Fri Blog: A Denver Group is Joining a Nationwide Fight Against Squalor

GET READY TO CELEBRATE COLORADO WOMEN! International Women’s Day is a globally celebrated day to recognize the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. Week of Women is a local initiative designed to celebrate women across Colorado by highlighting an entire week of events taking place throughout the state by various organizations and community groups. Organizations are encourage to submit events now that take place in Colorado March 2 through March 12, 2023. Download the event submission form here. I'm talking to Alexis Newton about how you or your business can get involved at 1. Find out more and check out the events in March by clicking here.

SAFE AND CLEAN DENVER IS JOINING A BIGGER NATIONWIDE MOVEMENT I can't tell you how sad I am that we need this and how happy I am that people are doing it. Safe and Clean Denver is an organization with a very clear mission: clean up the urban camping and prevent the enablement of addiction. You can read their action plan here, and I LOVE IT. I'm talking to David Howard from Safe and Clean Denver about their new partnership with a national organization called North America Recovers, which is a US and Canada Coalition pushing against enablement and perpetuation of addiction and pushing for recovery. If you are tired of Denver turning into an open air drug market and trash pile, please consider joining this movement or at least signing up for the newsletter to stay informed. David joins me at 2.

THE CULTURE OF VIOLENCE, ELEMENTARY BUS SCHOOL EDITION This happened in Florida and the only reason I'm sharing it is that it goes directly to our ongoing discussion about the culture of violence we have in our country. Two boys are seen in a video, which was posted to social media, beating up a nine year old girl as she curls herself into a ball to take the blows to her head. There were TWO ADULTS on the bus, a driver and an aide, and NOTHING was done to stop this. They need my old bus driver Mrs. Murrey who thought nothing of stopping the bus on the side of the road and glaring us into submission if we got too loud. God forbid you got out of your seat. This is the kind of out of control behavior that is simply another example of the how and why school shootings happen. The mother of the girl is pressing charges and I'm glad. She's also suing the school which didn't seem particularly upset about the beating on the bus.

LATE ADDITION: THE FURRY LIBERATOR HAS BEEN CAUGHT! We don't know yet if 24 year old Dallas man Davion Irvin is actually a furry but he's been busted by cops for stealing two monkeys from the Dallas Zoo. He was seen lurking around the Dallas Aquarium before taking off. When police got a tip about where the monkeys were, they also found other non-exotic animals in the same house. Read here for more.

MAYORAL CANDIDATE TRINIDAD RODRIGUEZ HAS A PLAN FOR SAFETY And he's another candidate that I would recommend you give a closer look based on this article. He rolled out a plan to expand the Denver Police Department and focus on public safety as well as recovery services for homeless people instead of the failed housing first model we've been pursuing. Read the article here and find his website here.

GOT A NERDY NUMBERS EMAIL TODAY So I thought I'd share this from Paul:

Today's numerical date is interesting. Like 12/12/12. One of the best occurred in 1989. It happened twice that day (AM & PM). At 1:23:45 on June 7, '89. 123456789.

That's it, the whole email. You're welcome.

WHY DOES BOULDER HATE NUCLEAR? There are some bills that would allow nuclear to become part of the conversation in Colorado, including one that would simply create a study group to check the feasibility of Small Modular Reactors (MDRs) as a power source for Colorado. This isn't permission to build a single SMR it merely creates a STUDY GROUP. Guess who is registered to lobby against it?  A group called “Colorado Communities for Climate Action” and the government of Boulder County. They are against any whisper of conversation about the cleanest more reliable form of energy known to man. Why? Because environmental whackos like the Sierra Club are anti-science and basing their position on emotion. That's really the only reason I can think of. Jake Fogleman of the Independence Institute writes about it all here.

INSTEAD OF ELIMINATING BARRIERS DEMS WANT NEW BUREAUCRACY This is so stupid. We have a teacher shortage that has to be addressed and a big issue is that when you move here from another state, you have to go through the licensing process AGAIN. Instead of just eliminating that issue by accepting teaching certificates from other states, we are trying to enter into a multi state compact which requires a new massive bureaucracy to go with it. Just accept the licenses, do a background check and let them teach. If they suck, keep track of what states are producing bad teachers and just don't hire them. I love this quote from Republican Anthony Hartsook:

“Why don't we just get rid of the barriers and get the job done?” said Representative Anthony Hartsook, also a former teacher. “I could teach overseas, I could teach in the army. I could walk out and hold a Master's degree, and I can't teach in public schools, but I did teach in charter schools. So you tell me, where's the breakdown in this barrier?”

