Wed Blog: First They Ran on TABOR But Know We Know That Was a Lie

THERE IS NO PATH TO ZERO INCOME TAX IN COLORADO RIGHT NOW And I'm talking to Ben Murrey from the Independence Institute about the bill that was killed on party lines in committee that would have used TABOR refunds to get us there. You should read his article about it here but none of you are going to be surprised that Democrats used OUR MONEY to buy votes. Just saying.

WEATHER WEDNESDAY WITH DAVE FRASER Is at 12:35. If you've got weather questions, he's got weather answers! You can always see his forecast on Fox 31.

THIS IS THE MUCH LONGER INTERVIEW I DID WITH VINNEY TOLMAN About his After Death Experience. I've referenced it several times because this interview has changed my life in a very, very profound way. Give it a listen and I hope it lands with you the way it landed with me. Find the interview by clicking here.

COULD A FOUR DAY WORKWEEK BE A REALITY? The largest four day workweek trial is over in the United Kingdom but the four day workweek may just be getting started. Of the 61 companies that participated across many different fields a whopping 92% say they are keeping the four day work week model for now at least, as it had a positive or neutral effect on profit while helping their employees enjoy less stress and better focus when they are at work, along with less sick calls and lower overall turnover. These are all great things! And as this test took place in an advanced economy, I'm sure it could work here, right? RIGHT??? Read more here. This article from the BBC says that productivity needs to be more closely measured to see if it will work for bosses, but also talks about the many benefits. Let's do a study like this here!

THIS IS WHAT DOUGLAS COUNTY'S DYSFUNCTION HAS BROUGHT TO BEAR Rep. Bob Marshall, a Democrat known as Biden Bob for his flag waving and crap stirring at intersections before he got respectable, is now pushing a bill that would expand county commissions in the counties that go over 70.000 people. This is an option right now if the people of the county ask for it, so the option is available but this would go further by also dictating that each seat would have to be elected by district rather than at-large as they are now. My first reaction is I can't stand Bob Marshall because all of the stupid and specious lawsuits he filed to create havoc at the Douglas County School Board so I hate this, but then I think about the fact that Abe Laydon and George Teal have decided they are going to run Douglas County however they want and I may be in. As a small government person I am shocked I'd even consider it, but I don't think Douglas County is being properly represented, especially considering how diverse the county is. The jury is out on this for me, but if I had the opportunity to vote on it in DougCo I may vote yes.

ANOTHER EUROPEAN COUNTRY SAYS NO TO GENDER AFFIRMING CARE FOR KIDS Why has Finland stopped giving gender affirming care to a vast majority of kids? Because a vast majority of kids will see their gender issues resolve if they don't get gender affirming care. The top pediatric gender doc says in this article that the science backing gender affirming care is of "low certainty" meaning not good. She also said that four out of five kids with gender dysphoria resolve that dysphoria post-puberty if they are just loved as they are, while zero kids given gender affirming care do. So essentially, giving kids hormones and other treatments to "affirm" their care is essentially forcing them into a life as a medical patient forever when a vast majority of them would otherwise work it out. We need to support our kids with gender issues with therapy and acceptance but not drugs and surgery. It's that simple. Read this for more.

THE AG RIGHT TO REPAIR BILL MOVES FORWARD And now it goes the Colorado Senate for approval, which I'm sure it will get. This will force ag machine manufacturers to make it easier for third parties to fix their stuff, which I don't disagree with. Now it remains to be seen how intellectual property rights in the industry will be protected going forward as farmers will be able to get their stuff fixed in a timely manner.

ADAM FRISCH IS COMING FOR LAUREN BOEBERT'S SEAT AGAIN And the Aspenite hauled in a quick $500k following his announcement. The campaign is quick to point out that the donations came from all 50 states and every county in the district. I wonder what the percentage of that money came from out of state? And should we pass a bill that would prevent donations from OUTSIDE the districts in which a candidate is running? I'd love to see that one pass, though it won't because politicians would fight it tooth and nail. That would be campaign finance reform I could get behind.

OH LOOK, THE AIR FORCE GAVE UP THE RECORDS OF REPUBLICANS TO A DEM OPPO RESEARCH FIRM But the Deep State isn't a thing, amiright? One of those Republicans was a female Air Force lieutenant colonel in Indiana whose Air Force records included details of a sexual assault she suffered while in the service. There were 11 sets of records given to a Democratic operative looking for dirt and lying about being an employment background checker. Now the Air Force is investigating and says those who engaged in illegal conduct will be charged accordingly but I'll believe it when I see it. By the way, those service records were used by Democrats to cast aspersion on that black female Republicans leadership during the campaign and seemed to be effective, as she lost.

