Mandy's Thu Blog: Stress Caused Illnesses are Real, Plus Charles Elster!

WHY CAN'T THEY FIGURE OUT WHAT'S WRONG? That is the cry many people make when they are dealing with a stress related illness. These illnesses are physical manifestations of daily stress, and as a sufferer of one of these I can't tell you how frustrating it is to have doctor after doctor tell you there is nothing wrong. Dr. David Clarke has studied these illnesses for years and even has a book about it that you can buy by clicking here. Find out if you may have a stress related illness here.

CHARLES HARRINGTON ELSTER FOR PLEASE TELL ME I'M RIGHT So get your word and grammar questions ready or email them to me at Find out more about Charles or message him directly by clicking here! Listener Elsbeth made this really funny graphic on how she pictures Charles when I say his fancy name and when Dave says his nickname. It made me laugh.

HEY LOOK, THERE IS A WAY TO STOP CRIME IN A BIG CITY Because it's happening in Florida, where one prosecutor is using every tool at her disposal to target and prosecute gang leaders in Jacksonville, Florida. From

The Fourth Circuit covers Clay, Nassau and Duval counties and the city of Jacksonville and is led by State Attorney Melissa Nelson, who made waves for finding new ways to prosecute known criminals, such as pursuing firearms charges in connection with guns flaunted in music videos. She has sought stiffer sentences for people convicted of gun crimes.

In a memo to her staff, she told them to prioritize "identifying and incapacitating" dangerous repeat offenders. She got a manslaughter conviction for a drug dealer whose sale lead the overdose death of one of his customers. And guess what? While the rest of the big cities are seeing big spikes in crime, Jacksonville saw a 30% DROP in murders and a 17% drop in shootings in 2021. Seems that tough enforcement DOES work. Someone let our DAs know.

THE BIDEN ADMIN IS STILL BLOCKING OIL AND GAS DEVELOPMENT Even as they say they are doing everything possible to help high gas prices. They quietly announced on Good Friday that they were going to open up oil and gas leases on Federal land, but we found out yesterday that they are only opening up 20% of what was previously available. This guy is the worst, most incompetent President ever.

MORE HOMES DESTROYED BY FIRE IN MONTE VISTA And if you haven't done your insurance update and videotaped everything in your home and stored it offsite, please do so. This is going to be a bad year for fire. Read about this latest disaster.

PEOPLE ARE GETTING KILLED ON RTD AND NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT IT Except our friends at Fox 31 who did a really sad story about a woman who was punched in the head on the bus and dragged off a stop to die. Watch it here, but then tell me how this is allowed to go on with no public notice? Did you hear about this story when it happened? Of course not because Polis and his ilk are trying to push us all onto the dangerous and unreliable trains and buses while they drive their Suburbans from Boulder to Denver every day.

THIS IS A GREAT HISTORY OF COORS BANQUET Which has to be one of the most well known beers in the world because of it's pop culture references. Read this for more about the Banquet.

NONCOMPETES ARE BEING NARROWED EVEN MORE IN COLORADO I have a non compete clause in my contract that this utterly unenforceable in Colorado, which is nice. Living in Colorado makes it darn near impossible for them to enforce it because Colorado has severely limited who can be held to such a non compete and they are making it even MORE narrow by excluding employees that make less than 100 grand a year. This is a good thing. Non competes suck and are clearly unconstitutional in my view so good on Colorado.

BUT HOW DO WE GET THEM TO WEAR TINY MASKS? A outbreak of bird flu has hit Colorado. Better lockdown those birds and get them tiny masks.

BILL O REILLY IS A FIRST CLASS JERK And this is not news to me, as he's been a first class jerk for a really long time. Lately, he's taken to yelling at and threatening an airline gate agent who he seems to believe is responsible for the flight delay Mr. O'Reilly was complaining about. He's an awful person even if he agrees with me politically. Awful.

