agreement. I'm not sure why they are amending it, but they would ban SBF from playing his beloved League of Legends game while on house arrest. Poor Sam, they are taking away all his favorite toys. Maybe he shouldn't haven't scammed people out of their money.

AN INSTALLMENT PLAN TO BUY A SHIRT IS A DUMB IDEA Apple is joining the ranks of the "buy now, pay later" outfits which are offering consumers the chance to essentially finance payments on everyday things. This is a terrible idea. As of right now, there are no fees or interest, but once they get you used to doing this, you bet they will add one or the other or both. Here's a different way of doing things: save up your money for something you need. If you are having to finance groceries it's time to get a second job. Or third. Or more marketable skills. Do not get sucked into this scam.

THE COLORADO STATE FAIR JUST GOT FLUFFY And I mean the comedian known as Fluffy, of course. Maybe I'll plan on seeing him when I go to pick up my prize for my pie which WILL be entered this year.

UPSET THEY/THEM JUDGE BOOTS A KID FROM A TOURNAMENT This is so stupid and proves once again in my mind that the whole pronoun thing isn't about pronouns it's about forcing other people to your will. A kid at a freaking Pokemon tournament got nervous and giggled when asked for his pronouns and a they/them using judge was SO UPSET by this he had the kid booted. Way to spread love and kindness, They/Them. But of course we know love and kindness only flows one way for these people.

HOW LITTLE KIDS BREAK UP Watch below or click here.

NICE WORK IF YOU CAN GET IT AND THEN NOT SHOW UP This is the perfect story about government. It really is. Watch below or click here.

DON'T SIGN THAT NDA IF YOU'RE LAID OFF Because you don't have to anymore. Watch below or click here.

LOOKING FOR A GOOD APRIL FOOLS DAY PRANK? Here's one for the Non-Biden Lover in your house. Watch below or click here.

WHAT HAVE YOU BOUGHT THAT HAS LASTED FOREVER? For me this is easy, my KitchenAid mixer is the BOMB and indestructible. It made this list. What did you buy long ago that is still going strong?

COULD THE RESPONSE OF NASHVILLE POLICE TURN THE TIDE ON COP TALK? The cops in Uvalde were a disgrace to the badge and everyone knows it. The cops in Nashville did what good cops do EVERY DAY, they ran to the gunfire. Even the media noticed and is making comments about it.

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