Thurs Blogcast: Lauren Boebert's American Life; Fighting for Food Trucks

Just One Thing

A listener asked by text what I think of the Republican Party turning into a "Trumpublican" Party. Putting aside Mr. Trump himself for a minute because I do think at some point the GOP will of necessity do what Laura Ingraham suggested a couple days ago and “turn the page on him”, I just don’t like populism. I support government based on principles. I’m not saying we had that before Trump. We certainly didn’t have it with him either. Remember that goals are not principles and sometimes, if you’re principled, you have to forego certain goals and trust that that sacrifice is worth it in the long run. Populists get things right sometimes, by accident, and they get things wrong the same way and for the same reason. They chase the short-term whims of the people which is almost always harmful to the long-term interests of a free country.

Meanwhile, one of my favorite things about this job is some of the heartwarming emails I get from listeners. I got one yesterday from a person named Lisa who includes a little flower icon in her email signature. So friendly and charming. Here's how she started her note to me yesterday...really made my morning: "Ross - populism doesn’t suck. You suck!" Thanks so much, Lisa, and you have a great day too!

Today's Guests

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert wrote a new book, "My American Life". We'll talk about that, about calls to "defund the FBI", and more when she joins the show at 9:37 AM.

My American Life: Congresswoman Lauren Boebert


Justin Pearson is an attorney with the fantastic Institute for Justice. I wouldn't want to be on the other side of these lawyers as they fight for individual liberty. IJ has contacted the City and County of Denver regarding the Denver Police Department's decision to ban food trucks from LoDo (Denver's very popular Lower Downtown area) each Friday morning through the following Monday morning. They claim it's a crime reduction effort. I think that's nuts and I'm very glad that IJ is on the case. Again, if Denver's lawyers know anything about IJ, they know that IJ tends to win in court.

Institute for Justice Calls on Denver to End Food Truck Ban - Institute for Justice (

Letter-to-Denver-City-Council-LoDo-Food-Truck-Ban-08.17.2022.pdf (


Other Stuff

Short show today as the Rockies have an early game...I'm done at 10:30 AM. So just a few things to cover beyond our topics with guests:

One of the worst scandals I've ever heard of:


You don't say: CDC admits it failed to meet expectations in COVID response (


The world needs to pressure China much much more: Mental torture: China is locking up critics in psychiatric facilities | Safeguard Defenders


Will Coloradans really vote for this? Don't they know TANSTAAFL (in this case, literally)?

Ballot measure would offer free meals to all Colorado students (

Healthy Meals For All Public School Students | Colorado General Assembly

TANSTAAFL, There Ain't No Such Thing as a Free Lunch - Econlib

There Ain't No Such Thing as a Free Lunch (TANSTAAFL) Definition (

And there's definitely no such thing as a free copy of Milton Friedman's "There's No Such Thing as a Free Lunch": 9780875482972: There's No Such Thing As a Free Lunch - AbeBooks - Friedman, Milton: 087548297X


If this amount is upheld in appeal, you're talking about a serious financial impact to these companies if the results get replicated elsewhere around the country: CVS, Walgreens, Walmart ordered to pay $650 million in Ohio opioids case (


I'm quite glad that "conservatives" are pushing back against this extremely harmful ESG extortion-grift:


Just when you think you've gotten away with it...

Missing Air Force captain William Howard Hughes found 35 years later (


Today's Video will put a smile on your face

Seriously, this is man's best friend

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