Mandy's Mon Blog: No I'm Not on Vacation Yet


WE'RE BRINGING IN PROFESSIONAL HELP So I've agreed to participate (or have someone participate on my behalf) in the slopper eating contest at the Colorado State Fair so today I'm talking to a guy named Bryan Beard aka The Big Sexy about strategy so I can win this thing. Or have someone win on my behalf. He's on at 1.

WHY CLIMB THE MOUNTAIN? Because it is there is the answer I've always heard, but one local woman has made it into a fundraiser for Denver Pet Partners as she tries to climb the highest peaks on each continent plus reaching all the poles. She joins me at 2 to talk about why she loves to climb and the challenges that presents. You can always donate to Denver Pet Partners on her behalf by clicking here!

A PERFECT EXAMPLE OF WHY CENTRAL PLANNING FAILS This one is about farming. Specifically it's about farming hemp, which is the ultimate hippie crop. In Kentucky, where hemp grows like a weed, hemp farming makes sense, but in Colorado, not so much. This column about what's left over when an overfunded hemp farm disrupts the farming life of adjacent farms, only to go belly up when they find out there is no market for their crop demonstrates once again why markets are a better force when it comes to what to plant and where. Our Governor does not understand this, and tried to shove a round peg into a square hole to make the hippies happy. It's not been good, as you can read here.

I FEEL LIKE THIS IS A HATE CRIME They are now making the most disgusting candy ever, candy corn, in even more disgusting flavors and I feel like this may violate the Geneva Convention. Read about the hamburger and hot dog flavored (BARF) candy corn here.

ONE PERSON WON MEGA MILLIONS AND IT WASN'T ME So I'll be coming into work per usual. Read about the lucky bastard here.

HE'S OBVIOUSLY NOT MASKING HARD ENOUGH Because our President, who is fully vaxxed and boosted like nine time, got covid AGAIN after taking the "wonder drug" Paxlovid. I'm just going to say it, the vaccines no longer work and Paxlovid is a joke and all this is about putting more money into drug companies pockets at this point.

THE AIR FORCE ACADEMY CAN'T ENFORCE THE VACCINE MANDATE And thank goodness judges are doing the right thing and stopping this madness. See the above story to see why vaccine mandates are now useless and frankly stupid. Covid is now doing what ever virus does, which is mutate to be more transmissible and less serious at the same time. There is no reason to force young, health people to get a vaccine which does not prevent the spread of the virus. NONE.

DENVER'S SCHOOL BOARD IS A HOT PROGRESSIVE MESS And this article does a good job of breaking down the divisions, which are significant. You have to read this quote by The Overly Dramatic Tay Anderson:

“There have been several times where our president has been misguided on her power or her roles and we’ve had to correct that in private settings,” Anderson said. “Any time we push back, we are met with, ‘We are anti-Latino, we are anti-women, we are anti-something.’ 

Y'all I laughed out loud when I read this, and I mean a giant belly laugh. Welcome to the world of trying to have an adult conversation with someone who would rather call names instead, Tay. It sucks and it's entirely your team's fault so my sympathy is super limited. My laughter, however, is unlimited. It's funny until you realize that 95% of black and brown third graders CAN'T read or do math on grade level. Then it's a tragedy.

GENDER AFFIRMING CARE FOR CHILDREN MAY BE ON THE WAY OUT This column from Common Sense rounds up quite a few stories from the trans world right now to make the point that gender affirming care for children may not be all it's cracked up to be. More progressive nations which started gender affirming care for children have now stopped in most cases, as they recognize that the flood of teenage girls presenting with gender dysphoria isn't quite right and that older "studies" were designed for a small, homogenous cohort of boys and men. Sweden, Finland, and now the UK have scaled back the care they offer children and the US should too. Not that children don't need help, but it should start with intensive therapy that DOESN'T push a kid to transition to another gender. It also links to a study that shows the "would you rather have a live son or a dead daughter" line is complete crap and simply emotional blackmail on parents whose kids are struggling.

A COOL STORY ABOUT AN OG DONUT SHOP I know donut places like Voodoo and Hurts get all the love, but frankly, there donuts are not good to me. They have too much crap and sugar and are sickly sweet and pretty certain to put you into a diabetic coma after you eat one of their enormous donuts. I prefer classics, and The Donut Mill in Woodland Park is one such place. I love this food series from the Denver Gazette and you should read it here so they continue it!

