TGIF Blogcast: Memorial Day & Honor Bell; Agency (not victimhood); Science!

Today's Guests

Chris Boyer is a retired Marine. He's also Executive Director (and Grand Poobah) of The Honor Bell Foundation. We'll talk about what Memorial Day means to him, and importantly we'll let you know where you can see and hear the Honor Bell this Memorial Day weekend. Check the calendar and learn more here: Events — Honor Bell Foundation: a Colorado Veteran Non Profit Organization

Learn more about the Honor Bell in the video at the end of this blog.


Ian Rowe is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, where he focuses on education and upward mobility, family formation, and adoption. Mr. Rowe is also the cofounder of Vertex Partnership Academies, a new network of character-based International Baccalaureate high schools opening in the Bronx in 2022. He's a rare black conservative public intellectual...a sort of person this nation could use many more of. His new books is called "Agency" and the subtitle says a lot: "The Four Point Plan (F.R.E.E.) for ALL Children to Overcome the Victimhood Narrative and Discover Their Pathway to Power."

Book link: Agency - Templeton Press


As we often do on Fridays, we'll delve into science, including physics and astronomy with CU Physics Professor Paul Beale. This is some of the stuff we'll discuss:

Hubble identifies unusual wrinkle in expansion rate of the universe - CNN

Astronomer who found the black hole Sagittarius A lives to see the discovery | Mashable

Sagittarius A*: 1st photo of Milky Way black hole in images | Space

Other Stuff

What a massive change in the story of the police response in Uvalde...and it's not a change for the better. I bet the police chief is gone by the end of next week.

Police change their story on how Uvalde shooter entered school (

Police delays in Uvalde, Tex., school shooting detailed Thursday - The Washington Post

Uvalde Shooter Fired Outside School for 12 Minutes Before Entering - WSJ (subscription may be required)


The latest bad idea from an administration that's absolutely full of bad ideas: Latest White House plan would forgive $10,000 in student debt per borrower - The Washington Post


Great rock drummer passes away:


Justice delayed: 329 years later, last Salem 'witch' who wasn't is pardoned | AP News


Why your neighborhood pool might be closed this summer: Lifeguard shortage could shutter a third of US public pools this summer (


A bad outcome for what was originally (and still is mostly) a good story (the death of a terrorist murderer)

Top MK: US leak saying Israel admits hit on Iran colonel may harm trust, isn't true | The Times of Israel


I don't know if this is fully true but I do think that the inability of young adults to communicate other than through a small screen is hurting interpersonal relationships of all kinds.

Millennials love pets more than family, partners: study (


I love this story: School Principal Has to Feed And Tend to Students' Horses Thanks to Old Law (


Largest bottle of whiskey in history sells for about $1.4 million. Breaking it down per regular bottle it would fill, you're still looking at well over $3,000 per bottle...which might be a "fair" price for 32-year-old Macallan.

World's largest bottle of whisky sells for €1.3m (

Today's Videos

The 3000th tolling of The Honor Bell (summer 2021)

Live view of mile-wide asteroid passing about 4 million miles from earth (from around 7 AM MT on Fri 5/27). Not sure if it will be stored to watch later after the live event but I'm posting here just in case.

Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (7335) 1989 JA close encounter: online observation - 26 & 27 May 2022. - The Virtual Telescope Project 2.0

One of the few potentially beneficial and not utterly time-wasting uses of TikTok. Well done, Mr. Clayton!

Summer Clayton offers dinner with dad to anyone on Tiktok - Upworthy

And last but not least: A frog riding a fish. Why? I don't know.

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