TRANS SOCIAL CONTAGION IS REAL AND DANGEROUS To be clear, what I'm talking about here is not kids who may genuinely be transgendered. They exist, they are real, and they need proper help. That being said, when one mom wrote this essay about how her daughter and ALL OF HER FRIENDS decided they were trans at EXACTLY the same time, this is not that. This is the same social contagion that saw groups of girls in the 80s and 90s all have anorexia at the same time. Or girls getting pregnant together. The social contagion part wouldn't be dangerous without the push now to medically affirm the new gender using things like puberty blockers and top surgeries on teen girls. This is horrible, and we must stop it now.

THIS COLUMN ON THE LEFT GASLIGHTING PARENTS ON CRT IS A MUST READ Because this is literally what's going on right now. As parents fight back and fight for their children, the elites who have been shoving this crap and nonsense at kids are mad they've been found out, so rather than admit they have overreached, they double down and call parents names. Keep it up and get caught, amiright? If they aren't teaching CRT in classrooms there should be no objection to the explicit removal of any rogues who may be doing it anyway. One only needs to follow Libs of TikTok to see endless videos of teachers proudly shoving this woke ideological BS onto kindergartners.


TIME RESTRICTED EATING ISN'T ANY MORE EFFECTIVE FOR WEIGHT LOSS Than eating three meals a day according to a year long study just completed. Time Restricted Eating (TRE) is when you eat during a narrow window of time during the day. I do it, but not because of the weight loss effects, but because our bodies need time to do their work of cleaning out old cells to make room for new ones and not eating allows those processes to happen allegedly. I honestly just like it because it's one less thing to worry about. If it works for you, do it, it works for a lot of people.

ONE KNOWN LIAR INTERVIEWS ANOTHER ONE And the inevitable result is media grifter Piers Morgan selling an interview with Donald Trump in a way that Donald Trump has already pushed back and on and disproved. Read Morgan's breathless account of tangling with Trump here, before you read this article about how Morgan lied his ass off about what really happened. I don't give a rat's ass about either of these people at this point.

WHEN YOU GET FAVORS GRANTED BY POLITICIANS, DON'T GET MAD WHEN POLITICS TAKES THEM AWAY Seeing the reaction to Florida's Senate stripping Disney of the outrageously good deal they were given in the 60s has been interesting. Many people are pointing out that DeSantis has benefited from Disney's largesse politically for years and has given them further preferential treatment recently so it's obvious political retribution that Florida is now taking back the deal. Of course it is. But the story here is that government has been doling out favorable treatment to corporations like Disney FOR YEARS, and Disney should not be surprised that when they wade into politics they could be hurt by politics. For the record, this taxing district should have been done away with YEARS ago, and the state better help Osceola and Orange counties with any additional costs incurred from this. Just because it's happening because of politics doesn't mean it's wrong. And if it gives other corporations pause before wading into politics I'm all for it.

IF YOU'RE DRUNK AND KILL A PARENT IN TENNESSEE YOU'RE GOING TO PAY CHILD SUPPORT And I kind of love this bill. It simply puts drunk drivers on the hook for caring the children left behind in a fatal drunk driving accident. In the days of Uber and Lyft there is literally no excuse for driving drunk. None.

A PROFESSOR IN CANADA IS FIRED FOR SAYING BLM DESTROYED HER COLLEGE And she's loaded for bear when it comes to her arbitration hearing. She's asked that it be open to journalists and she's bringing stacks of documentation to make her case for academic freedom. Read more here.

CHRIS WALLACE TRIES TO SAVE CNN+ BY DOING A GOOD JOB But it's too little too late, even though this exchange with Jen Psaki is pretty magical.


A MAJORITY OF AMERICAN CAN SUCK IT Because this poll says a majority of them want travelers to have to wear masks. Did they ask actual travelers? No, they did not.


CLINT EASTWOOD DID NOT SLAP DON RICKLES And what he does here is arguably worse.

OH YES, ONE MORE STORY ABOUT THE MOST ENTITLED MILLENNIAL WHINER EVER This is the end result when you've been told you're a hopeless victim your entire life. She doesn't even know when she's winning.

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