Rising Tiger Author Brad Thor

Brad Thor is one of the world's most successful thriller novelists. I just finished his latest, Rising Tiger, which I loved for a couple of reasons. First, a great writer has a plot basis that is plausible. Obviously the book was finished months ago, before the very recent headlines about North Korean displeasure with what they claim is the US interest in setting up something like an Asian version of NATO. And yet the plot line is based on a Chinese effort to stop just such an alliance. Very prescient, and it says a lot about Brad's research. Most of the book is set in India, which is a country I've been to three times and very much enjoy...although it's incredibly intense and I can't say I'd want to live there.

Anyway, for a really fun summer read, grab yourself a copy of "Rising Tiger", which is officially published today. (I love talking to authors on publication date!)

Rising Tiger - Brad Thor

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