Mon Blog: Who Will Be the Next Head of the Colorado GOP?

THE COLORADO GOP IS A MESS Beset by infighting and pulled to the far right by people who still think Trump won, the party is a huge mess right now. Casper Stockham thinks he can fix it so he running to be chair. I'm chatting with him about why he even wants this job at 1. This is a great column about what needs to happen to fix our political system but a vast majority of us simply will not do it.

THERE ARE 40 PEOPLE RUNNING FOR DENVER CITY COUNCIL And I have no clue how to help you guys sort through this. If you live in Denver, you MUST find out who is running and make an educated choice. Find their website, read their positions, find out if they will be appearing and go meet them. Yes, we're busy, but if more socialists get elected to the City Council Denver is done. You have a mission. Read a summary of who is running here.

THE CHINESE SPY BALLOON WAS SHOT DOWN SATURDAY But do you believe ANY of the crap that is being said about it? I don't. They waited until the balloon was in the Atlantic before shooting it down and now the military says they are doing a search and rescue mission for it but I have a hard time believing they don't know PRECISELY where it went down and already have it. Plus, there is this article that says the Pentagon has filed for permission to do THE SAME THING over the US so they can spy on all of us. This is not okay. None of this is okay no matter who is doing the spying. Politicians are using this to bludgeon the Biden administration, of course, but they say letting the balloon traverse the entire country so it could be shot down over water was the best way to save the intel on the balloon. Mmkay. My guess is we'll never hear of this balloon again. Too bad they didn't shoot it down in Area 51. The editorial by the Wall Street Journal asks a lot of questions about this incident that deserve answers which we will never get.

CAN CHRISTIANITY MAKE A COMEBACK? I saw this video the other day and asked people to watch it and comment on it, it's not long you can watch it here:

Then I wake up today to find this column which says that American Christianity is ready for comeback and I feel hopeful. From the column:

The modern self is exceptionally fragile. While having the freedom to define and validate oneself is superficially liberating, it is also exhausting: You and you alone must create and sustain your identity. This has contributed to unprecedented levels of depression and anxiety and never-satisfied longings for affirmation. The modern self is also fragmenting, as Bellah argued, its individualism leading to the erosion of family, community, and unity of shared values in the nation. The breakdown of neighborhoods and communities means that, more and more, our lives are run by faceless, massive bureaucracies and inhumane technologies aimed solely at economic efficiency.
In stark contrast, Christianity offers grace and covenant. Protestant Christianity teaches its members that salvation is by sheer grace, not by one’s moral efforts or performance. We are adopted as sons and daughters of God, so the cosmic ruler becomes our unconditionally loving heavenly father. And all who unite with God as father are brought into a family of faith, which is based not on contractual relationships, sustained only as long as they benefit both parties’ interests, but covenant relationships, in which all parties pledge to serve one another in sacrificial love.

I got an email from a man who complained that I talk about God too much. But when you look at what is happening in our society, how can I not? It's not going to be a change in Congress that fixes us, it has to come from far above that and as one who believes in God and all that relationship has to offer, I know that all these depressed and anxious people could be helped by walking with God instead of obsessing about politics or something else so I'm not gonna stop.

THE FRONT ROW BETTER BE FREE This is an interesting way for AMC Theaters to make some money. They are going to charge different prices for seats based on where the seats are located in the theater. They aren't free, but the front row is going be a third less than the regular tickets. Center seats are going to cost more. What I want to know is how they will enforce this if the theater is mostly empty. Will they bring back ushers and their flashlights?

CSU BASKETBALL FANS CHOSE POORLY By deciding to chant "Russia" as a Ukrainian member of the Utah basketball team was shooting free throws. Never let it be said that going to college makes you smart or nice. The CSU Athletics Department has apologized.

WE MAY HAVE SEEN THE ALL TIME HIGH FOR POT SALES First off, see what I did there? When erebody was working from home pot sales skyrocketed but now that we can't do bong hits in the bathroom (to be clear I've never done bong hits in the bathroom) pot sales have slumped back down a bit. This means that some workers are being laid off and taxes dropped by over $100 million dollars but we all know that it's time to get back to real life after the pandemic and real life isn't stoned quite so much.

WHY BLACK HISTORY MONTH IS SOMETHING TO CHEER FOR This is a really good editorial about Black History Month and why we need to celebrate it and all it contains. For the last six months or so I've been doing a personal experiment with social media that I want to share with you that has to do with positive black images in society. I think you may find it interesting.

STUPID GEESE MAY NOT NEED TO BE CULLED THIS YEAR I am not a fan of Canada Geese. They are mean, they poop everywhere and are generally a destructive nuisance to our parks system. We culled them a few years ago but the Parks Department is saying we will not need to do that again because they have been successful with other methods to keep the flock under control. Read more here.

