Fri Blog: Here Come the Oscar Movies, Plus The Real or Fake Bowl Game!

CHRISTIAN TOTO IS ON TO TALK OSCAR MOVIES And these are the movies that come out in December, many times in super limited release, in order to be eligible for the Oscars. Christian has already seen a bunch of them so he's on at 1 to discuss if any are worth normal people's time. Find Christian's outstanding media review site here.

REAL OR FAKE: BOWL GAME EDITION! Today we're going to give you bowl games, some real, some fake and you have to guess which is real or fake. Why? Because bowl games have gotten ridiculous and it's Friday.

PART TWO OF THE TWITTER FILES IS OUT And Bari Weiss unfurled her own Twitter thread yesterday. It seems that Musk gave reporters access with one caveat and that is the stories must be broken on Twitter, which seems fair. Read the thread by clicking here, but it pretty much confirms what conservatives have known for a long time: shadowbans exist, they were used against conservatives and they were run by a small cabal of progressives at the top of the food chain at Twitter. We also know those cabal members about it. This is a great column by Jonathan Turley about how bad this collusion was and how the Democrats continue to lie about it.

EPIC PASS SALES DROPPED THIS YEAR Is it the rising cost or is it the insane lines of the past couple of years? I would love to hear from you guys who used to buy but don't now. Read more here about it where Vail Resorts are still up in overall revenue even though pass sales dropped 11%. I'm not worried they are going under by any means. This is probably a good thing for skiers overall.

HOW HAS COLORADO'S STATE BUDGET CHANGED IN 15 YEARS You MUST click on this link to watch the interactive graph that shows both the explosive growth of government in 15 years and how our spending priorities have changed during that time. It's super cool. It's starts back in 2008 with a $17,211,468,105 budget and shoots up in 15 years to $39,276,717,687. That is roughly a 130% increase. When our government officials say they don't have enough of our money they are lying. Has your income gone up 130% in those years? Some will say yes, but I bet a bunch of you say no. When the Democrats go after TABOR we all need to remember this. The State of Colorado is flush with our cash. We are already 12th in the nation for per Capita debt and I'm sure they want to spend more money than they have this year and in year's to come. The Taxpayers Bill of Rights must not be overturned or we are completely and utterly screwed.

WE ARE LEARNING MORE ABOUT THE CLUQ Q MURDERER And NBC News uncovered some disgusting websites full of white supremacist stupidity and violent videos of other shootings and more. This is also an article with an interview with this guy's one friend who says the murderer ghosted him in September. This guy is obviously a scumbag and hated everyone and chose to focus his ire on gay people. NOW I think we have some evidence that shows a hate crime. See how easy it is to wait until evidence starts to come out? All this while the lefty press commits hate speech by refusing to call this clown by his preferred pronouns of they/them. That is so weird because the rest of us are told it's hate speech if we don't use someone's announced pronouns but I must have missed the exception for people you don't like.

THE ONLY POLITICAL STUNT HERE IS DECLARING OURSELVES A SANCTUARY CITY The chickens have come home to roost for the City of Denver and it's declared status as a Sanctuary City. Now Venezuelans are coming here of their own volition and I'm sure more are on the way. First of all, I get why Venezuelans would want to leave their craphole of a country, where guns are banned and free speech is limited to what the government allows them to say. They will feel right at home in Denver, where much of the same ideology is being pursued. I can't wait to see Cande CdeBaca talk about how the failure of socialism is the reason they are coming here. JK, we both know she just thinks they did it wrong. What I've enjoyed is the frothy interest in trying to pin this "political stunt" on someone in Texas only to find out that people are doing it themselves. You reap what you sow, Denver. Get ready for the invasion allowed by your party.

THE WASHINGTON POST HAS LOST A CRAP LOAD OF SUBSCRIBERS Since Trump left office. Like half a million subscribers, me among them. I don't trust them, their agenda is too transparent and I feel like everything in that paper is suspect so why give them money? The article I linked says it's all happened since Trump left office and implies he kept them afloat, but for me it's because of their coverage of the Trump administration which was horrible and full of "sources say" type crap with nothing to back it up. They allowed themselves to be useful idiots for the Democrat party and I don't care if they die in darkness.

OUR EDUCATED POPULATION ISN'T HAVING BABIES And this trend has to stop because we are well below the replacement rate needed for society. Our fertility rates have dropped dramatically in the past few years in Colorado, even more than the rest of the country. Why aren't young people having kids? Because they are more narcissistic and selfish than prior generations and don't want to make the sacrifices one must make to have kids. Too bad, they are missing out on life's greatest accomplishment. Creating and growing a human.

A FORMER BRONCO GREAT HOPES TO ADVANCE THE STUDY OF CTE And if I were a former or even current football player I would sign up for this kind of study. Not only does Ron Egloff travel to Boston for testing to advance the early diagnosis of CTE, he's already agreed to donate his brain to science when he's gone. I hope all this helps other people.


