Wed Blog: Weather and the Future on Today's Show

FOX 31'S DAVE FRASER TODAY AT 12:35 And you guys have been bringing the best weather questions so keep that up!

LATE ADDITION: Alex Stone is on at 2:10 to talk about what the heck happened with the FAA and cancelled flights today.

FUTURIST THOMAS FREY IS BACK! I have no clue what we're talking about but it's always interesting. Find out more about Thomas and the DaVinci Institute he runs by clicking here.

Thomas will be back with us next month!

SEND CHARLES HARRINGTON ELSTER SOME POSITIVE EMAIL! Charles is having really hard time during his latest cancer treatments and if you'd like to send him an email of support just click here and use the form on that page!

LAUREN BOEBERT EXPLAINS WHY SHE DID WHAT SHE DID And I realize we are in a era of hyper partisanship but I'd be curious to know why Democrats would have a problem with any of the concessions she and her bad of rabble rousers were able to secure to get Kevin McCarthy the Speakership. She wrote a column about it here and it's really good. I'm starting to be hopeful that she got the message from this last election cycle and will get down to the business of Congress with similar ferocity.

A TWENTY ONE YEAR OLD AIR FORCE CADET DROPS DEAD ON THE WAY TO CLASS I don't remember any stories like this one prior to this year but I may have missed them. A young 21 year old man dropped dead on his way to class at the Air Force Academy. How much you want to bet it was a "cardiac event"? I'm not even going to say it.

THE SPRINGS IS GETTING A COOL NEW AMPHITHEATER I like Colorado Springs better than Denver, but you've always had to make the trip to Denver to see really top notch entertainment. One Springs company is about to change that by building an 8,000 seat amphitheater on the north side of town, which is close to me! It was approved by the City Council last night. Good for the Springs!

WANT TO MAKE SOME EASY MONEY? Just go to any protest in Denver and manage to get hit with a pepper ball. Denver has once again forked out big money to protesters who got hit by pepper balls during the George Floyd protests that turned into riots downtown. Now $325,000 has been paid to a homeless couple who say they were working DoorDash when police shot a pepper ball into their car. The easiest way to not have this happen is to not be around when protests get violent. Just saying.

DEMOCRATS ARE COMING FOR YOUR TABOR REFUNDS AGAIN To be clear, Colorado Democrats HATE the Taxpayers Bill of Rights with the fire of 1,000 suns. Why? Because it has successfully constrained government spending and they HATE that. So now they are going to ask you to give up your remaining refunds to fund education, which is already one of the largest budget line items on the books, at the same time they are trying to take away your ability to choose a preferred school for your kids while asking 6 year olds to choose their gender. You already know how I'm going to vote here.

THE SKI TRAIN IS BACK! And if you don't want to drive to Winter Park you should read this story now.

COLORADO GRADUATION AND DROPOUT RATES WENT UP This is a tale of the best of times and the worst of times but overall it's good news. Our on-time graduation rate increased overall which is good. But our dropout rate increased to 2.2% and I'm guessing it was exacerbated by the pandemic era policies driven by the teacher's unions and local bureaucrats who were mad with power. Read more here.

HERE ARE SOME COOL THINGS IN THE SKY TO LOOK FORWARD TO THIS YEAR We're going to get a really good partial eclipse in the metro in October, but Mesa Verde National park will get a full eclipse so it may be worth your drive. There are a lot of cool things happening in the sky this year, check them all out here.

LEGISLATION IS TRYING TO PROTECT LANDOWNERS FROM LIABILITY And this is a very good thing. The situation currently puts private landowners in danger of being sued by a hiker or mountain biker they allow to use trails on their property. A recent ruling against the Air Force Academy put landowners on notice and many closed their land to the public in response and rightfully so in my view. Now legislators are working to tamp down liability issues so the public can access these trails again. This is the best way to deal with this issue.

A CASE IN BOULDER COULD SPELL DISASTER FOR OIL AND GAS And it has to do with whether or not the government can go after existing leases for oil and gas even though they don't own the mineral rights on the land in dispute. If they win, it will be disaster for oil and gas. Read about it here.


THIS IS THE MOST SOOTHING AND SATISFYING VIDEO ON THE INTERNET I'm not going to lie, I LOVE rug cleaning videos. I watch them more than I want to admit and find them very soothing and satisfying. This one is the BEST one ever.

JOY BEHAR TELLS THE TRUTH ON THE BIDEN PAPERS And she freely admits if she doesn't like you, you're guilty but if she does, you get the benefit of the doubt.

