Mandy's Mon Blog: Economist Steve Moore, And Heidi Ganahl Announce Lt. Gov

ANDREW BROWN TOLD US WHAT'S IT LIKE TO BE A COP THESE DAYS Officer Andrew Brown of the Garden City Police Department came in on Friday to talk about life as a small town cop.

WE HAVE ECONOMIST STEVE MOORE AT 1 Because he's been talking about inflation since 2008. He's on to dissect what could be coming down the pike. Sign up for his newsletter by clicking here.

HEIDI GANAHL IS ANNOUNCING HER LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR TODAY And I'm she's coming on the show to chat about it. Find out more about Heidi and give the campaign money by clicking here!

LOUISVILLE MARSHALL FIRE VICTIMS PROTEST STUPID TAXES And this isn't the Boston Tea Party or anything, but what they are protesting is just as dumb as taxes on tea. In Louisville they charge a 1% tax on all new construction. They do it in Superior and in Boulder and it's designed to offset the impact of new construction on things like roads and stuff like that. Since so many people were underinsured and now struggling to rebuild just as inflation has sent the price to do so soaring, people took to the streets to protest this in Louisville. In Superior they already suspended the tax for Marshall Fire victims. Why can't they suspend this for any resident whose home has burned down? They are already paying and have been paying taxes on that property so the impact won't be any different. Why not suspend those fees permanently for people rebuilding? Real question here.

MEDICAID IS MAKING IT HARDER TO GET A THERAPIST IF YOU NEED ONE Medicaid just can't get it right when it comes to mental health help. First therapists who accept Medicaid couldn't get paid. Now they changed the rules on pre-licensed counselors in such a way that it will make it impossible to get people seen in a timely fashion. And in typical fashion as well, they didn't tell anyone the rules were changing. This is why providers stop taking Medicaid.

DEMOCRATS WANT TO MAKE HOME BUILDING EVEN MORE EXPENSIVE IN COLORADO And you need to read this story about the new "green" building codes that are going to be shoved down the throats of every community in Colorado. I'm not sure how this works as we're a local control state, but it seems they want to force every home to have wiring for charging stations, all electric heat and cooking, and wiring for solar panels. Why not mandate those too while we're at it? It's best for everyone, right? Who cares if poor people will never be able to buy homes here as long as our politicians can feel good about themselves, amiright? Read it all here.

DID WE USED TO LOOK OLDER THAN WE DO NOW? I have no clue how I stumbled upon this but it's really interesting and something I've thought many times about how people just looked OLDER back in the day. Don't believe me? Blanche, Dorothy and Rose were in their mid-50s when The Golden Girls started.

THE MAYOR'S FINAL STATE OF THE CITY SPEECH IS TODAY And the Denver Gazette has some things they'd like him to address in this editorial. He's on the show tomorrow so we'll talk to him about it then.

JON CALDARA RIPS APART THE FAKE POLIS IS A LIBERTARIAN LINE And man am I SICK TO DEATH of my friends in other states telling me our Governor is a libertarian because they read it in the Wall Street Journal. It's a lie and an easily demonstrable lie at that. Jon Caldara rips the veil off that nonsense when it comes to energy in this column.

IT'S TIME TO DONATE MONEY TO COLORADO REPUBLICANS Because they all had primaries that required them to spend money and the Democrat candidates did NOT. This is a big article on the uphill money battle many of them face. It's not enough to just vote, you've got to help them reach voters who don't know about them yet. Read this and then donate what you can, every dollar makes a difference. I will be donating more to every candidate and I've NEVER donated before.

TWO PETITIONS TO NOT SIGN THIS YEAR One of them is the one that says they want to give more money to teachers WITHOUT raising taxes but that's a lie. The other creates a new affordable housing program and it also cuts into TABOR so please reject this as well. If the Legislature is worried about affordable housing they need to stop passing bills making every new home more expensive. Read this article for the details on both.

DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN STATE GAMES? How cool is this??? I had no idea that every year in Colorado Springs there is a big competition with all kinds of sports that anyone can enter. I love stuff like this! Check it out here.

GOOD GUY WITH A GUN STOPS MASS SHOOTING IN INDIANA Not before the gunman took two lives, but it could have been much, much worse. A 22 year old man who was legally carrying a firearm at the mall shot and killed the shooter before he could hurt anyone else. I'm guessing he won't be banned from the mall for violating its "gun free zone" rules.

THE ANTI-RELIGION TONE OF THE DEMOCRATS COULD SPELL BIG TROUBLE And this column by David French does a nice job of explaining how the Democrat party is leaving behind black and hispanic voters because of their open disdain for religion.

DR. DEBORAH BIRX IS THE ONE TO BLAME FOR COVID LOCKDOWN MADNESS And I guess she's got a new book out to document the many ways she lied to her bosses and manipulated data to get the outcome SHE wanted even though she's been proven to be totally, hopelessly wrong about most of the things she advocated for. I grabbed this column from because they've done a brilliant job gathering up the ways she mislead and openly defied the administration she allegedly worked for. What a horrible woman she is.

CAN YOU TOUCH YOUR TOES WITHOUT STRAINING? Well if you can you're doing better than half of Americans who say they can't touch their toes without straining. This article is really sad to me because when you don't use your body, it just gets worse a lot faster than it would if you do use your body. Is right now the best you want to feel for the rest of your life? If the answer is no, get some help if you need to and get moving. You can do this.

BENNIFER ARE OFFICIALLY MARRIED And for some reason I love that Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez drove to Vegas and got married at a little chapel instead of doing the whole shebang with photos sold to People magazine or something. Good for them and I hope it lasts longer than most Hollywood marriages.

THIS DOG DOESN'T UNDERSTAND HOW TO BEG But he's very entertaining regardless.

WHY DON'T MEN HAVE ANY FRIENDS? This story is interesting to me because I've seen this in my own life. I had no idea it was so widespread though, and that's sort of depressing. This article was written by a man who realized as he was going to propose to his wife that he had no friends to act as best man. According to his take, it's because women are usually the ones who make sure familial and friend relationships are maintained in a strong way and that men don't work to cultivate deep relationships on their own. How accurate is this? This has been born out by surveys about how many close friends men actually have, by the way.

SCIENCE CONFIRMS THAT ONE TASK IN THE MORNING CAN MAKE YOUR DAY BETTER And this doesn't surprise me at all, as taking a minute to clean up your workspace is also a way to sort of set up the day. Though I never do this in the morning, I do do it at somewhat often as my desk gets out of control quite quickly. I'm going to try this first thing in the morning and I'll report back.

WAS IT WILSON WHO SAVED HIM? Remember that scene when Tom Hanks loses his companion in Castaway when Wilson floats away? It sort of happened in reverse in real life.

HAVE YOU SEEN THE TIKTOK CINNAMON ROLL HACK? I saw a story on this last night but I'm not sure if I'm ready to try it because it adds like a thousand calories to the thousand calories you're already eating. Watch it here.

INTEREST RATES WILL CONTINUE TO RISE EVEN AS GAS FALLS And the Fed may even hike rates up to 1% point which is VERY dramatic and will have a super chilling effect on the economy. If you're house shopping, you want to lock in a mortgage NOW. If you're car shopping, buy one NOW. Just letting you know what's up.

CAPTAIN AMERICA IS LOOKING FOR MRS. AMERICA At least according to actor Chris Evans, who plays the character. He said so quite plainly in a recent interview about what he was focused on. Finding love was his answer.


CLIMATE CHANGE ALARMISM IS JUST THAT...ALARMISM And the former Undersecretary for Science from the Obama Administration makes the case.

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