WHEN RENEWABLE ENERGY IS ANYTHING BUT A whole lot of power is normally generated by the Hoover Dam in Nevada. It relies on Lake Mead to feed it's giant turbines that are capable of generating about 2 Megawatts of power, about enough to power a million homes. That energy is split between Nevada, Arizona and California, but production is down 33% because of falling water levels in Lake Mead. The drought has brought the water levels down to 1083 feet and if it gets down to 895 feet there simply isn't enough water to create power AT ALL. That is called "dead pool status" and if things keep going like they are, that will happen in October of 2026.



IN CASE YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO ACT AT A WEDDING Here are a bunch of examples of what not to do and frankly, WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?

WANT TO BE A MILLIONAIRE? Do what these people do and you will get there faster.

COLONOSCOPY PREP JUST GOT A LOT LESS NASTY Well nasty tasting anyway. If you've not done a colonoscopy and you're over 50, why not? Trust me, that actual procedure is a walk in the park where you get a quick nap and BAM you wake up and it's over. The prep for the colonoscopy is the real challenge (word from the wise, dab, don't wipe) and it may turn people off because of the disgusting taste of the fluid you have to drink a ton of. Now there is a pill you take with water (lots and lots of water) that works as well as the nasty fluid.

A HOUSE BUILT FOR OFF THE GRID SURVIVAL IS UP FOR SALE IN NEW MEXICO And this isn't some dank bunker built by a crazy survivalist. The property has been the ongoing project of a real estate developer who says he's not a crazy survivalist but in today's uncertain times you can rest assured that you can live completely off the grid in this house. Oh, and it comes with a yak herd.

THIS BEAR NEEDED SOME RETAIL THERAPY As he tried to go the mall.

THE MOST UNFAIR PARKING TICKET IN HISTORY A man in San Francisco was ticketed for parking in a red zone that didn't exist when he parked his car. It seems that AFTER he parked his car in a spot he had used many times before, the city painted the curb red and promptly slapped a ticket on his car. It is up the city to decide if the man has to pay the $180 fine but if he does, there is no justice.

THE TWENTY FIVE WORST INGREDIENTS ACCORDING TO INTERNET PEOPLE And some of these I can agree with (anise, I'm looking at you) but some are just silly. WHO DOESN'T LIKE MAYO?

THIS IS ONE WAY TO "FIX" THE AC IN YOUR CAR I have to say, this level of ingenuity does impress me.

HERE'S WHY DRUG STORES ARE LOCKING UP YOUR TOOTHPASTE And you already know the answer, and that is because shoplifting has gone from shameful crime by Wynona Rider to big business as gangs of thieves literally loot stores on a daily basis. In order to stay in business stores are being forced to lock up products to prevent this sort of madness. Blame the criminals for not being able to do the things we've always done. We need an automat type store where everything is locked up and you hit a button to have it delivered to the register for check out.

WE HAVE A NEW CONTENDER TO BE THE NEXT BOND And I didn't watch "Bridgerton" so I haven't seen this dude in anything but he certainly has the looks to pull this off. Read about how two directors from the Marvel Universe are making the case for Regé-Jean Page

HERE'S SOME HELPFUL ADVICE ABOUT TRAVELLING IN THE US Especially for foreigners who may not understand our ways. There are some good ones in here but the most important is DON'T CUT IN LINE. I will be tempted to cut YOU if you do, and Brazil, I'm looking at you here.

DESHAUN WATSON GOT A SIX GAME SUSPENSION And let's do the math, that equals just over one game per five sexual assault complaints if you're playing along at home. Read the story here.

WANT TO SEE THE WORLD'S TALLEST TREE CLOSE UP? THAT WILL BE FIVE GRAND. And that isn't the price of admission, it's the price of the FINE you face if you bushwhack through the forest to get to Hyperion, the world's tallest sequoia. There isn't a trail to the tree but influencers and bloggers keep hacking their way through the woods to see it up close. Now they will be fined. I sure hope they go back and fine everyone who already did it. Influencers who break the rules, whether at Hanging Lake or Hyperion, are a scourge on society and must pay for their transgressions.

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