Mandy's Tue Blog: Erin Kane Stops By as Biden Goes After Charter Schools

ERIN KANE HAS A NEW JOB And I've got the new Douglas County Superintendent on the show today at 1 to talk about what she plans to do to bring the district back together after many tumultuous years.

THE BIDEN ADMIN QUIETLY PASSED A RULE TO DESTROY CHARTER SCHOOLS And I'm guessing Dr. Jill Biden had a lot to do with this, as she is a teacher union stooge to the nth degree. The new rule kneecaps the ability of new charter schools to come into existence and it seems complicated but you can read about it here. They even did this by hiding it and shortening public comment dramatically so no one would notice. You'd think they'd be proud to announce they did the bidding of the unions so well. I'm trying to get the author of the article on to give us more details, but I'd love to ask every Democrat why the are so scared of charter schools because they keep doing things to destroy them. Just kidding, I totally know the answer, the teachers unions would rather have kids left behind in failing public schools than to let parents choose what is best for their kids. That's the only reason. Full stop.

CHARTER SCHOOLS IN COLORADO WANT THE TOOLS AND MONEY TO SERVE MORE KIDS WITH DISABILITIES And this is a very important bit of information, as charter schools opponents often say that charter schools don't serve kids with disabilities now. They are right, but it's not because they don't want to, it's because the state currently withholds the dollars and administrative help needed to help kids, especially those with serious issues. The Colorado League of Charter Schools is trying to fix that. From

Colorado charter leaders say they’re willing and able to do better — if they have more authority and resources. They’re backing a bill that would let charter networks and groups of schools assume full legal responsibility for educating students with disabilities, as well as take control over state and federal funding that currently flows to school districts.

To be clear, this would allow charter schools to provide the kind of services they simply don't get enough money to provide now. I have no idea why this isn't already a thing.

DOXXING IS OKAY UNLESS YOU'RE IN ONE OF THESE THREE PROTECTED CLASSES That's my takeaway from a new bill that protects health care workers, child protection workers, code enforcement officers and other public-facing, but unelected, workers from having their home addresses and phone numbers made public. Don't get me wrong, I think doxxing is horrible and should be a crime that carries stiff penalties if someone gets hurt. But I think that protection should apply to EVERYONE. Even public officials. To be clear, if you post something on your social media that someone finds offensive, they can find your home address (it isn't that hard to do online) and share it publicly with anyone who might agree with them and they can come to your house and do whatever, UNLESS you work for the government in these capacities. This officially gives government workers other protections under the law you don't have. This is wrong.

COLORADO'S CYBERBULLYING LAW IS FOUND TO BE UNCONSTITUTIONAL When this bill passed I said EXACTLY this, not because I want to encourage cyberbullying but because limits on speech by government must be STRICTLY limited to pass muster. This one didn't. Now it's been tossed.

THE MOVE TO STOP THE TIME CHANGE IS GAINING STEAM! Here in Colorado a bill finally passed out of the House that would allow Colorado to stay on Daylight Saving Time if Congress allows it and four other Mountain Time Zone states around us do so as well. This may happen in my lifetime and I am beside myself over the possibility!

THE COLLECTIVE BARGAINING BILL IS BAD FOR COLORADO But the Democrats are so beholden to unions they truly don't care. The bill will now allow county workers and higher ed employees to unionize and shake down the local governments for more money. How about this, instead of this, why not pay those workers more with state dollars? Take some money out of the budget and send it to counties to raise wages. That would be revolutionary! But it doesn't give any power to the unions, which is what this is all about.

WE NEED TO DO MORE TO STOP POT SALES TO KIDS And though I am pro-legalization I am very much pro-keeping it away from kids. Now a bill would require more checks of our dispensaries (how is this not happening already???) and require an annual publishing of pot stores that flunk or have violations. I believe most kids do NOT get their pot from pot shops though, they are buying on the second hand or black market. We need to raise the penalties for supplying pot to kids in any way to ridiculous levels if you ask me, to make it so unattractive to sell to kids no one will do it.

YES, WE NEED TO TAKE REFUGEES FROM UKRAINE John Stossel did a great video here.

EVEN WITH A CHEAT SHEET BIDEN STILL CAN'T STOP SAYING CRAP HE SHOULDN'T While trying to clarify his comments in Poland that seemed to call for regime change in Russia, President Biden's people prepared some notes for him to use and not stray from. Check this out:

And yet he STILL managed to screw it up by announcing that the US Army was training Ukrainian soldiers in Poland, something his administration has denied up to this point. Are we training Ukrainian troops in Poland? I have no idea but I don't think he does either. We are so screwed with this guy.

