Thu Blog: Why is Boulder's Weekly Doing Better Journalism Than the Camera?

THE DENVER ZOO HAS A BABY SLOTH TO NAME and they've made it a fundraiser for the Zoo and I'm here for it. You can vote for the low fee of five bucks and there are three names to choose from. Find out more here, and I'm talking to Jessica Newell from the Denver Zoo at 2.

JOIN ME IN BOSTON ON LABOR DAY! I am super stoked about this short Mandy Connell Adventure to Boston! We're going to have a history and food packed five day four night trip that leaves August 31st to head to Beantown! We're doing a Duck tour, seeing Paul Revere's House, heading to Salem to talk witch trials, then walking the Freedom Trail to be steeped in our American History. It's going to be an absolute blast and you can call 800-383-3131 to ask any questions you might have of my friends at Cruise and Tour. Or click here for the website! I'll see you in Boston!

YES, VIRGINIA, THE BOULDER CREEK TRAIL ISN'T SAFE I get emails from Boulder residents (yes, there are right leaning people in Boulder) about how unsafe Boulder has become because of the homeless people living along the Boulder Creek Trail and in and around downtown. You sure wouldn't know it if you read the Daily Camera on a regular basis because they simply don't mention it. One of those listeners sent me this article from the Boulder Weekly and it is VERY illuminating. After sharing the stories of a ninth grader who now rides down a busy street with her little sister rather than the trail because of being harassed by homeless people, the Weekly spoke to another mom about the issues and check this out:

And while some community members report incidents on the creek path, there’s also reluctance to speak out. One resident Boulder Weekly spoke with says her son fears the creek path after being verbally harassed by someone experiencing homelessness. The mother, who has lived in Boulder since 1993, requested to remain anonymous because “this is such a heated topic and I’d hate for me or my son to be the target of anything.” (emphasis mine)

That's quite telling, isn't it? That in Boulder if you dare complain about not being able to use the creek path because of harassment by homeless people YOU and YOUR CHILD risk being attacked and losing social status. It's a very good article that lays out all the issues with homelessness and petty crime in Boulder, but not one you will see in the Daily Camera, where apparently their editors and reporters fear a loss of standing and harassment if they just tell the truth. You can't manage what you don't measure and you can't fix what you won't name. It's really that simple.

SOMETIMES LIFE IT TOUGH And people on Buzzfeed have been sharing the tough truths in life that they have learned that suck and they are really, really good. Mine is that even when you are the best at something you shouldn't expect to be paid like it. That and you should never expect corporate types to tell the truth. Oh, and some people just suck. They suck at life, they suck at friendship, they suck at work and they don't seem to care about how bad they suck. There you go.

DEMOCRATS HATE THEIR REPUBLICAN CONSTITUENTS That is the conclusion that I've come to after reading this story by Jon Caldara about how constituents of the wrong party are being treated this year by our Democratic overlords. You really should read it so when you ask how Republicans let this happen to our state you can blame the idiot voters who gave Democrats this much power instead.

THEY ALSO HATE LOW GAS PRICES And because of their careful planning we now have the fifth highest gas prices in the country! Okay, okay, some of this has to do with the Suncor refinery shutdown which happened hurt us so badly because no one will let a new refinery be built (and by no one I mean our Democratic overlords). But wait, there's more! Because our Governor back in 2019 INVITED the EPA to downgrade our air quality we will be forced to use California reformulated gas this spring and summer which should rocket us to the HIGHEST GAS PRICES IN THE NATION SOON! Yay us! We're number 1! We're number 1! The Californication of Colorado is almost complete and you didn't even have a say because voters would rather virtue signal than vote for politicians with the balls to address any of this stuff head on. Expect a big gas spike June 1st as we are forced into the California reformulated gas until September 1st.

NO TO PRONOUNS IN D11 SCHOOLS A Colorado Springs school district is moving to prevent teachers from proactively asking for a student's pronouns. The rule will not prevent students from sharing those pronouns, but will simply refrain teachers from asking about gender or sexuality as a regular course of business. I support this and this guy explains brilliantly why I support this.

TINA PETERS WON'T GO TO TRIAL UNTIL AUGUST And she's currently running for GOP Chair so she remains delusional about what she's facing. I sure hope that the GOP in Colorado is not so stupid as to elect someone currently under indictment to the leadership position but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they did. She waived her right to a speedy trial at a hearing yesterday.

DO YOU WANT THE LEGISLATURE TO DECRIMINALIZE PETTY CRIME This absolutely blows my mind. During a time of spiking crime across the metro, Denver Democrat Jennifer Bacon is trying to make CRIME EASIER FOR CRIMINALS. Because the problem here must be that crime is just too hard and if we make it easier it will stop. I couldn't make this up if I tried. Bacon is proposing that these things would be decriminalized:

Theft of property less than $50.
Check fraud less than $50.
Certain trespassing.
Public indecency.
Disorderly conduct.
Owning a dangerous dog.
Refusing to aid a police officer.

