I Regret Being A Slut - Beyond Parody with Bridget Phetasy

I'm sooooo psyched to have Bridget Phetasy on KOA for the first time. She's a remarkably interested, talented, and open person, writing about her own past (and some present) struggles, and covering a range of topics every bit as wide as the range I proudly bring to my KOA show.

She has over 360,000 followers on Twitter, lots of follower and subscribers in other places too such as her Substack and podcast. (Some of those links just below.)

Bridget got a little boost in public awareness among a different audience from her usual peeps when Ben Shapiro talked about this remarkable piece: I Regret Being A Slut - Beyond Parody with Bridget Phetasy (substack.com) She then decided that she wanted it out there in, literally, her own voice, and so she read the piece while interjecting commentary and emotion, and if I had a daughter between the ages of 16 and 30, I'd make this required viewing for her:

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