Mandy's Mon Blog: All Hell Broke Loose This Weekend, plus Heidi Ganahl!

WHAT A WILD WEEKEND WE JUST HAD And if you don't know why, just read on. Lots of nutty stuff went down.

WHY DID THE STATE HIDE A REPORT ABOUT PROBLEMS WITH A MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT FACILITY? That's the question Chris Osher at the Denver Gazette tried to get answers to in this article. From the article:

A pattern of “severe, life-threatening” prescription errors by the troubled mental health center responsible for treating 10 Western Slope counties put many of its patients at risk, according to the findings of an official investigation that three state agencies withheld from the public for more than nine months.

I've got Chris on at 1 today to talk about it, but you really should read the whole thing and yes it's paywalled but you should be subscribing to the Denver Gazette by now anyway.

HEIDI GANAHL VISITS AT 2 She's got a new organization for women supporting her and it's launching this week. Find out more here.

WILL WILL HAVE TO GIVE BACK HIS OSCARS AFTER THE SLAP SEEN ROUND THE WORLD? I'm just going to say it, Will Smith jumped the shark last night. We all love Will, right? Nice guy, funny guy, an everyman sort who you want your daughter to meet. But after the last few years of having every nauseating detail of his sex life and open marriage to Jada Pinkett Smith talked about to death by the two of them, I'm kind of done. And last night at the Oscars, as Chris Rock made a pretty innocuous joke about Jada starring in the next GI Jane because of her shaved head, Will walked up on stage and slapped the crap out Chris Rock. Watch this. This is the uncensored joke and there is strong language in it.

So don't make jokes about Jada, mmkay? Apparently Jada suffers from alopecia and that's why she has such short hair. She also apparently lacks any ability to laugh at herself being in a GI Jane movie. They don't seem like much fun, tbh. Unless you want to sleep with one of them maybe. He tried to explain himself in his acceptance speech when he won Best Actor for King Richard, read the transcript here. There is some noise about the Academy rescinding his Oscar for his code of conduct violation, but I don't see that happening. They would be accused of racism for sure. Sad thing is he ruined his own moment in the sun. Now no one will remember he won, only that he committed black on black crime on live tv and got away with it.

HERE ARE ALL THE OSCAR WINNERS If you're so inclined to care. Find them here. Dune really cleaned up.

WHY IS HOLLYWOOD STUCK ON GENDERED AWARDS? A listener sent me this today and he's not wrong: Do you find it interesting or maybe even hypocritical of Hollywood of all places to designate gender specific awards? 

ELECTRIC CARS ARE GOING TO BE EVEN MORE EXPENSIVE Because the price of lithium has increased in cost 500% in the last YEAR. You know who produces the most lithium? China. You know where massive stores of lithium are located? Central America where China is busy building free soccer stadiums and other bread and circus stuff so they can control the market. This as the Biden admin is telling people to just buy $60,000 electric cars if they can't afford gas.

ABOUT THE MEDIA MALPRACTICE SURROUNDING HUNTER BIDEN'S LAPTOP Glenn Greenwald shared this bit of magic demonstrating the coordinated effort put forth by the media to NOT investigate whether or not the laptop full of child porn and emails showing his father may be comprised in Ukraine. Watch this.

Oh, but there's more.

What makes the especially rich is this SAME MEDIA ran with a Russian collusion story that they or anyone else was able to verify for TWO YEARS. Did they apologize? No. Did they do better? No. They wonder why no one trusts them, maybe they should watch the above videos for the answers. They are nothing but useful idiot propagandists for the Democrat party at this point.

AND NOW QUESTIONS ABOUT THE BEAU BIDEN'S FOUNDATION AS WELL Because this foundation only spent 58% of what it brought it from Biden friends and donors on the services it was allegedly created to address. A whole bunch went to salaries of friends of Joe who took a whole bunch of money for what is likely a part time job. It is a small family foundation after all. Read more here.

THIS AS BIDEN CALLS FOR REGIME CHANGE BEFORE HE SAYS HE DIDN'T What a disaster this guy is. Read about this speech in Poland, where he ad libbed "this man cannot remain in power" here, but then you can read about frantic efforts to cover up his latest blunder here.

IF AN ESCAPED WALLABY WON'T MAKE YOU SUBSCRIBE Then you will just have to miss out on my friend Kelly's amazing Substack about her urban farm and her goats (she shared them with us last week). You MUST read this one about how her two year old let her wallaby roam free on Friday night. MUST READ.

THE NEW FENTANYL "FIX" IS NOT GOING TO CHANGE ANYTHING And I am genuinely stumped as to why this "fix" is going to do anything at all to stop the nightmare downtown right now. The Denver Gazette editorialized about it here.

TO WIN IN COLORADO, REPUBLICANS HAVE TO MOVE PAST TRUMP And I can not agree with this column by Dick Wadhams strongly enough. If the Republican party wants to stay in the wilderness in Colorado, they need to nominate someone from the Can't-Quit-Trump wing of the party for anything. Trump lost BADLY in Colorado and got absolutely slaughtered in the metro areas and that was BEFORE January 6th. He is poison in Colorado for Independents and the GOP would make a terrible mistake nominating candidates like Ron Hanks who is running on a stolen election platform.

I'M TIRED OF MY FAVORITE ROCK STARS KILLING THEMSELVES WITH DRUGS And now Taylor Hawkins, the incredible drummer from the Foo Fighters, is one of them. Though we don't fully know what all he had in his system, his heart was double the size of what it should have been for a man his size and lots of drugs were in his system. Just stop it already.

BLACK AND BROWN PARENTS ARE FIGHTING BACK AGAINST SAVIOR WHITE LIBERALS This is a great column about Derrick Wilburn and other black and non-white parents pushing back against the victim class narrative being pushed by white liberals wracked with guilt over their whiteness. So what do they do when actual black parents stand up against them? Try to shout them down as if they aren't smart enough to know what their children need.

THE MANY REASONS DR. TIK TOK SHOULD NOT BE YOUR GO TO Getting medical advice from Tik Tok or any other social media platform is just stupid. Here is an article about how stupid it is.

IT'S HARD TO WIN A BIDDING WAR AGAINST A CASH BUYER And if you've ever sold a home you know cash is king. This is an article of what to expect if you are trying to buy a home right now in this crazy market.

JANUARY 6TH BROKE CHRIS WALLACE AT FOX NEWS Which is why the anchor is now going to be seen on CNN+, a streaming service that probably has even fewer viewers than CNN regular. You can read his comments here, but the long and short of it is Fox News went all in on Trump won the Election and he didn't want to be a part of it anymore.

LATE NIGHT HOST FURIOUS JOKES ARE INSERTED INTO HIS MONOLOGUE This is so accurate and of course it's the Bee.


NO, ALCOHOL ISN'T GOOD FOR YOU And we've kind of been on this but here's a bunch of studies that prove alcohol is not good for your body.

PARKS THE DOG IS HELPING KIDS IN THE HOSPITAL And you need to see this today.

SWEDEN HAS ONE OF THE LOWEST COVID MORTALITY RATES IN EUROPE And we can all say it together: Sweden was right. This article does a deep dive on what we need to learn about pandemics from Sweden and more importantly, that we were wrong to follow China's lead.

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