03/14/23 Blog: Michelle Zellner Is In To Talk How Stress Affects Your Body

FEELING STRESSED AND ANXIOUS? Get out and get some exercise. I've got Michelle Zellner on today to talk about the mind/body connection and this new study which shows that exercise is 1.5 times more effective than an antidepressant for relieving stress and anxiety! Michelle has a great offer for us today, she is giving away an hour of private coaching (a $125 value) for anyone making a $75 donation to her American Heart Association fundraiser so you get coaching AND a tax write off! Find the link to donate here and a link to Michelle's website here.

HO BOY THE EMAILS I'VE GOTTEN ABOUT LEAVING THE GOP... have been interesting. Lots congratulating me on my decision, one telling me I was engaging in Cancel Culture, many asking me to stay and "fix" the problems, but most saying "I've been thinking about doing the same thing". I had dinner with a similarly disillusioned friend last night and he said he has seen this coming for a long time and he's glad the party is going to burn itself down with this sort of leadership. Here's hoping the party can rise like a phoenix after it does, and here's hoping that happens sooner rather than later. This state needs it.

NEVER DOUBT WHY THE CASTILLOS ARE DOING WHAT THEY ARE DOING The parents of Kendrick Castillo are as heroic as their late son. He's the young man who sacrificed his own life to save others during the shooting at the STEM school in Highlands Ranch. Today is his birthday, and he would have been 22 years old. My friend Laura Carno writes about him here and you should read it. John and Maria Castillo have been offered a large settlement (although no amount of money makes up for the loss of their son) but they are refusing to accept it. Why? Because they want the information they have gotten during discovery made public, because they believe that information will both shock the public and force our governments to do something meaningful about school safety. If you have a child in schools right now, these people are fighting for YOUR kids. Their kid won't have another chance to be safe at school.

THIS IS AN OUTSTANDING VOTER GUIDE FOR THE DENVER MAYOR'S RACE Done by the Denver Gazette. It will give you a decent overview of the candidates and their positions so if you are still undecided, please check it out here.

REPUBLICANS ARE RUNNING AGAINST THE MEDIA AS WELL I haven't watched all of Kyle Clark's interviews with other candidates, but I have to say, this pushback on Andy Rougeot was just...odd. It seems Kyle is shocked/surprised that Rougeot would call the police on a man POOPING in a public place. This is why nothing will happen to end homelessness, by the way. Watch below.

You really should watch the rest of the interview. Andy does a really good job answering all of Kyle's questions, even those specifically designed to make him look bad. I'm going to go back and watch the interviews with the frontrunners to see if Kyle was as probing with them as he was with Andy. I don't take issue with the questions Kyle asked, by the way, I just want to make sure all the other folks are getting the same sort of treatment. I'll report back asap.

THE IDIOTIC BAG BAN HAS MADE CRIMINALS OF SOME Guess what is disappearing in Colorado since the plastic bag fee went into effect? Not just plastic bags. Now the hand baskets available to do your light shopping are walking out the door and not coming back. Stores say theft of the baskets is WAY up and some stores will not be replacing them because of the cost. I know this isn't funny, but yeah, it kind of is. Other unintended consequences of this nonsensical allegedly "environmentally friendly" policy in this Rob Natelson column.

MIKAELA SHIFFRIN IS OFFICIALLY THE GOAT OF WORLD CUP SKIING As she broke the record for the most World Cup wins by ANY skier, male or female, this last weekend. She's only 27 so I fully expect her streak to continue and I'm interested to see where she sets the bar for the next person to try to break. Read more here!

RENAMING OF MOUNT EVANS STOPPED BY A RIVAL NATIVE GROUP This is so typical. After everyone in power jumped to attention and rushed through the process of renaming Mount Evans to something more palatable to Native Americans (as Governor Evans was in charge during the Sand Creek Massacre) one Native American group has popped up in Wyoming to complain THEY weren't consulted and that Mount Blue Sky is HIGHLY offensive to them. Whatever, I honestly don't care at this point. Read more here.

