Mon Blog: The Science of Dream Interpretation

IT'S A DREAMY PROBLEM Do you wonder what your dreams mean? Maybe you even have a dream dictionary to help. My guest today says toss the dictionary but don't ignore your dreams. Frederick Coolidge has written a book about dreaming called The Science of Dream Interpretation which you can find here and he joins me today at 12:35 to discuss.

DID BAIL REFORM LEAD TO THE DEATH OF A FOUNTAIN COP? That's what the Mayor of Fountain is saying today after the death of Officer Julian Becerra after a fall from an overpass last week. In a press conference the Mayor said:

"They should never have been out on the street in the first place. But due to a lack of accountability in our justice system and failed bail reform initiatives, they were allowed to prey on our citizens and create the circumstances that put Officer Becerra on the bridge that night."

She's probably right and now a cop is dead so criminals have an easier time doing crime because of a garbage attitude and bills passed by the Legislature. And we elected MORE people who want to coddle criminals instead of fewer. Well done, Colorado. May Julian Becerra rest in peace and may the fact he died serving his community give his family comfort.

NOW DEMS WANT TO SAY WHAT YOU CAN DO ON YOUR RURAL PROPERTY This is the perfect example of someone from the city having no clue how people in the country live. A Boulder Democrat says that since city people move to the country for "peace and quiet" the people who have lived there for a long time must change their way of life to accommodate them. That is exactly what she is saying when she puts a bill forth to allow counties to forbid someone from discharging a firearm on their own property. This is why rural folks hate city folks, fyi. This is clear incursion on private property rights and I hope the rest of the Legislature realizes it. I'm wondering how many laws will be passed this year that are clearly unconstitutional that will be overturn by the courts. My guess is a lot. Colorado has become ground zero for gun control and lots of national organizations are writing bills to limit our freedoms. I hope the rest of the country follows along because what happens here is coming to where they are soon.

ABOUT THAT HOLDING CALL I know Philly fans were apoplectic yesterday about a late holding call that gave KC another chance to score, but the Eagle involved in the play admits he did the deed, he was just hoping they would let him get away with it. Cornerback James Bradberry said after the game:

“It was a holding," Bradberry told reporters in the locker room after losing to the Kansas City Chiefs. "I tugged his jersey. I was hoping they would let it slide."

I know this is cold comfort for Philly fans, but it really does make this the best Super Bowl I can remember for the sheer greatness of this game.

WHY IS THE NAME OF THE PERP NOT IN THIS ARTICLE? I found this curious. A Porsche SUV driven by an alleged drunk and texting driver slammed into a house in Boulder, and yet this article doesn't mention the person's name. Odd, don't you think? Seems like someone in Boulder is enjoying some courtesy from the Police Department not afforded to any of the poors arrested in Boulder lately. Quick check of "boulder arrested" showed lots of articles with names of the alleged perpetrators but not this one. Odd.

THIS STORY OUT OF YODER IS NUTS And I am not taking sides because it's not my fight but on the one side you've got a black couple who are alleging everyone is racist and a white woman with a "stalking log" of exactly what her neighbors are doing to her so both sides are in deep. I'm interested to see the footage that will be released by the El Paso County Sheriff's office on this one. Read about this neighbor dispute turned racial war here.

IF YOU'RE INTO VINYL... You need to check out the Rocky Mountain Record Show this weekend. Find details here and you're welcome.

THE CULTURE OF VIOLENCE Today's culture of violence story is about a man going to jail for most of his entire adult life for murdering three people when he was just 21 years old. That's what gang life gets you.

DENVER OFFICE VACANCIES ARE PERSISTENTLY HIGH I've been trying to get a commercial real estate agent on to discuss this but they all want to paint a rosy picture and I'm just not buying it. Now I know why. Denver office vacancies are persistently high, much higher than before the pandemic and not getting better. I think we will see MORE vacancies as anecdotally I've spoken to multiple business owners waiting out the ends of their leases to escape downtown. Not only is it high, it's the sixth highest vacancy rate in the country. We've got big issues and redo of the 16th Street Mall isn't going to fix them.

WHAT COMMERCIALS STOLE THE SHOW LAST NIGHT? My absolute favorite was the Workday Ad. It wasn't even close for me. See the best in this article.


I'D LIKE TO HEAR DAMAR HAMLIN TALK ABOUT THAT JACKET Damar Hamlin wore a jacket with a very weird and unflattering depiction of Jesus's crucifixion on it and it's caused a kerfuffle. I don't know if he chose it because he thought it would honor God but at least he started a conversation. I'd like to hear him comment on his thoughts about why he wore it before I label him a heathen.

HAS AMERICA GONE TOO FAR IN LEGALIZING VICE? This is an interesting article that answers it's own question with what seems to be a "yes". Read about gambling and marijuana legalization here. I think the problem here is that people are not currently bound by religion or a particular morality that prevents them from going too far.

GETTING OFF THE COUCH IS HARD I think I've done this very thing myself.


THE BIDEN ADMIN'S ABORTION GASLIGHTING This is a GREAT article that simply wants to go back to clear language around abortion. No, abortion is NOT "reproductive healthcare" as it is often not medically necessary and has nothing to do with reproduction other than to end a successful reproduction. It's also not "healthcare" even for those suffering from rape, incest or their own health issues, though that makes up such a tiny portion of abortions it's laughable. Read this article here and recognize that language choice is a tool of propaganda when it comes to abortion.

THIS TIM TEBOW STORY IS SO SO GOOD I love this story so much. I love Tim Tebow even though he is a Florida Gator. I'm making an exception.

BIG TECH IS ACTIVELY WORKING TO SHUT DOWN CONSERVATIVE VOICES And doing so by adding them to "blacklists" that have been tagged "disinformation" by an obviously left wing group who is hell bent on starving any platform with views they disagree with. You're not going to believe some of the sites that are being blacklisted, including The Daily Wire and the New York POST!

SINGLE PAYER HEALTH CARE IS FAILING AROUND THE WORLD And has it here. Please share this far and wide with younger people who still think this is a good idea.

OUR NEXT A HEROES THANK YOU! These are so great. And hats off to Arod for the video work and producing on these.


WHAT ARE WE SHOOTING DOWN EXACTLY? We've been shooting stuff down willy nilly over the last week but it's not what you might think. We are now being overly cautious with errant weather balloons before we get embarrassed by the Chinese again.


AMERICANS IN RUSSIA ARE BEING TOLD TO SKEDADDLE Although the State Department doesn't use that word exactly. They are telling American citizens to leave Russia now or face potential harassment or arrest by Russian authorities. Read more here.



DID THE GRONK REALLY MISS? I don't really care about any of this but it sure looks like Gronkowski made this kick because the ball at one point is completely obscured by the goal post and how would that happen if he missed the kick? Just saying. If I bet on this I'd be peeved.

EVEN FACING STOLEN ORANGE CHARGES, HE CRACKS WISE And I laughed out loud. Watch below or click here.

AROD SAW A UFO! UNTIL HIS MOM CORRECTED HIM This entire exchange is ridiculous.

WOULD YOU SELL YOUR DOG FOR 100K? There is no way I'd give up Jinkies. No effing way. Watch below or click here.

WE'RE PROBABLY SUPPOSED TO THINK THIS ISN'T WEIRD AS HELL But I'm here to say this is weird as hell as this dude needs therapy, not a crib and diapers. Watch below or click here.

DOES EVERY MAN HAVE A SONG LIKE THIS? Watch below or click here.

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