HE ALSO DOESN'T REMEMBER WATCHING HEARINGS HIS STAFF SAID HE DID I'm just going to let you read this one for yourself.

RAND PAUL IS OPENLY QUESTIONING HIS MENTAL FITNESS And I'm not going to lie, I'm glad. Someone needs to say it.

REPUBLICAN SENATORS BRING RECEIPTS ABOUT HUNTER BIDEN GETTING PAYOFFS FROM CHINESE COMMUNISTS And yet, the larger media still seems uninterested, even as Joe Biden may be compromised right now. No curiosity about whether or not he is comprised or his role as The Big Guy in getting cash money. So weird that they don't care about it. So weird.

HUNTER BIDEN'S LAPTOPS ARE A NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT And this column lays out the myriad of reasons how and why, not the least of which is that he thinks one of his laptops containing "compromising information" may have been stolen by the Russians. We spent two years on an entirely fake investigation into Trump because if he were compromised by Russia it would be THE WORST THING EVER and yet our sitting President has evidence directly linking him to Ukrainian and Chinese corruptocrats and nothing. So sad the media is complacent being the Democrat parties pets.

WILL SMITH FINALLY APOLOGIZES TO CHRIS ROCK Via an Instagram post where he also fell on his sword about his outrageous behavior. This isn't the first time he slapped someone at an awards show, although I think the first time the guy deserved it. You touch me inappropriately, you get slapped. You try to kiss me, you get slapped. This as Los Angeles reinstitutes the mask mandate to protect people from being slapped by Will Smith (from the Babylon Bee, of course)

THE OSCARS SHOW REBOUNDED A BIT IN RATINGS But it's not even remotely close the glory years of a decade ago when they usually got 40 million viewers for the show. They are up the second lowest ever ratings!

YES IT'S SAFE TO LET YOUR KIDS ROAM THE NEIGHBORHOOD And Ari Armstrong has done a great piece here with some actual data about just how safe it is. It's hard to let kids be kids, but if you're keeping them home because of fear they will be kidnapped just read this. I still think it's stupid and sad that Colorado needed a bill for this.

GOD BLESS THESE FLIGHT ATTENDANTS WHO ARE FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT ON MASKING as pretty much the ONLY place you HAVE to wear a mask is on an airplane or airport (although once I go through security I take mine off until I get into the plane). These flight attendants are suing to have the mask mandate lifted immediately. God bless them all! Read more here.

YOUTUBE CENSORS A PENNSYLVANIA GUBERNATORIAL DEBATE And won't give a reason why. Read more here about how Big Tech is completely working for Democrats right now.

THE NFL IS WORKING TO GET MORE MINORITY COACHES HIRED And the new requirement that a minority hold at least one assistant coaching position on the offensive side of the ball is how they are doing it. Will it work? Maybe. Will it possible sow division if the perception exists that a minority coach is a token hire? Maybe. Will it create a pipeline to a head coaching position for some minority coaches? Here's hoping!

COULD YOUR FINGER LENGTH DETERMINE HOW SICK COVID MAKES YOU? I'm not sure how solid this connection is but there is some cool info in this article. Like this:

Previous studies show that having a longer ring finger is a sign of higher testosterone levels in the womb. On the other hand, a longer index finger signals higher levels of estrogen. Typically, men have longer ring fingers and women have longer index fingers. The new study examined this link between the sex hormones before birth and during puberty and the rate of COVID hospitalizations. Their findings reveal that people with “feminized” short little fingers in comparison to their other digits end up suffering more severe cases of COVID-19. Moreover, people who have larger size differences between the fingers on their left and right hands are at even greater risk.

The theory is that low testosterone levels may be linked to severe disease, which would explain why older men are so susceptible to covid. This is just very interesting.

RUSSIA DROPS NUCLEAR THREAT AND SAYS THEY WILL SCALE BACK MILITARY ACTION As they are having what Russia calls "constructive" talks with Ukraine. I think they know they are losing and are looking for a way out. They have also de escalated their nuclear war talk.

COP TIES A TIE FOR A LATE STUDENT This is really cool.


COLORADO BARRELING TOWARDS PROGRAMS PROVEN TO HURT LITTLE CHILDREN And of COURSE I'm talking about universal Pre-K, which our Governor, who claims to love data, is in love with. The problem is that the data, which he claims to love, does not support universal Pre-K AT ALL. As a matter of fact a huge longitudinal study of children in Tennessee clearly shows that students who attend high quality Pre-k have WORSE outcomes than kids who do not. Read more here about that. This as Colorado is getting ready to shove little children into this damaging program.


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