HEADED OUT OF TOWN? MAKE SURE THERE ISN'T A HOUSE PARTY AT YOUR HOUSE This story feels like a sequel to Ferris Bueller's Day Off. A guy who has a big social presence built by throwing huge parties at houses where the parents are out of town is being called out by a Douglas County couple whose daughter was trying to allow one at THEIR house. First off, you can't blame this kid when your OWN kid was trying to make it happen. You need to bring your child under control in this situation. That being said, it's a good idea to remind your kids that you have friends who will be dropping by at ANY hour of the day or night when you aren't there. This was an extremely effective deterrent for ours.

THE MEDITERREAN DIET MAY HELP AVOID ALZHEIMER'S There are lots of studies going on about nutrition and disease right now, which is a good thing, and this one found that the closer someone followed the Mediterranean diet, which is rich in fish, green veggies, and fruit like berries, had less amyloid plaque in their brains. The problem with this is that we're now beginning to see that LOTS of people WITHOUT Alzheimers have plaque as well, so this may be a dead end.

WE HAVE 23 YEARS BEFORE THE ROBOTS TAKE OVER That is when we will reach the "singularity" when Artificial Intelligence surpasses us and begins to take over. Read more here.

Y'ALL COVID IS SO OVER NOW Remember last fall when we were told to prepare for a Covid winter surge? It never happened. Read this for more.

TUCKER CARLSON ASKED POTENTIAL GOP POTUS CANDIDATES ABOUT UKRAINE And you need to read them all by clicking on this thread.

WHO IS TO BLAME FOR THE FAILURE OF SVB? This is a really good column about how money policy is really at the heart of the failure of SVB. Read it here.

ANOTHER 10K WORKERS WILL BE LAID OFF FROM META Meta is the parent company of Facebook, and they are looking to shed a lot of fat in the middle. They will be starting with layoffs in their HR department, mostly around recruiting which they obviously don't need as they look to get leaner and more competitive as ad revenues have dipped. Then they will move onto Tech, then business support as they try to shed 10,000 employees. The tech industry is in quite a bit of flux, as these companies overhired during the pandemic and have now seen that Twitter is surviving after slashing its workforce under Elon Musk.

WHY THE STUDENT SECTION RULES Watch below or click here.

WELL DUH, OF COURSE IT'S DENVER In a study of which city in Colorado has the worst traffic of course it was Denver. The stats in this article are super depressing if you have to commute but also not a surprise.

ILLINOIS MANDATES PAID TIME OFF FOR EVERYONE And it doesn't have to be sick leave, you can take it for whatever reason. This sounds like a good plan, but I would imagine that businesses who currently offer paid time off AND sick leave may be tempted to combine and limit both according to this new law. There are restrictions and you have to work for 90 days before it kicks in, but you get one hour for every 40 worked. We'll see how this goes.

I DID NOT NEED TO KNOW THIS ABOUT KFC Did you know they have a BUCKET REFILL POLICY???? Watch below or click here.

BRITISH WOMEN REALLY LOVE THE BAD BOYS APPARENTLY As a bunch of women have been fired or quite and some have been charged with crimes after hooking up with prisoners at a cushy prison in the UK. The scandal has rocked the British prison system which says "the wrong kind of women" have been getting hired during Zoom interviews during Covid. They are not wrong.

WHEN YOU REALIZE YOU MADE A BAD CHOICE And you're filming when you do. Watch below or click here.

BANDS FIGHT BACK AGAINST IDIOTIC FEES BY VENUES And they are doing so by not selling their own merchandise at shows. It seems that greedy venues were demanding a 25% cut of such sales and some bands are simply saying no and directing fans to their websites to buy merch instead. Good for them.

MY GOODNESS THIS IS ACCURATE This is exactly how women post on anniversaries, although Chuck always posts the sweetest stuff about me too. He's a keeper like that. Watch below or click here.

THERE REALLY ARE SOME ROTTEN BOSSES OUT THERE I've had my share and am pleased that NO texts messages of this sort have ever been sent by my bosses at IHeart. Click here to see some horrible boss text messages so you can appreciate your good boss a little more.

A SUPER COOL PHOTO SHOWS LIGHTNING RODS AT WORK If you've ever wondered how lightning rods actually work, read this super cool article.

MUSK IS READY TO LAUNCH HIS FIRST STARSHIP But he says it has a 1 in 2 chance of exploding on launch, which would be spectacular either way. He's waiting for the FAA to give him permission to launch the ship from his Starbase facility in Texas. Read more here.

WHO DOESN'T WANT A LIGHT SABER??? And now Disney has made one. Check this out.

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