Tues Blogcast: Vietnam combat stories; Can CO get to 0% income tax?

Just One Thing

I supported Joe O'Dea in the Republican primary for US Senate not just because I thought he had a chance of beating Michael Bennet whereas State Rep Ron Hanks didn't (which clearly the Dems agreed with because they spent millions trying to help Hanks), and not just because I'm closer on policy issues to O'Dea than to Hanks, but mostly because Hanks strikes me as the worst sort of liar and grifter, willing to say anything to pander to the #UltraMAGA base who keep lying to themselves and others about a stolen election in 2020 when most of them know it's not true.

Ron Hanks is not just a loser. He's a very very poor loser. Because he's decided to endorse the Libertarian candidate for Senate. I won't even mention the guy's name. I often vote Libertarian (though more often in presidential races than congressional races.) But this candidate is, in my opinion, a fake. First, the far-far-right Hanks would not endorse an actual Libertarian, and second the guy's web page reads more like that of a right-wing populist (like Hanks) than that of a true libertarian. (Difference in capitalization is intentional: small-l libertarian represents the philosophy; capital L represents the party. And to be a Libertarian, someone should be libertarian. I think this guy isn't.

I don't know if Joe O'Dea is going to win but I do believe he can win and it would be a travesty if a lying grifter like Ron Hanks gets conservative Republicans to vote for a candidate who obviously can't win in the general election and isn't even a believer in the things his party is supposed to believe.

I encourage EVERY Republican and every moderate and unaffiliated voter as well to support Joe O'Dea and try to put a speedbump in the way of the true radicalism of the Biden/Harris administration and the massive harm they do to this nation daily.

Today's Guests

Bill Scott is a Flight Test Engineer graduate of the U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School and a licensed commercial pilot with instrument and multiengine ratings. In 12 years of military and civilian flight testing, plus evaluating aircraft for Aviation Week, he logged 2,000 flight hours on 81 aircraft types. Bill lives in Colorado Springs and served as the Rocky Mountain Bureau Chief for Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine. He worked there for 22 years writing more than 2,500 articles and receiving numerous awards.

Bill joins us to talk about his new book, the first in a series, "Combat Contrails: Vietnam", a collection of combat stories from military pilots/aviators during the Vietnam War.

Aerospace Journalist & Author - William B. Scott (williambscott.com)

Combat Contrails: Vietnam: William B. Scott: 9780984206384: AmazonSmile: Books


Ben Murrey is the Director of the Fiscal Policy Center at the Independence Institute. Ben is out with a new report comparing the tax plans of Republican candidate for governor, Heidi Ganahl, who is campaigning (in part) on elminating Colorado's income tax and incumbent Governor Jared Polis who has also expressed support for that same goal. And yet (let me put on my big surprise face) the media is only criticizing Heidi.

So what do you need to know about the two plans? We'll discuss with Ben.

Comparing 2022 Gubernatorial Nominees' Plans to Eliminate Colorado's Income Tax - Independence Institute (i2i.org)

Heidi's Plan to Eliminate State Income Tax • Heidi for Governor

Inflation, crime, and sprawl are realities in Colorado. Gov. Jared Polis wants a second term to fight them | Colorado Public Radio (cpr.org)

Other Stuff

The people with the REAL data must think Colorado's Senate race is closer than public polling suggests: Top Senate Republican super PAC spends in Colorado - POLITICO


This incompetent woman MUST be beaten in November. Vote for Pam Anderson. (But not if you're an illegal alien or otherwise ineligible to vote:

Colorado secretary of state says office accidentally sent 30,000 voter registration notices to noncitizens


VERY sobering analysis by Peter Zeihan: War Crimes as Policy

One more by Kings College Professor Lawrence Freedman on how to think about the war in Ukraine going forward: https://samf.substack.com/p/retribution-and-regime-change


Energy catastrophes around the world are ALL the fault of governments: https://doomberg.substack.com/p/last-in-line


This is FANTASTIC: Stereotypes, Jews and Tools-Fun or Dangerous - The Lid (lidblog.com)


When even the NY Times calls Joe Biden a congenital liar: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/10/us/politics/biden-exaggeration-falsehood.html


Some important energy stuff that I didn't get to yesterday and hope to get to today:

Fanaticism Of The Apocalypse - Michael Shellenberger (substack.com)

The end of this is as insane as the people the story is about: Picasso protest: Extinction Rebellion activists arrested after gluing themselves to painting | CNN

The left hates humans. This is what they actually want. - https://www.wsj.com/articles/paris-lights-energy-conservation-11665177876


Two nerdy jokes from my old friend Jon Najarian (whom you see frequently on CNBC):

Why did the mathematician spill all of his food in the oven? The directions said, “Put it in the oven at 180°”

Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers? He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them.


Feels like smart investors are saving the stupid investors from losing even more money than they've already lost: Trump-tied SPAC delays vote after falling short on shareholder support (msn.com)


I really don’t have anything to add: Woman facing kidnapping charge, big brother saves little brother | FOX31 Denver (kdvr.com)


No, I wasn't in a car crash: ‘The Owner of This iPhone Was in a Severe Car Crash’—or Just on a Roller Coaster - WSJ


If they think dating is expensive, try having kids: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/10/millennials-going-into-debt-from-dating-lendingtree.html


I'm turning off the darned camera: Dutch employee fired by U.S. firm for shutting off webcam awarded €75,000 in court | NL Times


Shasta Lake's WWII "Ghost Boat" (see tweet just below)

Today's Video

It frustrates me when candidates for office won't come on the show. The Democrats running for CD-7, Brittany Pettersen, and for CD-8, Yadira Caraveo, both did not respond to multiple invitations. To me it shows weakness and cowardice, especially since everyone knows I'm quite polite to Democrats and Republicans alike.

So I'm pleased to share the latest ad by Eric Aadland, the Republican candidate for CD-7 and I guy whom I strongly support. I know that Pettersen desperately wants to dodge the exact issue raised in this ad:

Meanwhile, on the other side of the political aisle...Amy Schumer has a comedy bit on an upcoming schedule which starts off looking like a Colorado Tourism Bureau ad for, well, Colorado tourism, but actually it's an ad reminding people that they can come get abortions in Colorado.

Inside Amy Schumer Colorado tourism sketch promotes abortion rights (denverpost.com)

Lodge Cast Iron surely has made the world's largest cast iron pan as they open a new museum (!): World's largest cast iron skillet ready for museum visitors in Tennessee | Fox News

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