She wants to make the change because she says: “Public safety is served by responding to low-level offenses with increased services rather than custodial arrest because non-prosecution of low-level offenses has been shown to reduce reoffending, or recidivism, for these populations.” Well we did that with fentanyl and how is that working out? She lives in an alternate universe. The bill has no other sponsors so hopefully it will die quickly, and I bring it up here so you understand the mentality of the people running our state.

THE DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISTS IN THE STATEHOUSE The Democratic Socialists of America are anti-capitalist, anti-individual, anti-property rights and pretty much Anti anything that makes America America. And now three of them are in the State House proposing bills that would dismantle all of those things. Read more here about the extremists who are trying to fundamentally change Colorado. There are SEVEN of them running for Denver City Council and if they win, Denver is done and I'm not being dramatic.

I WANT TO PARTY WITH THIS GUY as he built a snow bar in his backyard in Steamboat Springs. Check this out.

HOW MANY SUBSCRIPTIONS WILL WE BE FORCED TO BUY? I have dramatically reduced the number of subscription services I pay for because I just don't use most of them. I have declined to buy products that have subscription fees but they are getting harder and harder to avoid. This article talks about how we are all getting soaked month by month and I'm wondering how many subscriptions you currently have and what your limit may be?

DON'T HAVE ANY GAS POINTS? This is freaking amazing and I'm trying it asap. Watch below or click here.

SHE CREEPS US OUT TOO, LIAM Liam Neeson just spent an uncomfortable few minutes on The View with creepy old lady Joy Behar blatantly coming on to him the entire time by talking about her long time crush on the man. Neeson was not impressed and found it very uncomfortable. Trust me, Liam, we are not impressed either.

SENTENCES NEVER HEARD IN THE SOUTH This is funny and entirely accurate.

THE CLINTON FRIEND "SUICIDE" TRAIN GETS ANOTHER VICTIM And I put suicide in quotes because this story is the most ridiculous alleged suicide I've ever seen. Clinton Advisor Mark Middleton, who signed Jeffrey Epstein into the White House numerous times, was found hanging from a tree with a gunshot wound to his chest with no weapon in site and law enforcement declared this a suicide. Read all that again in this article in the Daily Mail.

RON DESANTIS DEMONSTRATES HOW TO DEAL WITH A BIASED MEDIA And this flap started when NBC star Andrea Mitchell spewed a blatant lie during an interview and then labeled that lie as her merely being "imprecise". DeSantis and his people did not call her names, they simply sent this notice out:

This is how you do it, people. This is how you do it.

THIS MAKES ME LOVE SEAN PAYTON EVEN MORE Because he's not going to be the guy pushed around by the press. Check out this tweet exchange with Eric Goodman:

Read more about the differences in the Broncos organization this go round here.

DON'T FEED YOUR PUPS THESE FRUITS AND VEGGIES This is good info here. Jinx loves broccoli and strawberries and now I know they are okay. Watch below or click here.

THOSE LAXATIVES YOU USE HAVE BEEN LINKED TO DEMENTIA And this link does NOT equal causation but a new study out of the UK showed that adults who commonly use laxatives are at a much higher risk for dementia. Why? It could be that your gut microbiome is so out of whack that you need laxatives while new research is tying gut health to Alzheimer's disease. We don't know if there is a connection, but it's something to think about. Gut health is key to so many things.

THREE DOG BREEDS A DOG TRAINER RECOMMENDS AGAINST These aren't surprising although I've seen other lists that include much smaller dogs. This trainer believes that size is a problem, though he admits he owns one of these breeds himself. Kind of undercuts his point a bit, I think.

FOX NEWS SOLD IT'S SOUL TO TRUMP This Dominion Voting Systems lawsuit is certainly interesting, and now they are releasing emails showing how panic-stricken Fox News was when the rightly called the election for Joe Biden and their viewers got mad. They made programming decisions based on ratings and it's come back to bite them in the ass. Read more about this here.

A YOUNG JOURNALIST IN ORLANDO IS DEAD And he was just covering a news story when he was murdered by the suspect in the story he was covering. He wasn't even 25 years old. See more here.

IS MARVEL MAKING A MISTAKE WITH THE MULTIVERSE? This guy thinks so. Watch below or click here.

HOW DOES THE EAS ALERT IN THE US COMPARE TO THOSE AROUND THE WORLD? This chick has some thoughts. I am literally forbidden from playing this on the air, so you can only watch it here. Watch below or click here.

BIDEN CAN'T FIND OHIO, BUT TRUMP DID Giving credit where credit is due, the former President made time to actually go to East Palestine, OH and deliver water and McDonalds to the residents and first responders. Biden didn't.

APPARENTLY TRUMP LEFT BREAD CRUMBS FOR MAYOR PETE So the Secretary of Transportation could find Ohio.

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