REPUBLICANS ARE VOTING ON THE FAIR TAX! And the headlines all read something along the lines of "Republicans vote to abolish the IRS!" which is true but there is more to this story. The Fair Tax eliminates the income tax in favor of a national retail sales tax on all new goods and services. In addition, it provides a monthly Prebate to every tax payer for taxes up to the poverty line to prevent this from being a regressive tax. Should this pass, all hidden taxes put in place by corporations would disappear and as competition takes hold, those savings would be passed on to consumers. This is my dream and I'm very excited the House is voting on this even though it will go nowhere in the Dem controlled Senate. This would be a huge boost to our overall economy in the long run and attract manufacturing jobs and corporate headquarters from around the world, plus it would eliminate all the tax breaks for millionaires Dems are concerned about.

AND NOW THE DEMS ARE COMING FOR YOUR GAS STOVE And I've said before they can pry it from my cold dead hands. Now they want to take my gas stove because they've decided that gas stoves are bad for my health. I'll roll the dice and take my chances. Another garbage study is being used to justify an attack on gas stoves. I read the study so you don't have to. The authors didn't actually study children IN HOMES with gas stoves, they studied asthma numbers and then ESTIMATED how many of those children live in a house with a gas stove to decide that gas stoves caused asthma for one in eight childhood asthmas cases. And who did the study? A dude with Carbon-Free Buildings. You can guess their agenda. Their literal goal is to end the use of fossil fuels in people's homes. Now Dems are demanding an end to gas stoves as a photo of Jill Biden cooking on HER gas stove goes viral.

HERE ARE THE GOLDEN GLOBES WINNER FROM LAST NIGHT And you'll note how diverse the winners are. But this year, diversity wasn't the reason people won, these are all really great performances and shows, which is nice. This is how it should be.

OH LOOK, MORE METH IN A PUBLIC BUILDING This time the RTD station in Boulder where miscreants polluted the bathrooms by smoking meth in them. I wonder how much this cleanup is going to cost?

AN FAA OUTAGE SCREWED UP AIR TRAVEL TODAY And I guess when more and more people want and can afford airline travel problems are bound to pop up, but this seems ridiculous at this point. From the recent Southwest disaster from outdated scheduling software to now an outage created by FAA software air travel has gotten a lot less dependable. If you're going on a vacation with a certain departure time like a cruise you should probably try to fly the night before just to be sure-ish that you will get there.

PRINCE HARRY AND THE CULT OF OPENNESS I was chatting with a fellow talk show host yesterday and he asked me "have you done much on Prince Harry". I responded "it's Mommy Dearest with titles so no". This column perfectly articulates how I feel about the Festivus like airing of grievances Harry is on now. Why do we need to share our dirty laundry? Why throw family members under the bus? Harry has said that he doesn't think his family can "heal" unless all the dirt is flung and he's just the guy to do it. From this article:

he has been taught by therapists and mentors that this is the right thing to do. The popular assumption today is that keeping things private or ‘bottled up’ is bad. Complete openness is the best – indeed, the only – way to safeguard your mental health. Harry has imbibed the message that ‘speaking your truth’ is the route to authenticity. We live in an age when being authentic to our ‘true selves’ is considered the pinnacle of achievement. Where centering our own emotional needs above our work, community and even family members is considered not selfish, but imperative.

I want this to stop. Don't get me wrong, I love a good story about someone's life, but not one put forth solely to attack those involved.

ANOTHER GOVERNMENT STAT TO IGNORE This is a column on why the USDA food guidelines are complete garbage. But then if you listen to the show you already know that.

BEN AFFLECK IS THE HOMER SIMPSON OF STARS Because he just shot a donut commercial expected to be in the Super Bowl. Read more here.

WHY FORREST GUMP TWO NEVER TOOK OFF Listening to the story they had planned I'm glad it didn't. Click here if it doesn't load.


HOW DIFFERENT GENERATIONS REACT TO THE DOORBELL This made me laugh this morning, click here if it doesn't load.

BRONCOS FANS EXPECT NEW UNIS But not a new stadium is this article about what Team President Damani Leech had to say about it is accurate. When he says teams who are doing well from a business perspective I take that to mean jersey and merch sales and a new uniform would certainly boost both of those. A new stadium is a bigger lift currently, but I'm guessing it will be on the table for some time.

YES YOUR ROOMBA CAN SPY ON YOU This story is why you never sit on the toilet or walk around naked near technology. You've been warned. A roomba took a photo of a woman on the toilet and then workers shared it online.

THE KIDS ON THIS BUS DON'T ACT UP This is so cute. Click here if it doesn't load.

HOW CAN YOU HATE REESE WITHERSPOON??? This list of popular celebrities some people just hate is just wrong. How can you hate Reese?

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