THIS EMAIL MAKES MY HEART SOAR When I do this show, I try to bring you guys stuff that is useful and helpful in your life. So when I get an email like this I feel like I've hit the bullseye and I'm not just talking to myself. Read this:

Sorry I listen to the Podcast version of your show and am a couple days behind. I had to chime in about the inspiration behind the weightloss. Ok so first was your show with Dr Jason Fung. When that interview aired I was 404 pds and 5'10". I was over 200 pounds since 8th grade.  
After that interview I went down to 290. Then covid hit and I went back to weight lifting. Well I went back to the Bro diet and gained back 40 or so pounds. March 17th of 2022 I was a 354 (43 years old) pounds and back to my old ways. I was sneaking food from my wife and losing my emotions in food. Then I went back to listening to Jason Fung, Dr Brett Scher and a few others.  
I started researching food, health and exercise. I developed a lifestyle for me that I tested a week at a time to see if it was sustainable for me. Since March 17, 2022 I am down to 251 pounds and still am powerlifting while losing the weight. All my blood markers are better and almost back to normal (the only one that is off is the A1C and that is only 5.7 and I am shooting for 5.5, down from 8.9). I will say that all of this was in direct conflict with my doctors recommendations for what I should be eating (They recommend the perfect plate crap from the government and more exercise).  
I am now starting to manage diet and exercise plans for 10 people so far in Eastern Kentucky. They have only been with me since September 1st and they have already lost 150 pounds combined. They also are finding this lifestyle easy to start and sustainable. Now they are suggesting challenges to see what they feel like while doing it to see if it can be incorporated into their life.   
I still research food, nutrition and exercise every single day. I am learning more and more about treating health issues with nutrition and motivating others to do the same. I think more than finding the "why" people need to find something that is healthy and sustainable. They need to feel satisfied with their lifestyle and the nutrition behind that lifestyle. That way when they are presented with the choice of a steak or pizza they choose the steak.  
I cant thank you enough for making this a feature on your show. You have always been someone I listened to for the last 10 years for accurate news and inspiration to be a better person. It took sometime for the message to get through but it is heard and I am really doing better. I am planning on getting down to 190 pounds when this is all said and done. I will definitely let you know and send photos when I get there.  
Again Mandy, Thank you again.  

I'm so happy I could help, Donald!

KYRSTEN SINEMA LEAVES THE DEMOCRAT PARTY And this is a HUGE earthquake politically as the Arizona Senator says she is registered as an Independent from this point forward. The more conservative-for-a-Democrat has always drawn the ire of the super liberal faction of the party, but now she's out. Read this editorial for more. I am interested to see if she can use this term in office to shore herself up enough for the next election where she will face competition from both parties.

WILL WE HAVE A RECESSION? DEPENDS ON WHO YOU ASK And this story from gathers up some differing views on when it's coming and how bad it will be. Let's just say opinions vary. I do believe if you take the time to really examine your spending and shore up your savings just in case you're winning, regardless of what this downturn looks like.

LET'S TALK BIG FAKE LIPS FOR A SECOND Proving that anything can become a minefield, Candace Owens stepped into a firestorm by asking one simple question on Twitter:

I think it's a valid question and Owens says she is working on a project about how social media gives us images to conform to. She caused quite a dustup with women defending Botox and fillers. Owens apologized on the Tucker Carlson show.

DUDE THIS IS AMAZING Click here if it doesn't load.

HOW CAN YOU THANK YOUR AMAZON DRIVER This is a really, really cool idea and I'm doing it. Read how to give your driver some love here.

THE MOST STRESSFUL JOB IN THE WORLD IS... Urologist? I'm not sure I buy this though I would never say being a doctor is easy in any way shape or form. I can think of other jobs like ER docs that would seem to be more stressful if you're at a hospital in a violence prone area. How about combat soldier? See the story here and click through to the list. To say it's interesting is an understatement. Want a low stress job? Be a courier, it's at the bottom of the list.

THIS MOM USES ZOOMIES TO STOP A MELTDOWN And it's a great idea because it takes the focus off the baby who is having a meltdown. Take away the audience and many times you take away the tantrum, and this way takes baby from crying to laughing so it's extra good. See it here.

A DIABETES DRUG IS BEING USED OFF LABEL TO LOSE WEIGHT And it's my understanding that this off label use only has temporary effectiveness if you stop taking it. Ozempic, a diabetes drug which has shown to help diabetics lose up to 13% of their body weight, is now being prescribed off label to help people without diabetes lose weight and the FDA is not happy.

THIS GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK FOR ABOUT ONE SECOND And then I realized it's just another random person making a movie with their phone with better special effects than the original Star Wars had. Click here if it doesn't load.

THIS CHIEFS FAN IS DROPPING KNOWLEDGE WE CAN ALL USE And I'm shocked we didn't think of this already. I wear super thick socks to the stadium because my tootsies get so cold so I'm trying this if I go to another game. Click here if it doesn't load.

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