MIKE ROSEN AT 1 TODAY We've got a baseball shortened show but Mike is coming on to talk Oscars.
BASEBALL AT 2 But we'll make the first two hours count.
HAVE YOU LISTENED TO GRANT'S NEWEST PODCAST? This one is with a woman who specializes in helping people listen to their inner voice and letting you guide your own actions. It seems very interesting, I shall be listening later. Find it here.
INNOVATION SCHOOLS IN DENVER ARE ESSENTIALLY DEAD After last night's vote to allow unions to take them over and ruin them too. This is what happens when you elect a board made up solely of people who are merely teacher union puppets. This is why I fight so hard in DougCo, to keep this from happening there. Charter schools, I'm sure you're next.
DEATHS FROM CLIMATE CHANGE HAVE DROPPED 98% IN THE LAST 100 YEARS How did we do this? Fossil fuels. John Stossel shows how in this article and this video.
STOP LETTING FEAR SCREW OVER OUR KIDS This column by Paul Klee is OUTSTANDING as he calls out the grownups for letting their irrational fear keep kids from doing things they love. We are seeing huge upticks in teen violence and children with mental health issues and now Cherry Creek Schools screwed them over again by cancelling an All-Star Basketball game that has become a pretty big deal in its six short years of existence. Klee is right when he says the kids have put up with enough. Read it here.
GOOGLE TRANSLATE LETS YOU READ RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA FOR YOURSELF Russia has a state run newspaper called Pravda and with the magic of Google Translate you can read what the Russian people are being told on a daily basis. My hopes that the Russian people will rise up against Putin dropped dramatically after reading it. Find it here, and look for the Google Translate box in the top right of your screen and click to translate to English. Very illuminating. Note that this is the ONLY major news outlet in the country, so there aren't a bunch of competing papers telling the truth. This is it.
THE FDA IS BEING PRESSURED TO APPROVE A NEW ALS DRUG And this entire story shows we need a new way for patients with deadly diseases to have access to drugs that don't have full approval. A new drug that shows some success in slowing the progress of ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) traditionally needs a large second study before it can get FDA approval. People suffering with ALS want the drug NOW, as even modest success is better than what they have now. I totally understand why they would feel this way, but the FDA should not bow to pressure from drug companies or patients. We need a new way to do this, like allowing drug companies limited, controlled distribution with the help of doctors nationwide in patients that want to participate. Call it a Live Time trial or something. This way the FDA can keep whatever shred of credibility it now has while allowing desperate patients without time for a longer second trial a bite at the apple. A terminal illness doesn't wait for a second trial.
WILL RE ELECTION JARED BREAK FROM HIS PARTY'S HORRID ABORTION BILL? The Denver Gazette says he should veto it, and they are right, but he won't. Democrats in Colorado think it's okay to leave a baby that survived an abortion on a table to die via neglect and he's going to sign the bill. I can't wait for them to legalize killing newborns because they are inconvenient too.
CASA BONITA IS GETTING SOME WORK DONE To pretty much everything, so don't expect it to re open this summer. The chef says maybe December?
THIS SELFISH DAD ALMOST KILLED HIMSELF BASE JUMPING And I'm just going to say it. If you're the dad of five kids, you don't get to have dumbass hobbies that could kill you easily. You just don't.
BIDEN ADMITS HE WAS WRONG ABOUT SANCTIONS Being a deterrent to war, even as he urged NATO nations to keep the pressure up on the rogue regime. This is a complete 180 from his earlier position before the invasion that we were using sanctions to deter Russia from invading Ukraine. He's counting on your memory being as bad as his.
INSTEAD OF REAL SOLUTIONS ON OIL AND GAS DEMS HURL MONEY AT YOU This is a perfect example of politicians trying to solve a problem politicians created. In this case, it's the skyrocketing as prices and the Democrats stubborn refusal to get out of the way for domestic production to be unleashed. Instead, they want to send money to people, which will only make inflation worse, driving up the cost of gas and so on, and so on. Idiots.
DISNEY'S WOKE NEW AGENDA HAS MANY EMPLOYEES FEELING LEFT OUT And an open letter to Disney by an anonymous group of conservative and religious employees is imploring Disney to just butt out of politics altogether and do something about the culture of fear that exists for anyone who doesn't tow the progressive line. I think it's a heartfelt effort that will end up with some or all of the people who crafted it leaving the company when they are rooted out by the hard core wackos with loud voices of intolerance at Disney.
PARAGLIDING OVER EGYPT This is just super cool.
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE CAN HEAR HEART PROBLEMS IN YOUR VOICE This is SUPER COOL. A new program analyzes your speech and gives you a biomarker score based mostly on six features of your speech. These are features we can't generally pick up with our normal ears. The lower the score, the better off you are, the higher the score, the more likely you are going to end up with a serious coronary issue soon. Read more here.
THERE'S A GREEN HOUSING PROJECT IN TELLURIDE And they are trying to make homes more energy efficient, less susceptible to fire, and greener overall. You know what's missing? Air Conditioning. Hard pass for me.
JUDGE BROWN DEMONSTRATES WHAT BLACK PRIVILEGE LOOKS LIKE As the Left Media has ERUPTED over Republican Senators asking her hard questions they don't like. I couldn't make this up if I tried. Let's review. Judge Ketanji Jackson Brown is in the most important job interview of her life but because she is a black woman we are not supposed to ask her any difficult questions about her qualifications or past history because that's racist. Okay. That seems like black privilege to me.
THE BRONCOS ARE ON FIRE THIS YEAR! Oh wait, that was just the stadium.
THANK YOU SOUTHWEST FLIGHT ATTENDANTS! Not just for being awesome, but for coming out and asking for the end of the stupid mask mandate.
JUDGE JACKSON'S UNFORTUNATE WOMAN PROBLEM The exchange between Marsha Blackburn and Judge Ketanji Jackson Brown about defining what is a woman is remarkable for a myriad of reasons, not the least of which is that it had to be asked AT ALL. The judge flubbed the question badly and showed she was completely ignorant of a very important case from the Virginian Military Institute as well. Byron York was not impressed and wrote about it here.
DR. KINDERGARTNER? ONLY IN THE BEE Because they nailed it again with this story.
THE BLOOM IS OFF THE ROSE FOR JUSTIN TRUDEAU AT THE EU And he got called out by a couple of members quite significantly. Watch this member from Croatia call him a dictator for his actions against the truck convoy.
But that's not all. This member laid on more, even harsher.
He got called out as he should, and then this happened. He decided to go tell the EU that those lousy populists who just wanted to freedom to make their own choices are awful and must be stopped.
Here is a comprehensive article about all the various protests, comments and actions taken by MPs directed at Trudeau. He earned every one of them.
AND NOW, BABY GOATS IN PAJAMAS Because I'm not ready to give up my baby goat glow from yesterday.