He's absolutely right but the GOP can't stop the Dems from doing anything so we're going to have a huge new bureaucracy instead.

THESE ORPHANS IN AFRICA NEED OUR HELP! The founders of the wonderful travel company that I work with Cruise and Tour have been working with an orphanage in Tanzania for YEARS. The orphanage houses 40 kids from ages 4 and up that were found abandoned on the streets of a Tanzania city. Drought has plagued Tanzania and is leading to blackouts and much higher food prices, so Peggy and Dennis (the founders) are working to get them solar panels and battery storage so they don't have to be in the dark during the blackouts. Read more here and consider donating please! Chuck and I already donated!

NEW YORKERS WANT MIGRANTS TO MAKE IT SOMEWHERE ELSE In a city that is brimming FULL of people from somewhere else this is kind of shocking to me. A new survey says a pretty healthy majority want the migrants moved to upstate New York into smaller towns with declining populations. From the NYPost:

A majority of city voters — 63% — don’t think the Big Apple has the ability to accommodate the asylum-seekers, while 31% believe the city has enough space, according to a Quinnipiac Poll released Wednesday. 
The survey also found that voters approve — by a 65% to 26% margin — a proposal by Adams to send some of the migrants to areas in upstate New York with shrinking populations.
Seven out of 10 voters said they think it’s a crisis for the five boroughs that more than 40,000 migrants seeking sanctuary have arrived in the city since last year. Just 25% of voters responded that they don’t think it’s a crisis and 5% had no opinion. 

I guess their whole "sanctuary city" only applies when a Republican is trying to fix the border. Elections and policies have consequences.

BEWARE OF CRYPTOCURRENCY SCAMS Because some people in Colorado have lost a TON of money from these scams. Talk to your parents about this too as they are likely to be hit up by these scumbags. Read how the scams work here.

A BIPARTISAN PUSH TO REMOVE TIK TOK FROM US APP STORES As the app is run by the Chinese Communist Party who uses it to push their preferred messages out to the millions of people who use it as a time suck every day. Now Congressman Ken Buck and Senator Michael Bennet want the app banned. We'll see what happens with this. I wonder what would happen if we all started posting anti-Chinese Communism posts? Just as an experiment I think I may do that today.

LOOKING TO SORT SOME MAYORAL CANDIDATES IN DENVER? There are like 20 something people running so this is going to be a challenge. We are working to get them on the show but we can't force them on the show so... The Denver Gazette asked three questions of the candidates and you can read them here. Some of the answers are clearly disqualifying in my view, but I'm not a Denver voter. Read them here.

CHEATERS NEVER WIN UNTIL THE DO This is really funny. Click here if it doesn't load.

HOW MANY TIMES CAN YOU WEAR CLOTHES WITHOUT WASHING THEM? Not gonna lie, I rewear a LOT of my clothes before I wash them. I'm not a sweaty person normally, and the clothes that I DO sweat in I wash regularly but jean? Nah. Jammies? Nah. Now I know I'm fine and am not going to die of some weird flesh eating virus. Read more here.

TOM BLADY IN RETIREMENT And that is not a typo, just watch this. Click here if it doesn't load.

EXTREMELY CREATIVE HOME IMPROVEMENT IDEA HERE Need more storage in the bathroom? No problem! Click here if it doesn't load.

DON'T BE AN ICE BREAKER Holy cow I did not know there was a phrase for this but I have experienced this very thing! It's called Invidious Comparison Eating and it is when someone tries your food and then tells you how it can be made better, usually by letting them make it. This article does a deep dive into this need to prove oneself superior through food. I'm so happy I have a phrase to deploy if this ever happens to me again.

THIS FAN GOES TO 100 We need this in the studio, it's hotter than you-know-where in there. Click here if it doesn't load.


IF YOU NEED ME I'LL BE FLIPPING TABLES Click here if it doesn't load.

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