Mandy's Fri Blog: Run for Veterans and Mike Rosen on Movies

HEY RUNNERS, HERE'S ONE FOR YA! Get your laces tight for a great Run/March on Memorial day weekend, all to provide food for homeless veterans. Shane Thomas joins me at 1 to discuss. I'm going to try to talk Dave into the ruck march. Join up and get more info by clicking here!

POOR TAY TAY, HE CAN'T PROVE HE'S REALLY A VICTIM And now that a defamation suit he filed against people who vaguely accused him of sexual misconduct has been tossed, I want to know who is paying his legal fees. Real question. So far he's 0-2 on proving what a victim he is in court and Jimmy Sengenberger writes about it all here.

WHY ARE WE MAKING DOXXING ILLEGAL ONLY FOR CERTAIN PEOPLE? Can we all agree that releasing someone's home address and phone number for the purpose of causing them fear, strife, or aggravation is wrong? That is called doxxing, and if we want to ban it, okay, although I think that is clearly unConstitutional. That being said, Colorado has now moved two different bills to protect three different sets of government workers. A new bill would prevent educators from being doxxed. Again, I agree with the sentiment, but why not ban doxxing as I laid out above? Why only for certain protected classes? Does someone need to dox a lawmaker to drive home this point? Don't do that, it was a rhetorical flourish. This law is bad. By the way, what happened in DougCo was not doxxing, it was an open records request about sick time, not addresses and phone numbers. This is just designed to add more drama to DougCo. DougCo Schools did NOT release the names, by the way.

COREY WISE IS BEING USED TO MAKE TROUBLE And I have held my fire about Corey because I've been trying to allow him to leave with dignity, but since he's crapping all over dignity, here we go. First off, he's filed the stupidest discrimination suit in the history of discrimination suits. He alleges that he was discriminated against because he was sticking up for people that are covered under discrimination rules. If I were the DougCo school board I'd come out guns blazing against this crap, because if they don't, every Superintendent will sue for some dumbass crap from now on. He's being used as a tool by the teachers union to continue to stir up trouble for the new Board, and I'm genuinely interested in finding out who is paying the legal bill for this suit. He was fired because he was too incompetent to do his job without David Ray calling him four times a day to direct him what to do. (David Ray said he talked to Corey four times a day in a meeting, fyi). He was fired because he was Ray's BFF and didn't do anything to tamp down the wild misinformation that was flying the day of the election and moving forward. He was fired because he did not agree with the Board's direction, the Board he served at the pleasure of. But let's drag this all out in court.

CHANCE OF GETTING LAID OFF RIGHT NOW ARE SLIM AND NONE Because the labor market is so tight that it's not going to happen. Read more here.

THE GOP TAKES A STAND AGAINST BIASED PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES And they've withdrawn from the Commission because they are hopelessly biased. Good for the GOP.

GUESS WHO'S MAD TEXAS DID WHAT THEY WERE DOING? Of course the Feds, who are hopping mad that Texas sent a bunch of illegal immigrants to DC and dropped them off. Read this:

“Governor Abbott is taking actions to move migrants without adequately coordinating with the federal government and local border communities,” said Chris Magnus, head of Customs and Border Protection.

So funny how the Feds didn't coordinate with Texas as they release immigrant after immigrant into the state without asking. Sucks to be you, Chris.

THE USFL KICKS OFF THIS WEEK And considering I didn't even know this was being rebooted, I'm not hopeful for their success. You can read about it here.

THE WORLD'S OLDEST GORILLA TURNS 65 TODAY And I sure hope the Berlin Zoo has something special for her. The average lifespan for a wild gorilla is 30 to 40 years so this is kind of a big deal.

THIS WOMAN IS ON TV EVERY SINGLE WEEKDAY AND SHE'S SO STUPID IT RIDICULOUS Joy Behar thinks the Supreme Court is going to pass a bill to force open carry in New York City.

END THE STUPID NONSENSICAL TRAVEL MASK RULE NOW The Washington Examiner is on my side on this one. Read it here.

JUST ASK THE LIBRARIAN... OH WAIT... A new librarian free library is open in Arvada, and it's probably nice until homeless people find out about it. Read about it here.

TINA PETERS AND RON HANKS WILL DOOM THE GOP Dick Wadhams has been doing this a long time and he's sounding the alarm that the kook wing of the party is going to kill the party if they are nominated. Read his column here and please choose carefully.



THE SUN HERE IS HELLA STRONG And I've known this since we moved here but had no idea just HOW much stronger than at sea level. Find the answers to how much stronger here.


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