Tues Blog: Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Talks China and Russia

FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE MIKE POMPEO ON TODAY AT 1 I had to pre record the interview and we talked about Russia and Ukraine, China and Taiwan, energy independence and so much more. You should go to the Steamboat Institute's Freedom Conference this weekend! Register here today!

COLORADO GOP CHAIR KRISTI BURTON BROWN IS ON AT 2 To discuss how things are going in the state as the GOP tries to make some inroads in Colorado.

YES, VIRGINIA, THERE IS A PATH TO A ZERO INCOME TAX IN COLORADO And of course our friends at the Independence Institute have figured out how. Check out this Path to Zero plan to get rid of our income tax entirely.

YES, SCHOOL CLOSURES WERE A CATASTROPHE And thank goodness Mary Katherine Hamm decided to read a book written by an NPR reporter about just HOW disastrous it really was. I say thank goodness because in Hamm's column here, she describes how the NPR reporter who wrote the book got the science part very right, but failed to place the blame squarely where it needs to go. If you write a book about covid school closures and only mention the teachers union maybe five times, you've failed in your mission to bring light to the situation.

THIS FLUFFY ARTICLE ABOUT PLAYBOY BUNNIES IRRITATES THE CRAP OUT OF ME Normally I would not put this story about two of the late Hugh Hefner's harem at the top of the blog. I just read it out of interest to see who else with no talent is starting a podcast, to be honest. But then I read the article and if you want to know EVERYTHING that is wrong with women and the men who understand what is wrong with women, this column is it. These women are now complaining about having sex with Hugh Hefner and having to move into the mansion and how it made them feel like pieces of meat, but would we even know who these broads are if they hadn't? Women and men make choices and trade offs in life that they perceive to be to their advantage. These two made sexual tradeoffs they now seem to regret and I'm not feeling sorry for them. If you want to know why Trump made that disgusting comment about women and how he could grab them by the genitals just read this and understand why he thought that. It's because with some women you just can.

WHY IS IT THAT SCHOOL BOARD RECALL PEOPLE ARE ALL CRAZY? Maybe not ALL, but so many who conspire to unseat people elected to school boards that aren't controlled by the teachers unions anyway. This story is out of Teller County and it involves a woman trying to get recall signatures at a grocery store, who called the cops on the wife of one of those school board members and said she was drunk. Cops investigated and now Samantha Peck is facing charges for filing a false report. Good. This story makes hay out of a big civil rights attorney in Denver taking her case, but as the grocery store workers nor the police officers who spoke to the wife thought she was the least bit intoxicated, and there was no child in the car, both things reported by Peck, I think this woman is going to have to deal with the repercussions of her actions. It's amazing to me that people on the left now think that filing a false police report is a good tactic. Just ask Ex-Chief Vanessa Wilson's significant other how that's working out for her.

AURORA IS COMING FOR YOUR BLUEGRASS And as far as I know they are the first local municipality in the metro to ban cool season grasses on new developments and golf courses. They also banned water features I think. I fully expect this to be standard across the Front Range before too long as we grapple with a growing population and less water.

DENVER PUBLIC SCHOOLS HAS THE LARGEST ACHIEVEMENT GAP IN THE STATE Which means the gaps between white and black and brown students is HUGE. Of course there is the quote:

“We have within DPS institutional, systematic racism — and it shows within the data,” 

Follow up question: provide an example of DPS's systemic racism. Please. Then we can fix it. Perhaps the issue is that the dysfunctional school board has wasted a tremendous amount of energy fighting instead of breaking into study groups to seek out solutions that have narrowed the achievement gap in other places? Or to figure out how to help those children most affected by the teachers unions closures in the last two year get caught up?