MADONNA'S FACE IS WHAT'S WRONG WITH SOCIETY And I'm not picking on Madonna for any other reason than she doesn't look remotely like herself as she tries desperately to cling to some semblances of relevance. Look at her:

Photo: Getty Images

She has so much filler and Botox that she looks like the villain in a horror movie. To be clear, I am NOT against having a "little" work done if it makes you happy. But someone her age should not have a completely wrinkle free visage. Her fans were "confused" by her look at the Grammy's last night. I'm entering the phase of my life where I am fighting aging with everything in my toolbox, but I have a proper governor in Chuck to tell me to stop what I'm doing before I look like this. She needs one for sure.

THE FUTURE OF HYPERSONIC FLIGHT IS ALMOST HERE This is a nerdy article about a new type of plane that aeronautics types say will be the future of air travel. The Quarterhorse hypersonic plane by Hermeus is super cool looking although I want to see how much headspace is in the interior. Read more about this unmanned plane here.

ARE YOU SEEING LOCKED UP ITEMS? There is one Walmart where I shop where all of the face lotions and creams are locked up, but that's pretty much it where I live. Are you seeing stores locking up huge parts of their inventory to prevent theft? I'm curious as to if or where this is happening in the metro.

GET READY FOR SOME HUGE PROPERTY TAX INCREASES As the Legislature tries to figure out how to mitigate bills that could be 26% higher according to some estimates. Wea ll know our home values have skyrocketed and this is the year our property tax bills will be adjusted to reflect that, but these bills are going to be HUGE for some and that is a big problem as people are trying to make ends meet right now. Read about some possible solutions here.

NYC IS SENDING ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS TO CANADA! It seems the migrants in NYC say they don't like the hustle and bustle of the big city but read this:

Numerous migrants traveling to Canada reported being disgusted by the conditions they faced in NYC, where they felt at risk from homeless people and drug users.
'I wanted to live in New York because I thought it would be a better future for my daughters,' said 33-year-old Peruvian Susy Sanchez Solzarno, who was traveling with her family. 'But as the days went by, I saw insecurity, many homeless people, many people who shout and are disrespectful, and many people on drugs.'
'I am going to Canada for the safety and future of my girls,' she told The Post. 'I only ask God that everything goes well and that Canada is not like the United States.' 

I find this really sad and yet kind of hilarious at the same time. Like finally making it to Oz and finding out the Wizard is a fake. Read more about the bus tickets being purchased here.

THE BUSINESS'S MISTAKE IS THIS GUY'S FIELD DAY And I have no sympathy for the gas station in this one. Pay better attention to what you're doing. Click here if it doesn't load.

WE'LL SEE IF A FOOL AND HIS MONEY ARE SOON PARTED ON THIS ONE Because someone is selling SAND allegedly from where Tom Brady announced his second retirement. Check the price. Yeegads.

TIME TO VOTE ON A NEW LICENSE PLATE! I LOVE stuff like this so I've already voted here, who will you vote for?

EVEN DEMOCRATS DON'T WANT BIDEN TO RUN And this isn't even close. A new poll asked Democrats if they want Biden to run for a second term and the answer is a resounding no. Among younger Democrats a pathetic 23% say he should run again, and even in the over 45 crowd he doesn't crack 50%. This is great news for Jared Polis, who we all know is gearing up for a run by trying to say he's a libertarian while passing massive spending increases and gun control. Jon Caldara wrote a GREAT column here about how these two things could save Colorado from the biggest session of Democratic overreach in history.

UH-OH, TWO THIRDS SAY THEY ARE WORSE OFF UNDER BIDEN And this is very, very bad news for an upcoming Presidential election. Even Democrats say they are worse off to the tune of 45%, while Independents say 71% of them are worse off financially. See the results here but this is very concerning for Democrats now that Roe v Wade being overturned can't save them.

THESE DOGS LIVE BETTER THAN SOME PEOPLE I KNOW This lady needs kids. Click here if it doesn't load.

THIS BABY LOVES VIOLENCE AGAINST ASPARAGUS This made me laugh today because how could it not? Click here if it doesn't load.

THIS CAR WOULD BE GOING RIGHT BACK What an obnoxious entitled jerk of a child.

EMINEM PARENTING This is funny because I don't know a parent who hasn't had these thoughts even if they were less rappy. Click here if it doesn't load.

TEN THINGS YOUR DOG HATES WHEN YOU DO These seem pretty legit based on my experiences with Jinx, especially the one about walking them when they aren't ready for it. Click here if it doesn't load.

HARD PASS ON JUMPING SHRIMP SALAD I only have one question and that is WHY??? Click here if it doesn't load.

IS KILLING WHALES THE PRICE OF WIND ENERGY? And if so, is that okay? I'd like to ask environmentalists this question as we try to figure out if a bunch of whales dying in the Northeast at PRECISELY the same time wind farms are being built in the waters off New Jersey are connected. We already know that submarine sonar systems mess whales up a lot, as they use the same system to get around. Read more here about the Great Biden (Maybe) Whale Extinction here.

TOO MUCH TIME OUTDOORS COULD DIMINISH YOUR SEXY TIME This is super interesting but I don't think I'm in any danger of losing my sex drive just yet. It's more about overdoing it outdoors and overdoing it in general. If you are one of those GRIND GRIND GRIND types who extends that ideology into your leisure time you may want to take it back a notch. Your libido will thank you.

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