Wed Blog: What a Day for Weather Wednesday, Plus Andy Rougeot is On

I THINK WE ALL SEE THE WEATHER FOR TODAY But Dave Fraser of Fox 31 is going to join us to answer all of your weather questions at 12:35 so load them up!

WHY DOES 9 NEWS HATE REPUBLICANS SO MUCH? That's the only conclusion I can come up with for why they would exclude the lone Republican in the race for Denver's mayor from their debate. Their reasoning? He didn't agree to campaign off the public dole. In order to take the money from the Denver Fair Elections Fund candidates MUST agree to participate in a couple of debates. One is tonight on 9 News. There is NOTHING ANYWHERE that says if you don't take the money you can't debate, but 9News unilaterally made the choice to exclude Andy completely on their own and they admit it. If the Colorado GOP weren't such a mess they could start a full court press about this, but they are busy infighting and trying to keep the wackos from taking over the party. Andy joins me at 1 to discuss. Find Andy's campaign site here, and if you like what you hear, MAKE A DONATION.

SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY That is the overarching message to businesses when it comes to politics or issues or causes. This survey done by the Trafalagar group clearly and loudly shows that we don't go to the store to be preached at, or talked to, or proselytized to, we just want to shop. From the survey:

I still believe that Target wading into the dressing room and bathroom issue hurt their business really bad and I know I will NEVER darken the doorsteps of Penzey Spices because of the hate filled rhetoric against conservatives by their namesake CEO. Have you changed your business habits because of issue related things? I'm curious.

COLORADO PROGRESSIVES ARE TRYING TO MAKE HOUSING MORE EXPENSIVE And Ari Armstrong has written a good column here about the myriad of ways they are trying to clamp down on our housing and rental supplies and make them even worse. He is exactly right in his assertions here.

GEN X, THIS ONE IF FOR YOU I laughed way, way to hard at this.

THE EL PASO COUNTY SHERIFF IS DEFENDING THE AGENCY As accusations of racism have led to hundreds of angry calls and threats from people who have taken the side of a black rancher and his wife in an ongoing dispute with a neighbor. The Sheriff held a press conference yesterday and introduced some body cam footage of several interactions with the Malleries, and promises to release more footage very soon. This case is just a mess. I'm waiting to see that footage before I even begin to wade into an opinion on this.

MORE VICTIMS ARE ASKING WHERE THE MONEY IS This is sad on many levels but also kind of infuriating on another. The victims of the Club Q shooting took to the steps of the Capitol to complain that money collected by the club's owner via a GoFundMe account had NOT been distributed to the victims. This after the Colorado Healing Fund has been loudly criticized for the manner they have distributed funds for the Marshall Fire and other tragedies. What is the solution? I think if anyone is asking for money it's reasonable and probably necessary to ask how they plan to give that money out and when. Then you can decide if you want to donate there. It's also sad that victims develop the "it's my money" attitude when things like this happen, rather than gratitude for what has already been done. I get it, but I still think it's sad.

CENTURA HEALTH IS CHANGING INTO... Two different hospital and healthcare systems. The two entities that had joined to make Centura Health are going their separate ways, but no one seems to know exactly what that means. Will anything still be called Centura? Who owns all the doctor's offices they bought? When will the breakup happen and how will this affect patient care or billing? No one seems to know. Read more here.

IS IT TIME TO DO AWAY WITH THE POLITICAL CAUCUS SYSTEM? Kent Thiry says yes and he's pushing a bill that would end the ability of candidates to get on the ballot through the caucus system. I hate the caucus system, but if the parties want it, then far be it from me to prevent them from having one. Thiry has done a lot to make our system more "fair" and I admire his passion for voting, but this feels like a step too far for me.

OUR SUPPORT FOR UKRAINE AID IS SLIPPING Because Americans have the attention span of sand gnats and we're all resigned to high gas prices or something. New polling data about Ukraine shows our support for arming Ukraine against the Russian invasion has slipped from a high of 60% in favor of arming Ukraine now down to 48% and I'm not sure why though I'm guessing many Americans are thinking something like, "why haven't we beaten them yet" which is pretty ridiculous. This is not good news as Russia has just launched another huge offensive into eastern Ukraine and Ukraine is burning through munitions at a pretty high rate.

NEED WEIGHT LOSS INSPIRATION? This story is fantastic and here is the video that goes along with it. Here's hoping you don't have to move to a tiny village to slay your own dragons about your health. Watch below or click here.