THEY SURVIVED COVID BUT CAN'T SURVIVE RENT HIKES AND EMPLOYEE SHORTAGES I think we have yet to see "The Bottom" when it comes to our business climate post-covid. This article demonstrates the thin margins a lot of small businesses run on, margins that were squeezed entirely too hard during covid. Some places survived that storm, but the new storm of rising rents and hard to find employees are seeing others give up. Who can blame them?

IF YOU EVER WANTED TO REFEREE HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS They need you and they need you bad. There aren't enough referees to handle Friday night football and there is no one to blame other than awful, angry parents for making this so unattractive.

TRUMP HAS FILED SUIT AGAINST THE DOJ And I'm going to be watching this one closely. Here are the five main points and they are not crazy points. This lawsuit has legs and may end up with us seeing the entire affidavit used to support this search. Here's hoping.

THAT TIME WHEN MONTY PYTHON DOES THE MARALAGO RAID And I don't know who did this, but I love them.

SEEMS ELON MUSK IS RIGHT ABOUT TWITTER As now a former security chief is blowing the whistle on the company. He says security is a mess, too many employees have access to the tools to manipulate the platform and Twitter has no idea how many bots operate on the site and they frankly don't care. This is going to be the the way Musk walks away from the deal or ends up getting Twitter on a steal.

IF YOU WANT TO SKI THIS YEAR YOU BEST BUY A PASS Because Vail Resorts has announced it is capping the number of daily tickets sold at the resorts. The last few years the company has been plagued by bad publicity and photos of thousands of people in long lines, so this is their response. No limit on pass holders, so if you want to ski, buy a pass.


TWO PHOTOGRAPHERS CREATE STUNNING MOON PHOTOS And they did it by combining over 200 images of the moon to create these stunning color photo collaborations you can see here.

AND WE'VE GOT AMAZING PHOTOS OF JUPITER NOW TOO These from the James Webb telescope. Check them out here.

ANOTHER TRY TO SAVE SOME PRAIRIE DOGS I think this story happens at least once a year. Too many prairie dogs get too close to some sort of human thing so someone decides they should be "removed". Then word gets out that instead of relocating all the prairie dogs to a farm somewhere some of the prairie dogs will be gassed. Panic ensues and the same people who want the prairie dogs gone say they don't want them THAT GONE so they call the media and here is this year's version of the story.

IT'S TIME TO POP A SQUAT And I mean an actual squat and nothing more. Squatting is good for you and is common in other cultures and I have to say, it feels good it you don't wrench yourself into it. If you are too stiff or have balance issues, hang on to a doorknob or table and give it a try, find out why by reading this.

ZIGGY JUST TOOK THE LONG, ELEVEN YEAR WAY HOME This story is CRAZY. Just crazy. A cat named Ziggy was just a year old when he disappeared from his family's home. A random sighting on Facebook led Ziggy home. Read the remarkable story here.

THIS MAKES ROSS'S DISGUSTING KETCHUP ON BRATWURST SEEM DOWNRIGHT REASONABLE This dude uses a HOT DOG AS A STRAW IN HIS BEER. The worst part is I have to try this now just to see if he's secretly a genius.

WATCH OUT FOR RENTAL PROPERTY SCAMS Here are a couple of clues about how to know the house or condo you are looking to rent is a scam. 1. It's such a good deal you can't believe it. Don't believe it, it's a lie. 2. You never meet the landlord in person. HUGE RED FLAG. 3. If something doesn't seem right, it probably isn't. A man in Florida paid rent to a scammer landlord for three months before he found out. He probably can't afford the house he rented, as it actually rents for DOUBLE what he's paying.

THIS ISN'T THE KIND OF BATS AND BALLS WE USUALLY DISCUSS AT BASEBALL GAMES A couple is being investigated after apparently enjoying some sexual time at the Oakland A's game recently. The video is in this story, but don't get excited it doesn't show much.

DUDE SURVIVES AN ALLIGATOR ATTACK CAUGHT ON DRONE And this is FREAKY. The guy got bitten in the head and has a long road to recovery, but he's alive.


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