MSNBC IS HOPPIN MAD THAT TUCKER HAS THE JANUARY 6TH TAPES and if I were them I'd sue to get the same access immediately but so far they are just publishing scathing columns like this one. Check this out:

Just so we’re all clear about the nature of the process, the video tapes in question are official government materials. They don’t belong to one member, one party, or one cable channel; they belong to all of us. And yet, there’s the new House speaker, who apparently made a unilateral decision to give one controversial Fox News host exclusive access to 41,000 hours of surveillance footage.
What could possibly go wrong?
Part of the problem with McCarthy’s move is that Carlson lacks credibility on the issue. As Axios’ report noted, Carlson has “repeatedly questioned official accounts of 1/6, downplaying the insurrection as ‘vandalism.’” CNN’s report added, “[H]e has devoted significant airtime to the false claim that liberal ‘deep state’ partisans within the FBI orchestrated the insurrection as a way to undermine former President Donald Trump. He has conducted sympathetic interviews with some of the rioters who were subsequently charged by the Justice Department.”
To give such a media personality exclusive access, presumably to allow him to create a counter-narrative that will challenge the reality of the insurrectionist violence, is ridiculous

That last line is my favorite. They are just mad hergot it and they didn't. Just sue for access and do your own story. It's not rocket science, it's called journalism.


WHY I CAN'T EAT OCTOPUS ANYMORE Sure I've been watching way too many BBC animal documentaries but this is a really good shorter video on how intelligent octopus really are. They are tasty, but I just can't.

DEMS ARE HOPING JOE DOESN'T RUN As his team keeps pushing back his launch announcement for his next run. This article shows how desperately the Dems are hoping that he hangs it up after this term. It seems like they are trying to will it into being. Heh.

WHY AREN'T TEENS DRIVING ANYMORE? I have this same question, as I had an appointment on my birthday to get my license and my oldest son took literal years to get his. This is a long article that does a deep dive into the myriad of issues that are changing teen driving habits, but the saddest one is that kids are so anxious they are afraid to drive. The other reason I hate is that parents are so neurotic about everything with their kids they have passed that neuroticism onto their kids. This has to stop. I'm going to start prepping Q to drive now and she's not yet 14. I want a chauffeur in my older years!

THE FOUR HABITS OF HAPPY PEOPLE I love that someone encapsulated this so nicely in one article. I talked recently about my new favorite quote, which is:

“People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures.”

FM Alexander was an Australian actor in the late 1800's who had constant laryngitis until he came up with a different way of speaking that has become the Alexander Technique and is still used today. I have no idea where he made this comment, but it has resonated with me since. So when I see this article about the four habits of happy people, I am compelled to share so any unhappy people can adopt these habits to see if they work. In my experience, they do. I do think you could replace spend time with pets with spend time with a hobby if you aren't an animal person and that would work.

YOUNG MEN NEED TO BE ENCOURAGED TO UP THEIR GAME Or our entire society is going to collapse if these trends hold up. Young men are more likely to be single and sexless and not looking for a partner than young women. At the same time, young women are more accomplished and don't want to "marry down" which is an idiotic mindset but here we are. This article is really hard on men but I think it needs to be. It's not so hard on the young women demanding that men be more like them instead of trying to understand the beautiful differences in the sexes instead. It should be, because those women are going to end up 40 and alone and wondering where all the good guys have gone. I'll tell you where they are, married to someone with realistic standards.

HOW MUCH ARE YOUR PROPERTY TAXES GOING UP THIS YEAR? A lot based on new valuations that show an increase of 26.5% for homes in Colorado. That will mean increases of hundreds if not thousands of dollars for some homeowners. Good thing the Democratic Legislature did away with the Gallagher amendment that kept property taxes in check. Good thing indeed.

GAGA AS HARLEY QUINN? I'M INTRIGUED Because she doesn't fit my immediate thought for Harley Quinn but upon further reflection I'm in. She's in the Joker sequel apparently.

LATVIA ROLLS OUT ICE CREAM FOR UKRAINE And it's blue and yellow and quite pretty. Read more here.

TROUBLE CARRYING PACKS OF WATER? Apparently some do. This guy solves the problem. Watch below or click here.

SOMEONE JUST PAID $3.75 MILLION FOR A TRAILER IN THE HAMPTONS And I guess it's true that a fool and his money are soon parted. Read more here about the bougiest trailer park in the world.

THAT TIME AI MADE AN EMINEM SONG This is crazy and probably just the beginning of artists getting ripped off by AI. Watch this:

THE MASK MANDATES MADE NO DIFFERENCE And this column in the New York Times talked to actual scientists doing actual science about whether or not we will learn from this idiotic mistake. A mistake STILL being made by the CDC, by the way. STILL. From the column where they talk about me:

No study — or study of studies — is ever perfect. Science is never absolutely settled. What’s more, the analysis does not prove that proper masks, properly worn, had no benefit at an individual level. People may have good personal reasons to wear masks, and they may have the discipline to wear them consistently. Their choices are their own.
But when it comes to the population-level benefits of masking, the verdict is in: Mask mandates were a bust. Those skeptics who were furiously mocked as cranks and occasionally censored as “misinformers” for opposing mandates were right. The mainstream experts and pundits who supported mandates were wrong. In a better world, it would behoove the latter group to acknowledge their error, along with its considerable physicalpsychologicalpedagogical and political costs.

I was told I was LITERALLY KILLING PEOPLE when I said over and over again that masks don't work. Now I've been vindicated but the government just doesn't care.

WHOA. Just slow down for God's sake.

I WANT THIS GUY TO ORDER MY COFFEE Watch below or click here.

CNN RE EDUCATION CAMP IS QUICK As Don Lemon was back on the air this morning after a quick online apology. Whatever, CNN.

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