THE AP IS SHOCKED TO FIND OUT WE DON'T TRUST THE NEWS MEDIA And it's not just about trust, it's about the perception held by about HALF of those surveyed that the news INTENTIONALLY misleads us. From this AP Story:

Asked whether they agreed with the statement that national news organizations do not intend to mislead, 50% said they disagreed. Only 25% agreed, the study found.
Similarly, 52% disagreed with a statement that disseminators of national news “care about the best interests of their readers, viewers and listeners,” the study found. It said 23% of respondents believed the journalists were acting in the public’s best interests.
“That was pretty striking for us,” said Sarah Fioroni, a consultant for Gallup. The findings showed a depth of distrust and bad feeling that go beyond the foundations and processes of journalism, she said.

This doesn't surprise me AT ALL, even though I think it is much more an issue of left leaning group think at news organization more than a malicious intent to deceive. It would be nice if the national news outlets took this to heart rather than simply arguing that it's wrong.

MORE PRISON TRANS INSANITY This time in Canada, where a man WHO RAPED A THREE MONTH OLD BABY is now being housed in a women's prison right next to the mother-baby unit. He's being accused of "leering" at the babies which makes me sick to my stomach to even type. Can you imagine what happens to a guy who rapes a baby in male prison? Shocking that this perv suddenly decided he's a woman after being arrested. Now he has transitioned on the taxpayer's dime and Canada put him in a woman's prison. This must stop. Period.

DIGITAL VIEWING WILL TOP TRADITIONAL TV THIS YEAR And though I'm sure some will tell you this is the end of television a lot of us are streaming network tv. This isn't the end of television but it may be the end of cable in the near future. Read more here.

WHAT IS HAPPENING TO LARIMER SQUARE? Larimer Square is one my favorite spaces in Denver, although not any more. I loved the mix of interesting shops with good local restaurants, as did many who visited downtown. But that seems to be going away with new out of town ownership who seem less interested in keeping Larimer Square's charming appeal than they do in maximizing rents to the highest bidder from anywhere. This is a long article from 5280 Magazine that is worth your time.



CALIFORNIA'S POPULATION IS DROPPING As they have lost 500,000 residents in the past two years. Why? Because the policies that we are passing here in Colorado have had time to "work" there and everything is too expensive, taxes are too high and homeless people have been allowed to take over. But hey Jared, keep being like California. You know who has gained the most residents? Texas and Florida. It would be cool if we could figure out what the difference in those states were. JK we all know.

HOT DOG THIS IS CUTE Watch below or click here.


THIS IS A CREATIVE ALARM SYSTEM I'm guessing it would work on the dumbest criminals but would probably make smart ones laugh. Watch below or click here.

SEXIST RANT OR SOLID COMEDY? If you've ever heard Jesse Kelly you know his entire schtick is saying the thing that other men would not say and doing so to make fun of whatever he's talking about. He's actually really funny if you ask me. One dame assigned to watch Tucker Carlson clearly doesn't get the joke here.

He's talking about a video put out by comedian Chelsea Handler extolling the wonderful life she has as a woman with no kids. Here is that:

It's kind of sad if you ask me, as it seems like she needs us to believe she has a perfect life but it feels like she's trying to convince herself of that thing instead. The life she describes is fun for a weekend but really devoid of meaning. But Jesse Kelly kind of nailed it.

CHINA IS MAD ABOUT US SHOOTING DOWN THEIR BALLOONS OR SOMETHING And are talking about retaliation for it. What are they going to do, steal all of our technology instead of developing their own? Oh wait...

EVEN THE BIG BOYS LOVE THEIR MAMA This is so sweet. Watch below or click here.

THE TOP FOUR SIGNS OF A FAILING MARRIAGE If you want to avoid divorce court, you want to avoid these four things in your marriage:


Read more here about how these four "horsemen" are signs that your relationship is not on good footing here.

WHEN YOU KNOW YOU GOT PLAYED BUT GIVE IN ANYWAY I don't know a parent who hasn't fallen for the "Great Kid" trap even though we all know what they are doing. Watch below or click here.

PLEASE ENJOY THIS LIST FROM MY CHILDHOOD As people offered up cool stuff from their childhood that don't exist anymore. I'm still missing my Sony Walkman.

OMG THIS IS EXACTLY HOW I SAY THANK YOU And I am Gen X and this is EXACTLY RIGHT. Watch below or click here.

HITTING THE SNOOZE BUTTON IS SCIENTIFICALLY DUMB And one of my faves Mel Robbins explains why. Watch below or click here.

CHERRY CREEK SCHOOLS PARENTS, DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS IS? IT's from a tweet, but I'd love to know if this is really hanging anywhere in Cherry Creek schools.

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